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Communication and Its Forms + slovná zásoba

Communication is very important part of our lives. It´s the basis of making oneself understood between people. Today we live in digital world and we can´t imagine our lives without communication. It isn´t possible, because we are inundated (zaplavený) with information and it´s important to give them to the others.

People begin to communicate thousands of years ago. At first they communicated through pictures, later they started to utter (vydávať) different sounds and they begin to talk gradually (postupne). It was a very long way of human´s history.

Today we have lot of possibilities how we can communicate. Verbal communication is personal. People speak face to face. It´s spoken language, everything is spontaneous. We can use stress (dôraz), ton and the modulation of the voice to express different meanings. Spoken language can also include mime, gestures, laughter or pauses to emphasize (zdôrazniť) the meaning of our words. Verbal communication is very important, because people are in personal touch with another people, they can built relationships etc. Written communication requires more thought and planning and is often expressed in more formal terms. The disadvantage is, that people aren´t in personal touch, they can´t use voice modulation or mime. For deaf people there is a sign language, which includes gestures and hands movements, which represent words. There isn´t no international sign language, it differs from region to region.

The development of science and technologies causes, that communication have became more impersonal. People are addict to computers, they communicate through e- mails or they chat. They spend hours on the Internet. There are some advantages, they can find friends everywhere in the world, they can communicate in foreign language. Today is English the international language. Another form of impersonal communication is using mobile phones. People send messages, they don´t meet another people so often. They lose the personal touch.

For me are modern ways of communication very interesting. I can talk with peopl from foreign countries, I can improve my communicative language skills. On the other hand the personal touch is better. I like to talk with my friends face to face. It´s more personal. I can express my feelings, my mood. I can use gestures, modulation of the voice to emphasize what is important and it´s better.


1. Compare the pros and cons of verbal and non- verbal communication.
The verbal communication is more personal. It´s easier to express feelings or mood with words, with using gestures and mime. In verbal communication I can use the modulation of the voice, I can emphasize what is important. And the most important thing is, that I am in personal touch with people, I can speak face to face and it´s better. Non- verbal communication like written communication or using mobile phones or computers is impersonal. People can´t express everything what they want. It isn´t possible, they can´t express feelings or mood, they can´t use gestures. I think, that it´s more difficult.

2. Many people think, that modern methods of communication are too impersonal. What do you think?
I agree. Sending e- mails, messages or using mobile phones is impersonal. People aren´t in personal touch with another people. They don´t meet each other so often. They don´t communicate face to face so often. There are some advantages of these modern methods. Everything is so fast, you send message or e- mail and in few minutes you can receive the answer. I prefer verbal communication. I like meeting my friends and family, I like talking to them face to face. I can show my feelings, my mood and it´s better for me.

3. Do you speak the same way to adults as you do to your peers? Describe how the languages are different.
When I talk to my friends it´s different. I feel more relaxed. We can talk about everything. We have our own language and it´s different. We have some special expressions, only we can understand to them. When I talk to adults it´s different. I have to talk like they talk.

4. Analyse the language used in families.
It depends on the region, which is the family from. In different regions is language different too. People´s pronunciation is different, some words are different, their meanings are different. In families people can speak different dialects, it depends on the region.

5. What languages do we use in different situations? (E. g. emergencies, emotional situations, when we are in trouble, whe we are relaxed, etc. )
It depends on situation. In different situations we are looking for different words. People in emergencies use expert words, which are connected to their branch. In emotional situations we try to use words, which can help to people, who are in trouble. We try to make them calm, to soothe them, to support them. And it´s very important to find the right words. It´s the same with people who are in trouble. We have to help them and the right words can be miraculous. When we feel relaxed, our language is relaxed too. We laugh often, we are funny, we have no troubles.

6. Explain the pros and cons of using computers.
I think, that there are lot of pros of using computer. Today we live in a digital world and it´s necessary to use computer. It can make our life easier, because evrything is so fast. We can send message and in few minutes we can receive the answer. We can make everything via the computer. We can pay bills, we can do the shopping. And it´s very comfortale, because we can make it in one click . There are some disadvantages too. People become addict to computers. They spend lot of time by chatting or sending e- mails. They lose a personal touch with another people. They don´t meet their friends, they are still sitting by computer.

7. How often do you call your friends? How much time a week do you spend speaking on the phone just chatting?
I call my friends daily. We are speaking or sending messages. Of course we meet each other often, but it´s easier to call especially when I have no time to meet them. I call them so often, because I have so much free minutes to call.

8. Do you have many friends via the Internet?
I don´t have many friends via Internet. I have no time to chat with people via the Internet. I usually use Internet to find some information I need for school. I sometimes send e- mails to my friends but that is all.

9. Why do people share personal things via the Internet?
I don´t know, why they make it. Maybe they want to find new friends or love. They want to recognize other people and they wnat to be recognized by another people. They can be other personalities via the Internet. They don´t have to say the truth. They can make their lives more interesting, they can be more interesting for the another people.

10. Mobile phones should be forbidden/banned in public places.
I agree. I don´t understand why people use mobile phones in public places. I don´t like it. If I sit in a bus and somebody who sit next to me is calling. All people can hear him, they can hear his personal things. I think it would be better when people will receive calls only when they are alone. They will have more privacy.

Communication and Its Forms
language jazyk
grammar gramatika
vocabulary slovná zásoba
communicative skills komunikačné zručnosti
listening počúvanie
reading čítanie
speaking and writing rozprávanie a písanie
reception prijatie, recepcia
production výroba, produkcia
interaction reakcia
mediation sprostredkovanie
formal/informal formálny
colloquial hovorový
dialect nárečie
slang slang
jargon žargón
varieties of language obmeny jazyk
standard English štandardná angličtina
standard American štandardná američtina
spoken and written hovorené a písané
communicative language competence schopnosť komunikovať v jazyku
linguistic jazykoveda
strategic strategický
discourse prednáška
first language prvý jazyk
mother tongue materinsky jazyk
official language úradný jazyk
native speaker/non- native speaker rodený rečník
bilingual speaker dvojjazyčný tlmočník
linguistic ability lingvistická schopnosť
studies štúdium
development vývoj
learning strategies stratégia v učení
modern moderný
foreign cudzí
language barrier jazyková bariéra
fluency plynulosť
accuracy presnosť
appropriacy primeranosť
range rozsah
pronunciation výslovnosť
interactive communication interaktívna komunikácia
turntaking strategies postupové stratégie
asking for clarification spýtať sa na vysvetlenie
coherence súvislosť, súdržnosť
precision presnosť
signs znaky, znamenia
signals signály
morse code morzeovka
sign language znaková reč
gestures gestá
mime mimika
shake potriasť
nod kývať hlavou, prikývnuť
make a sign urobiť znamenie
motion pohyb
wink žmurknúť
wave kývať
gesticulate gestikulovať
whisper šepkať
cry plakať
shout kričať
roar rev
symbol symbol
emblem znak, symbol
logo logo

From book
accessibility dostupnosť
appropriate vhodný
commend chváliť
disposable čistý
filler výplň
giver darca
handfull hrsť niečoho
owl sova
persuasion presvedčenie
proofread skorigovať
reference vzťah
seemingly zdanlivo
wisdom múdrosť
afford dovoliť si
blur stierať
convenient vhodný
eliminate odstrániť, vylúčiť
formerly skôr, predtým, kedysi
gratitude to sb for sth vďačnosť
infusion vlievanie, prímes
perk pôžitok, výhoda
pop up objaviť sa, odskočiť si
rarity vzácnosť
request žiadosť, prosba, požiadavka
sigh vzdych, povzdych
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