Sport + slovná zásoba

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: maturant
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 11.04.2008
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 743 slov
Počet zobrazení: 25 492
Tlačení: 1 249
Uložení: 1 241
For many people is sport the most popular free time activity. They can loosen up at sport, they can loose weight, can harden their bodies, they can reach better form and results. Or they can do it only for fun. Sport is available for everyone. It doesn´t matter if you are young or old. You can find the right sport for you.

For people who likes to be in the group of people there are collective sports and games like football, volleyball, basketball and many others. Football is the most popular game in the world, because everyone can play it. You can play football everywhere, the only think you need is a ball. There are two teams consisting of eleven players. Players are shooting goals. Who shoots the most of goals wins.

There are also winter and summer sports. The sports you can do only in winter(skiing, snowboarding) or in summer(swimming, yachting). There are also special sports for physically challenged people.

If you want to be the top athlete you have to start early. You should train several times a day and have a healthy lifestyle. If you became a topsportsman, you earn a lot of money, you are very popular, you have a lot of fans. There are lot of sportsmen who wants to be the best for every price. They use dopping to improve their physicall skills. I think it´s not the right way, because it´s too dangerous. They should be the best only with strong will and endurance.

The fans belong to sport too. They support their favourite teams or sportsmen. They are on every match, they carry their national or team flag and sing songs to help their team win the match. Many of them love watching sporting events on TV. When there is an important sporting event like a world championship people go home or to the stadium to watch their favourites. There are lot of sport competitions. From the national league through the championship to the Olympic Games. Everyone can find something for himself.


1. Are you fond of sport? If so, which one do you like best? Why?
I´m not very fond of sport. My favourite sports are ice-hockey and football. I like watching it on TV. But only sometimes. I think it´s a good relaxation to watch football or ice-hockey match. There are always lot of thrilling moments and duels.

2. What qualities should a person have to be succesful in sport?
This person should be in good condition, should be strong and persistant. He has to train several times a day, has to improve himself. He should have an ambition to be the winner.
He should have a healthy lifestyle.

3. What are the advantages/disadvantages of being a professional sportsman?
The advantages are, that this person is famous and popular. Earns lot of money, it´s in good condition, travels a lot, can meet other favourite sportsmen.
The disadvantages are, that this person has any privacy, any free time, because he has to train every day. He can have problems with health, can be hurt. The most dangerous thing is, that he can fall into drugs and doppig.
4. Would you like to be a famous sportsman/sporswoman? Why? Why not?
No I wouldn´t, because these people have any privacy, any free time. They have to train very often. They have problems with health and they can be hurt very often. I can´t be the sportwoman, because I am not good at sport.

5. Which of the above games do you like playing or watching? How often do you play or watch them? Who do you play or watch with?
I like watching ice-hockey matches, because it´s a good relaxation for me. There are alwyas lot of thrilling moments and duels. I watch these matches with my father. We always watch the Ice-hockey championship together.
I like to play volleyball and badminton. I like these games, because they are quite easy. It´s usually very funny. I play badminton with my boyfriend and vollyball with my schoolmates by PE.

6. Choose two games and look up their dafinitions in the dictionary.
Badminton- a game for two or four people in which players hit a type of light ball with feathers(shuttlecock) over a high net, using a piece of equipment( a racket), which is held in the hand.
Volleyball- a game in which two teams of six players hit a ball over a high net with their hands while trying not to let the ball touch the ground on their own side.

7. Tennis is a very popular game these days. What do you think makes tennis so popular with young people?
I think, it´s a very nice game. The players wear white clothes and it looks very nice. I think tennis is so popular because it´s quite simple. There are any duels between players. The players hit the ball over a small net all the time. It quite simple game, with easy rules.

8. The best tennis playeres earn a lot of money. Do they deserve it? Why?
I think, their work isn´t very hard. They earn money for nothing. On the other hand, their lives can be very difficult, they have to train a lot, they can be hurt, they have any privacy and free time. They can have problems with health very early.

9. Slovak players are very good. Which of them appreciate most? Why?
I don´t like tennis very much, so I don´t know much of tennis players. But I think the best Slovak tennnis players are Daniela Hantuchová and Dominik Hrbatý. They are very good, they both have reached lot of wins and prices.

10. What are the advantages/disadvantages of regular exercises?
I think, that it´s a big advantage to do the regular exercises. It can help us to keep us fit and strong, it forms our body, we can loose weight. It keeps us health. Especially in the morning it can help us to wake up.

11. Have you ever tried to do morning exercises? Why? Why not?
I have never done the morning exercises. I am too lazy to do some exercises in the morning. Only thing, that I want to do in the morning is sleeping.

12. What do you do to keep fit and healthy?
I dance belly dance. I dance it for four years. This kind of dance is very haelthy. I can relax by it. It forms whole body. I dance regulery, once a week for one and half hour.
I also eat lot of fruit and vegatable and I have always enough sleep.

