Home and Housing

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: anika
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 20.03.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 846 slov
Počet zobrazení: 109 344
Tlačení: 1 397
Uložení: 1 213

Home and Housing

 Talk about:

- Your house/flat /tvoj dom/byt/
- Compare the living in /porovnaj bývanie v/:
- the town & the countyside
- house & a block of flats
- Slovakia & Great Britain & the USA
- Your dream house /tvoj vysnívaný dom/
- Homeless people /bezdomovci/

House is a building but home is more than a building – more than just four walls with a roof. It is the cooking, eating, talking, playing and family living that happens inside. It is a place where people feel safe.

1.) My present dwelling:

I live in ..................... (a town/a village) in a ........................ (house / flat).

- Our house is big. It has 2 floors (the ground floor, the first floor and the second floor). We have a big garden and a central heating / gas heating. In our house/flat we have:
- I live in a block of flats. Our flat is small. It is on the first  (second, third, ...) floor. It is a two-bedroom flat.

In our house/ flat we have:
- a hall - chodba
- a kitchen – kuchyňa
- a dining room – jedáleň
- a living room - obývačka
- a bedroom – spálňa
- a guest room – hosťovská izba
- a toilet – toaleta, WC
- a bathroom - kúpelňa
- a pantry - komora
- a basement – suterén
- a cellar – pivnica
- a staircase - schodisko
- the attick - podkrovie
- a porch – veranda

In the hall /hala, chodba/ we have:
- a coat hanger – vešiak na kabáty
- hall mirror - zrkadlo
- front door – vchodové dvere

In the kitchen /kuchyňa/ we have:
- a cupboard – kuchynská linka, kredenc
- a table - stôl
- chairs - stoličky
- a sink – kuchynské umývadlo
- a fridge – chladnička
- a freezer – mraznička
- a cooker – varič
- home appliances – domáce spotrebiče
- a kettle – kanvica
- a mixer – mixér
- cups – poháre
- cutlery /spoons, knives and forks/ - príbory /lyžice, nože a vidličky/
- a frying pan – panvica
- a pressure cooker – tlakový hrniec
- cooking utensils – kuchynské potreby
- dishes – riady
- plates - taniere
In the living room /obývačka/ we have:
- a sofa – pohovka
- a cofee table – stolík
- armchairs – kreslá
- some furniture - nábytok
- a fireplace – krb
- some pictures on the walls – obrazy na stenách
- some plants and flowers – nejaké rastliny a kvety
- a carpet - koberec

In the bedroom /spálňa/ we have:
- a bed - posteľ
- bedside table – nočný stolík
- a wardrobe – šatník, skriňa
- reading lamp – lampa na čítanie
- a chest of drawers – komoda
In the bathroom /kúpelňa/ we have:
- a bath - vaňa
- a shower - sprcha
- a tap – vodovodný kohútik
- some towels – nejaké uteráky
- a rug – koberček, predložka

2. Living in:
  Living in a village in the countryside is different to living in a town. Both – living in a town and living in a village have its own advantages and disadvantages.
I prefer living in …………………………..(a town / a village) because………………………..
One advantage of living in a village is that people have more privacy. People in villages usually live in houses with a garden. Some of them also have a garage. Living in a house has many advantages………………… but it can also have some disadvantages………………

The countryside is usually quiet and comfortable /pohodlné/. In summer you can go out for a walk to the forest or you can just sit in the garden, read a book or relax. People in the village usually know each other and they can help you if you need help. But living in the countryside has also some disadvantages. Some people think that it is boring /nudné/ because there is no cinema, swimming pool or fitness centre and you sometimes have to travel by train or by bus if you work or go to school in the town.

Living in a town also has some advantages and disadvantages. People in towns usually live in a block of flats /paneláky/. The advantages of living in the block of flats are.........................

but it has disadvantates, too. For example..............................................  Living in the town or a city is exciting /vzrušujúce/.  If you live in a town, you can enjoy the cultural life – you can go to the cinema, to the theatre, for a concert, to the fitness centre or a swimming pool. You can go out and have a dinner in a restaurant, if you want to. There are usually supermarkets which are opened for longer than the shops in villages. The disadvantages of living in the city are: city is usually dirty /špinavé/,  noisy /hlučné/, it is more dangerous /nebezepčnejšie/ than the countryside.


Living in a house has these:
- there is more privacy /súkromie/
- there is more space /priestor/ - more rooms – houses usually have a ground floor /prízemie/ and the first floor /prvé poschodie/
- houses usually have a garden and a garage /garáž/
- you can listen to loud music
- you can keep bigger pets /domáce zvieratá/ - dogs, cats, horses...


