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New York – maturitná otázka

New York 

New York is situated on the eastern coast (východní pobřeží). It was the capital (hlavní město) for 4 years during War of Independence (Válka za nezávislost). It is the biggest city in the USA, an important seaport (důležitý přístav) and financial, business and cultural centre. There are 4 airports. NY is called „the city that never sleeps“ because of the hustle (hluk) and bustle (shon) and it is also called „the Big Apple“.

NY consists of 5 boroughs (čtvrť) - Manhattan, The Bronx, The Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond.

Manhattan is the most important of them. There are avenues running from south to north od jihu na sever) and they have names. The streets run from east to west (od východu na západ) and they have numbers. In total (celkem) tehre are 12 long avenues and 500 shorter streets. Manhattan is situated on a rocky island (skalnatý ostrov) between the East River and Hundson River and the name is from an Indian name man-a-hat-ta.

Broadway is most than 19 km long, there are 33 theatres (divadlo), also the Metropolitan Opera, Cornegil Hall, cinemas, restaurants, clubs and bars.

Times Square is a centre od entertainment. There are departement stores (obchodní domy), shops, restaurants, nightslubs and hotels. It is a named after the former building of the NY Times newspaper (bývalé budovy novin New York Times).

Wall Street is the financial centre of the world. There are banks and the stock exchange (burzy).

Harlem is a black qurter (černošská čtvrť) with many poor and unemployed people.

The Bronx is in the north on the mainland (na severu na pevnině). It has a reputation (pověst) of a poor area (chudá čtvrť). Another norough is the Queen.

Brooklyn is the largest of the five.

Richmond is on the Staten Island in the south.

The Statue of Liberty (Socha svobody) is a copper (měděná) statue given to the USA by France (darovaná USA Francií) in 1887. She has a tablet (tabulka) with 4th July 1776 in her left hand and a torch (pochodeň) in her right hand. The statue stands on Liberty Island near the port (přístav). It is the symbol of NY and the first sight for many immigrants, so it has become a symbol of hope (naděje) and freedom (svoboda).

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