Zóny pre každého študenta

Model and Ideals, Shaping our personal values


During our life we learn how to get on with other people, how to cope with problems, how to overcome difficulties. As human beings we are similar to each other but as individuals we are different from each other, we have different personal qualities and values.

We have both positive qualities (virtues) and negative qualities (vices). Positive qualities of peopleare: friendliness, tolerance, diligence, fairness, honesty, modesty, loyalty, generosity, empathy, forgiveness, fairness when someone is always ready to help, caring, responsible, reliable, patient, understanding, thankful, clever, easy-going, sensitive, sensible, kind, cheerful, kind-hearted, hospitable, optimistic, understanding etc.

Negative qualities we can't stand in people: arrogance, carelessness, pride, jealousy, injustice, laziness, intolerance, envy, infidelity, when people are cheeky, rude, irresponsible, unreliable, angry, moody, pessimistic, selfish, stubborn, touchy, unhelpful etc.

Shaping our personal values

1.) Family: our parents are our first role models as we spend most of our time with them since the moment we were born. They bring us up and teach us to be polite and friendly, to greet, respect and help people. They teach us to be self-disciplined, tolerant and patient. In our families we learn how to get on with people, how to cope with problems. If we are loved and praised, we will love and praise, if we are criticized a lot, we will criticize the others even more. If we are beaten, we will do the same in the future.

2.) School: When we entered school, we became a part of society. We get to know more people and learn how to get on with them. We learn how to be tolerant, patient and self-disciplined, but also determined and hard-working. We learn how to cooperate with others, to be able to fulfill the tasks we are given (homework, projects, team work) in time. For some of us our teachers become role models who help us to cope with problems and overcome difficulties. School prepares us for our future life - to be responsible, flexible and be able to work in team.

3.) As kids grow older their behaviour changes as well as their role models and they are more aware of differences between polite and impolite (rude) behaviour, they are more sensitive, they have the tendency to copy celebrities more. Teenagers tend to look for role models outside their school or family. They look for idols they can admire or follow – sportsmen, film stars, pop singers etc. They try to follow their idols in style of clothing, make up, hairstyle etc.

Negative influence of celebrities on teenagers

- a lot of the celebrities are alcohol or/and drug addicted, gamblers

- they do not respect the people around, they have antisocial behaviour

- usually they are very rich, eccentric and extravagant

- they often die young (Club 27- popular musicians who died at the age of 27 mainly because of drug and alcohol abuse - Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Janis Joplin)

- girls are strongly influenced by fashion and skinny models - they suffer from bulimia, anorexia, they undergo plastic surgeries

- boys take anabolic steroids to make their muscles grow faster

Positive influence of celebrities on young teenagers

- they work hard and achieve success (money, fame etc.)

- they use their fame and money to help the other people

- to raise the money they organize concerts (live performances), fashion shows, sport events, take part in various projects

- then the money goes to charities, orphan children, starving people, people suffering from serious diseases, countries destroyed by natural disasters etc.

Parents, teachers, celebrities, the society in which people live play important roles in the behaviour, moral principles and values of young people.

Literary heroes

Apart from real, existing heroes there are also fictional heroes – heroes from books, films or plays. Book characters may also become idols admired by generations. Every national literature has such idols – they are charismatic, adored by readers or viewers. In films and books heroes are ordinary people who try to overcome obstacles in their lives. People can identify with them because they are realistic and they remind them of their own lives. This kind of role models is mostly followed by introverts.

But there are also science fiction heroes with superhuman qualities, violent – they have negative impact on children who can identify with them.

Everyday heroes

People who are brave, risk their lives and help the victims of different kinds of disasters – floods, droughts, earthquakes, wars etc. are sometimes called everyday heroes. For example: lifeguards, policemen, firefighters, soldiers, volunteers in regions of war or natural catastrophes, rescuers, doctors etc. They save people who are nearly drowned, injured in a car accident, perform difficult surgeries etc. Their courage, energy, strength and high moral standards make them excellent role models.

People are not born heroes but they may become heroes

 There are lots of people who were born poor, ordinary, but their deeds, work, special moral rules made them extraordinary and real role models (Mother Teresa from Calcutta, John Paul II., war heroes, people with dangerous jobs, successful sportsmen etc.). They weren't born to famous parents, only their own, hard work made them special people.

An ordinary, simple person who has (once) saved someone's life or did some other brave act that needed a lot of courage becomes a hero (a role model for someone else).


Aries baran

Taurus býk

Gemini blíženci

Cancer rak

Leo lev

Virgo panna

Libra váhy

Scorpio škorpión

Sagittarius strelec

Capricorn kozorožec

Aquarius vodnár

Pisces ryby

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