13. Which sport is the most popular in our country, football or ice-hockey?
I think that both of these sports are very popular in our contry. Our ice-hocky national team has won the world championship in 2003. Every year thousands of Slovaks watch the ice-hockey championship and they support our team.

14. Would you go to the stadium to watch an important match? Why?
The important matches are always sold out long before thir open. I think it´s much better to watch the match on TV. You can sit in more comfortable chiar at home, you can do everything you want. There are any other fans, you have your own privacy. Nobody isshouting, you can enjoy the game.

15. More and more girls are playing footbal these days. Can girls become as good as boys? Why?
Yes, I think so. It doesn´t matter if you are a girl or a boy. The most important thing is the persistance. You should train , have a good condition and you can be the best.

practice cvičenie
training tréning
coaching trénovanie (tréner)
doing karate robiť karate
sports centre/leisure centre športové centrum, centrum voľného času
sports club športový klub
gym telocvičňa, posilňovňa
changing room šatňa
locker skrinka, prezliekáreň
watching sport sledovať šport
spectator divák
supporter/fan fanúšik
crowd dav
cheering povzbudzovanie
booing znemožňovanie
trainers/sneakers tenisky
sports kit/sportswear športová súprava
tracksuit tepláková súprava
competition súťaž
Olympics olympiáda
championship majstrovstvá, šampionát
take place konať sa
cancel zrušiť
hoist a flag vztýčiť vlajku
play the national anthem hrať štátnu hymnu
award medal udeliť medailu
gold medallist zlatý medailista
light athletics/track and field events ľahká atletika
long –distance runs beh na dlhé trate
hurdle-race beh cez prekážky
steeple-chase beh cez prekážky na dlhé trate
cross-country run cezpoľný beh
walking race preteky chôdze
marathon maratón
relay race štafetový beh
pentathlon päťboj
decathlon desaťboj
high jump skoky do výšky
pole-jump skok o tyči
long jump skoky do diaľky
hop-step-and-jump/triple jump trojskok
heavy-weight wrestling zápasenie v ťažkej váhe
boxing/weight-lifting boxovanie/vzpieranie
shooting streľba
fencing šerm
archery lukostreľba
car race preteky automobilov
cycle race cyklistické preteky
racing car pretekárske auto
rider jazdec
winter sports zimné športy
speed skating rýchlokorčuľovanie
figure-skating krasokorčuľovanie
sledge sane
toboggan sánkovanie hlavou vpred
bobsleigh boby
skiing lyžovanie
ski jumping skoky na lyžiach
slalom race slalom
ice-dancing tancovanie na ľade
pairs páry
summer sports letné športy
bathing kúpanie
dolphin stroke plávať delfína
crawl plávať kraula
back-stroke plávať znak
buttterfly stroke plávať motýlika
waterskiing vodné lyžovanie
sailing plachtenie
rowing veslovanie
yachting jachting
canoeing kanoistika
mountaineering horolezectvo
crock-climbing skalolezectvo
expedition expedícia
summit vrchol
bat pálka
ball lopta
diamond basseballové ihrisko
bases méty
get a run utekať po odpale
batter/batsman pálkar
catcher chytač
pitcher nadhadzovač
umpire rozhodca
homeplate domáca méta
pitch nadhod
strike úder
basketball court basketbalové ihrisko
basket kôš
dribble driblovať
pass prihrávka
swish švih
dunk smeč
cricket kriket
wicket bránka
golf club golfová palica
golf curse golfové ihrisko
round kolo
shot strela
golfer golfista
hole jamka
hole-in-one jamka zahraná na jeden úder
ice-hockey ľadový hokej
field hockey pozemný hokej
hockey stick hokejka
puck puk
skates korčule
rollerblade korčuľovanie na dvoch radách koliesok
roller skate korčuľovanie na jeden rade koliesok
ice rink/skating rink klzisko
net sieť
tennis rackets tenisové rakety
singles dvojhra
doubles štvorhra
line čiara
diving potápanie

From book
clay hlina
damage škoda
entire celý, úplný
fame sláva
feathers perie
goal cieľ, bránka
hammer kladivo
ice rink zimný štadión
obssesion posadnutosť
prestigious prestížny
rely spoliehať sa
rubber guma
seed sadiť
stand športová tribúna
support podporovať
withstand odolať, vydržať
close záver
deserve zaslúžiť si
doubt pochybovať
festive slávnostný
flat plochý
gift platter pozlátená tácka
hand over odovzdať
injury zranenie
participate zúčastniť sa
provide zabezpečiť
restriction obmedzenie
set(a goal) vytýčiť cieľ
shuttlecock badmintonový košík
stroke úder
turning point obrat
work out cvičiť, posilovať

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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