- it is more expensive /drahšie/
- you have to work in the garden – you must cut the grass /kosiť trávu/, look after the trees /starať sa o stromy/...
- you have to tidy up /upratať/ more rooms and clean more windows

Living in a flat:


- it is cheaper /lacnejšie/
- it is comfortable
- you don’t have to clean a lot because you don’t have many rooms and windows


· there is less privacy /menej súkromia/
· there is less space /menej priestoru/
· flat usually doesn’t have a garden
· you can’t listen to loud music
· if the lift /výťah/ doesn’t work, you have to go up by foot
· if anything brakes in your flat, you can cause damage to other people – for example, if the watertap breaks in your flat, the water will damage your neighbour’s flat below /ak sa niečo vo vašom byte pokazí, môžete spôsobiť iným ľuďom škodu – napríklad, ak sa poškodí vodovodný kohútik vo vašom byte, voda poškodí byt vášho suseda pod vami/


Living in Slovakia, Great Britain and the USA is quite different /celkom odlišné/. In Slovakia people usually live in a house or in a block of flats. People usually own /vlastnia/ houses in villages and most block of flats are situated /nachádzajú sa/ in towns and cities. Houses are usually big and they have a garden. Most of the young people in Slovakia live with their parents because it is too expensive for them to buy your own house or flat. They usually leave home /odídu z domu/ and buy a house/flat when they get married. But sometimes more generations live in the same house – parents, children and grandchildren /vnúčatá/.

In Great Britain people usually live in terraced houses /radovka, radová výstavba/ - they are joined together /spojené spolu/ with other houses, semi-detached houses – two houses are joined together with one wall or detached houses – they are not joined with another house. Houses in Britain usually have a small garden or a paved yard /vydláždený dvor, nádvorie/. In London  you can often see old Victorian houses. Block of  flats are not  very common /bežný/ in Great Britain.

Young people in Britain leave home /odchádzajú z domu/ much sooner than young people in Slovakia.

The USA: The living conditions /životné podmienky/ in the USA depend on /závisia od toho/ how much money you have. Rich people have big houses with many rooms, tennis courts and swimming pools but many poor /chudobní/ people  are homeless. The standard of living is generally very high in the USA. In cities people live in flats /or apartments/ situated in large apartment buildings. Some people live in houses which have a big garden. Most of American people don’t stay in one house or apartment for their entire life /na celý život/ but very often they move /sťahujú sa/ - they sell their house and buy a new one in a different city or in a different state because of work, because they like warmer weather and so on.
4. My dream house – I would like to have a house in a hot country  near the sea or ocean /blízko mora alebo oceánu/ – for example in Florida or Jamaica or at least /aspoň/ France or Italy because I love hot weather and summer sports so I could go swimming and I could sunbathe at the beach. I would like to have a big house with a garage. It should be comfortable and it should have a big garden with a sportsground /ihrisko/ or a tennis court. I would also like to have a swimming pool. There should be a modern kitchen and a bathroom with a shower /sprcha/ and Jaccuzi /perličkový kúpeľ/. The house would be painted /vymaľovaný/ in bright colours – green, yellow, white. I would like to have a cleaner /upratovačku/ because I don’t like cleaning and also a gardener /záhradníka/ who would look after the garden. The house should have a large living room where we would watch television, play games, listen to music…. I would paint it orange because I like that colour and I would have a big TV on the wall /na stene/. I would buy modern furniture and a comfortable sofa and many plants /rastliny/. I would also build a fireplace /krb/. We would sit by the fireplace and relax there if the weather became colder. 

5. Homless people – homeless people are people who have nowhere to live. They live in the streets for several reasons /pre viaceré príčiny/:
-  some of them lost the job /stratili prácu/ and therefore /preto/ they have no money to pay for a flat or for food
-  some of them lived with their family but they had to leave their house or flat because they had problems in their relationship – for example they got divorced /rozviedli sa / and after that they had nowhere to go /potom nemali kam ísť/
-  they have problems with alcohol or drugs and their family don’t want to or doesn’t know how to help them
-  sometimes children who are orphans /siroty/ end up living in the street because when they are 18 years old they have to leave the children’s home.
-  there are people who like to live in the street because they like freedom /sloboda/

I think it is difficult to solve /vyriešiť/ the problem of homeless people. I think it is important to inform the public /verejnosť/ about this problem. The government /vláda/ should give more money to organizations who want to help the homeless people so that they can build shelters /prístrešky/ for them, especially in winter. Individuals can donate /darovať/ money to these organizations or buy a magazine Nota Bene which is issued /vydávaný/ by one of these organizations in Slovakia.


block of flats – panelák
the countryside – vidiek
dream house – vysnívaný dom
homeless people – bezdomovci
building – budova
wall – stena
safe – bezpečný
a ground floor – prízemie
the first floor – prvé poschodie
the second floor – druhé poschodie
central heating – ústredné kúrenie
gas heating – plynové kúrenie
privacy – súkromie
quiet – tichý
comfortable – pohodlný
go out for a walk – ísť von na prechádzku
a forest – les
to know each other – poznať sa navzájom
have to – musieť
enjoy – tešiť sa, vychutnať si
situate – nachádzať sa
join – spojiť
Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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