Man & Nature

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: katyp (18)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 13.10.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 106 slov
Počet zobrazení: 3 598
Tlačení: 155
Uložení: 147

Man and Nature

People have always been dependant on nature that surrounded them. Thousands years ago, they only took from nature what they needed: they cut wood to make a fire or shelter; picked wild berries and killed animals, but only the amount that they needed to feed their families.

When people became farmers they needed land to plant and to build houses. But they were still dependant on the nature.

The begin of the industrial revolution was the start of destroing the nature. People wanted more land to build more houses, factories and power stations. They built bigger vehicles to transpor goods to wider scale of customers in different countries.

Modern technologies we’ve been using for this whole century, or at least the majority of them, has damaged and even destroyed our nature.

But it took too long for us to discover, that nearly everything that we use daily is bad for our planet and it may cause problems even with the climate or weather. Here are some of them:

A) Water, air and soil polution

These three resources are the most important four our life, because every human being on this planet needs clean air to breath, fresh water to drink and plants that were grown in non-poluted soil to eat. The polution of them migt couse problems like allergies or some kinds of illnesses.

We should recycle the waste and don’t throw it wherever we want. It belongs to the trash bin not into the nature.

B) Greenhouse effect and global warming

Earth gets heat from the sun. Some of it escapes into space, but some is traped by a blanket of gases. This keeps Earth warm enough for us to live here. The problem is, that when we use fossil fuels we make a gass called carbon dioxine and we put an enormous amount of it into the air. This gass incrases the greenhouse effect. This is called global warming.

We should protect the trees and plants to decrease the global warming.

C) Serious weather changes

Scientists think, that changes in our climate and extreme weather are caused by the global warming. If the weather really changes, it would be a serious problem for people, animals and plants on Earth. Concrete examples:

- Huricanes originates above the oceans from the heat that there is. The bigger the heat is, the stronger the huricanes will be. In 2005 a huge huricane Catrina hit New Orleans. The most of the city was flooded and demaged and about 2000 people died.

 - One of the effects is the incrasing heat. The Earh is getting warmer and the Ice on the South and North poles is melting. If the sea level will get higher, some of the low located places will end up covered with water and the people who live there will have to move.

We have to keep Earth cool by using less fossil fuels. We can use the energy from the Sun, water or wind instead of oil and coal to to make energy and elctricity.

D) Acid rains

Acid rain is a rain that is unusually acidic. It can have harmful effects on plants, animals and even buildings . Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids. However, the nitrogen oxides can also be caused naturally by lightning strikes, or the release of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere by volcano eruptions.

By reducing travel we can reduce even the pollutant exhaust fumes. The scientists have even invented non-poluting Solar-powered cars and planes.

E) Deforestation

Our planet has a natural way of reducing carbon dioxine . The plants take it from air to make their food. But nowadays we put to much of it into the atmospher and we are using too many trees. And the plants can’t live in their usual place because of the global warming or polution..

We have to keep the plants in cleen environment and replace the trees that we’ve used or try to recycle the paper so we don’t have to cut that many trees.

F) Disappearance of whole animal species

The disappearance of animal species is caused by many things, but in general the problem is the destroing their habitats. For example if we cut so many trees from the rain forests, the gorillas will have to move or they’ll die.

The global warming is other problem because it causes the melting of ice. The ice is than less solid, so the polar bears can’t walk on the top of them and hount for their food what are mostly seals. This might end like disappearance of the polar bears or like overpreservation of seals.

Slowing down the global warming or deforestation would help to solve this problem. The zoos and safari parks save many species of animals by building them reservations or places to live that are very similar to their habitats.

The environment nowadays is seriously demaged, but there are many ways of helping our planet. Firstly, we have to realize, that we are still dependant on the nature. We have to use carefuly the non-renewable sources. We have to think, that they can’t be replaced so we can use other resurces like water wind or solar energy. We can also use less energy and electicity.

- We definitely have to stop poluting the nature and throwing waste wherever we want. We forgot that animals can be poisoned or they might choke if they eat trash like plastic bags. The researches have shown, that in countries where people have to pay for them, they buy less of them. This could also be a way of helping our nature.

- Recycling trasch like papers and plastics is common in many countries but can’t we recycle even more? In Kamikatsu (Japanese) They divide their waste into 34 different types for recycling. They are hoping to recycle everything by 2020.

- We can throw away less food and garden waste by using compost bins.

- We cut a lot of trees, but we forget that the nature needs them. Countries like Canada and Finland and companies in them plant many trees to replace the amount that they used. This should be obligatory in more states.

Finaly, it’s OUR planet and we have to take good care about it. If WE don’t do, than no one will. We all are pieces of this world and we shouldn’t think in way, that the polution, natural disasters and many more things aren’t our problems. Sometimes we just need to put a question to ourselves: „What are we doing to potect the environment and what shall we do?“

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


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