Diskusia: Maturita 2016 ANJ B2 - výsledky a odpovede ABCD otázok

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: sp-prace (16)
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 16.03.2016
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 399 slov
Počet zobrazení: 26 798
Tlačení: 421
Uložení: 411

Diskusia (203 komentárov)

TIP: Zaregistruj sa a vystupuj pod vlastným Zones ID.

Meno: dickheads
Pridané: 21/03/2016 20:05
This theme sucks, it's just as good topic for interpretation and not for essay
Meno: Katy
Pridané: 21/03/2016 00:14
Téma: Holidays, Customs and Traditions in our Country

I think that because you have only 200-220 words, so you can't waste any words.
However, you can still write three short paragraphs that focus on the three aspects mentioned at the end of the question: 1) The importance of holidays in our society and your family; 2) The most significant holidays in Slovakia and 3) Your view about adopting customs from other countries.
By having one paragraph for each of the key points, your essay will be clearly organised and answer the question in full.
Paragraph 1, for example, could mention the following points: ‘In a rapidly changing world where every country has to face the forces of globalisation, it is important to maintain traditional customs and holidays ... The best place to do this is with the family ... traditions help a society maintain its sense of identity and community…, etc.
In the second part you can discuss what you think the most significant Slovak holidays are for the nation and your family, e.g. religious (Easter, Christmas, Epiphany, known as Three Kings day, etc.) and cultural (New Year, harvest festival with burciak (vinobranie s burciakom), etc. ). Which holidays are important in your family? Why? What do they bring to family life and to you?
In the third paragraph you can discuss how you feel about foreign customs being celebrated in Slovakia, for example in Britain or the USA, Christmas is much more commercialised, and the British/US style Hallowe’en party (celebrated 31st October) is becoming more popular than the traditional All Soul’s Day (celebrated on 2nd November) . Should Slovakia keep its own traditions or can foreign influences be positive? E.g. learning about other cultures, foreign languages, etc.? Should public places play foreign songs during Christmas time like Last Christmas, White Christmas and Merry Christmas Everyone, etc. ? ...
Meno: ANJ 1245
Pridané: 19/03/2016 14:46
prosim, pridajte niekto odpovede na ANJ 1245.
Meno: Martina Surová
Pridané: 18/03/2016 09:28
Zdal sa Vám ten test ľahký???
Mne vôbec,ten listening nezrozumiteľný,ja sa bojím,že neprejdem!!
Tým z nucem dobre šibe!!!!!!
Meno: 1245
Pridané: 17/03/2016 21:33
takisto by ma zaujímalo kde nájdem 1245
Meno: test 1245
Pridané: 17/03/2016 19:30
Neviete kde nájdem výsledky ABCD z testu 1245 ?
Meno: idioti
Pridané: 17/03/2016 19:30
srsly, ako mohol niekto pisat o prazdninach ked vidi "cutoms and traditions"? to ste vazne az tak hlupi, ludia? inak ten test bol odporny, mam C1 certifikat, robila som na jesen pilotnu C1 maturitu a toto mi prislo porovnatelne tazke...
Meno: gosh
Pridané: 17/03/2016 18:38
pytala som sa Anglicana a on mi povedal ze holiday=sviatky a holidays=prazdniny
Meno: Martina Surová
Pridané: 17/03/2016 15:42
Toto bol najťahší test za všetky roky!!
Oveľa ťahší ako 2014!!!!
Čo poviete?
Mne to pripomínalo úroveň C1
Meno: Mrs. Nobody
Pridané: 17/03/2016 12:34
Oni mali namysli take prazdniny v ktorych sa uplatnuju nejake zvyky a tradicie, cize napriklad velkonocne prazdniny alebo vianocne :)
Meno: Včielka
Pridané: 17/03/2016 12:15
Znie to s prázdninami divne ale nie nemožne :D plus sviatok- prázdniny až taký rozdiel v tom nie je kedže so sviatkami sa väčšinou viaže voľno v škole a v práci. Neviem aké pokyny dostanú učitelia.. ale ak Núcem neprikáže ,že kto to pojal ako prázdniny tak 0 bodov, myslím, že aspoň bod za to môžu dať, kedže to slovo ma viac významov.
Meno: Kto?
Pridané: 17/03/2016 12:13
lol nucem-presne s týmto som aj ja mala problém! Ale NÚCEM mi príde v tomto roku tak trošku j.....ý
Meno: gosh
Pridané: 17/03/2016 11:46
or us vacations and holidays mean a time when we don’t need to go to work or school. We often plan what we will do. For many people vacations and holidays mean the most beautiful time of the year.
Meno: ardenia
Pridané: 17/03/2016 11:45
myslite, ze mi daju nula bodov ak som pisala hlavne o letnych prazdninach a traveni ich navstevovanim miest kde sa zachovala kultura tradicie a zvyky a potom som pisala este o migrantoch a zahalenych zenach?
Meno: retardi
Pridané: 17/03/2016 11:38
Holidays, Customs and Traditions in our Country (opinion essay)
Prázdniny, zvyky a tradície v našej krajine? takže letne prazdniny a tradicie - wtf? :D a hlavne chceli opinion essay, takže ak niekto píal o zážitkoch z prázdnin, tak pochybujem, že mu to uznajú.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 914 Ďalej


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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