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The Czech Republic – maturitná otázka

The Czech Republic 

Covering an area (rozloha): 78,864 km2

Border countries (sousední země):

Population (počet obyvatel): 10,3 milion inhabitans (obyvatelé)

The highest mountain: Sněžka (1602 m)

The longest river: Vltava

Other important rivers: Labe, Odra, Morava


The Czech Republic is situated in central Europe is an inland state (vnitrozemský stát) with moderate (mírný) climate. It is a country with nice nature, rich culture and history.

Guests coming from the west visit the famous West Bohemian Triangle (západočeský trojúhelník) of spa towns in particular, and this include Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně and Františkovy Lázně. The most famous of these is Karlovy Vary.

The south of Bohemia belongs (patří) to the most beuatiful regions (oblast) of Europe. We can find there Šumava - charming woods and swamps (močály). There is also the Boubím primeval forest (prales).

In the north of the country we can find the Krkonoše Mountains with Sněžka as its highest peak (vrchol) - 1602 m. Industry is a typical feature (oblast) of the region and there are some of the boggest industrial towns of the country there (Liberec, Jablonec, Ústí nad Labem).

In South Moravian villages, almost every house has its wine cellar (sklípek). Wine farmers (vinaři) are visited by a lot of guests who are very enthusiastic (nadšeni) about the local delicious wine.

A centre of South Moravia, Brno is called as the capital (hlavní město) of Moravia. The city is known by foreign businessmen in particular as they come to see the trade fairs (veletrhy) and exhibitions (výstavy) held (konaný) there every year.

There are three historical parts of the country: Bohemia in the west, Moravia in the east and the smallest Silesia (Slezsko) in the nothern part (severní část) of Moravia. There are differences (rozdíly) between these regions in dialects and folk traditions (lidové tradice). Politically (politicky) the Czech Republic is divided (rozdělena) into 14 districts (krajů).

The Czech Republic was set up (vznikla) on 1st January 1993 as one of two states of the former Czechoslovak Federal Republic. The President is the head of state. The president is elected (volen) every five years by the parliament.

The national flag (státní vlajka) consist of a white and red stripe (pruh) and blue triangle. The Czech anthem (hymna) is the song „Where my home is“ by J. K. Tyl.

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