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Weather, seasons of the year

Weather, seasons of the year

Weather is always changing. Climate is the combination of all elements of the weather at a particular place. Many things influence weather conditions of places such as distance from the equator or the lokal topography. Mountain ranges can increase or decrease rainfall. Coastal areas often have a different climate to those inlands.

We can identify the following types of climate:

-  Warm temperate Tropical
-  Central temperate Dry
-  Cold temperate  Cold

Climate vary from place to place and countries around the world do not fit into the categories. Our country is situated in the central temperate zone. Other countries that are located in this zone also enjoy a European type: a continental climate. It means that winters are not too cold and summers are not too hot. Climates also vary over time and change very gradually over decades and centuries. Human activity has got an enormous impact on it as well as. The difference between climate and weather

The climate is the long-term condition of the weather in a given area.

The weather is a short-term condition of the climate agents.

The temperate zone is characterised by changing of the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.


Starts on the 21st of March according to the calendar. The actual situation is often different. Nature begins to awake from its long winter sleep and new life begins. Nights get shorter and days get longer. There is more sunshine and it becomes warmer and warmer.

The thaw sets in, the snow melts and rivers and streams swell. Flowers start growing and the grass starts turning green. Soon first flowers appear in gardens and woods: white snowdrops and snowflakes, yellow marsh marigolds, dandelions, primroses and daffodils, blue forget-me-nots, coloured crocuses and tulips, purple violets, and catkins and chestnuts come into blossom. Birds such as swallows, starlings, cuckoos, storks come back from the south.

The weather in spring is really unpredictable and changeable. The temperatures are often below zero at nights although days may be quite warm. Sometimes the sun shines and soon after it is overcast or it rains or even it may snow. But when it clears up, the air is fresh.


Begins on the 21st of June Everybody starts to be interested in the weather because people set out on journeys and take holidays. Schoolchildren love this season because they have two months holidays ahead.

The temperature rises to 25 degrees above zero or more. In the morning there is often dew, the sky is clear and bright, no wind blows and sometimes we suffer from a heat wave. In summer rain often comes in the form of the storm. It gets dark and cools down, a breeze changes into a strong wind. Then there is a crash of thunder and a flash of lightning and a heavy downpour.

During the summer the crops ripen. It is also the time for strawberries, bilberries, raspberries, blackberries and cranberries and the harvest of corn. The summer time is also an ideal time for sports. Among the favourite activities belong swimming, bicycle riding, beach volleyball, hiking, etc.


At the beginning of September when the school year begins, the real summertime ends and on the 23rd of September the autumn comes. In autumn the sun sets earlier and rises later and days get shorter. The nice weather breaks although we can still enjoy a few fine days of Indian summer.

In the gardens it is time of harvest, we pick apples, pears and plums. Grass turns yellow and gets dry. We are delighted with the colours of leafy trees in the woods. Birds flock together set out on the journey to the south. 

In autumn the weather is unsettled, the sky is often cloudy. In the morning there’s not only dew but also mainly a thick white fog. It usually does not clear up by day. As the temperature continues to drop, it becomes damp, chilly, wet and rainy and it may drizzle. The first frosts come and in the morning there may be hoarfrost on the grass and cold and sharp wind blows from the north.


According to the calendar winter comes on the 21st of December but in fact it often begins earlier. Typical winter weather brings snowfall, icy wind and hard frosts. We can enjoy skiing in the mountains and hills and we admire the winter landscape.

Children enjoy their winter pleasures, such as throwing snowballs, building snowmen, sledging, sliding and skating on lakes and streams that are frozen over. The temperature sometimes drops to as some 20°C below zero and then the frost binds the ground, the snow under feet. The roads become icy and slippery. It often snows but it is pleasant to watch snowflakes from a warm room and icicles that hang from the roofs.

Many of us connect winter with the most beautiful holiday of the year with Christmas. People are happy; they give presents to each other. On the 31st of December New Year’s Eve celebrations come. And so on the 1st of January another new year starts, spring arrives on the 21st of March and everything repeats again and again, year after year, just like on a merry-go-round.

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