People and Nature

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: wanna (18)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 23.11.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 975 slov
Počet zobrazení: 3 638
Tlačení: 135
Uložení: 143

People and Nature

  1. a) ročné obdobia, počasie
    b) príroda okolo nás – fauna (zvieratá voľne ţijúce, v ZOO, domáce) a flóra
    c) stav ţivotného prostredia (znečistenie zeme, vôd, ovzdušia), prírodné katastrofy

We have 4 seasons - spring, summer, autumn and winter:
- First season is a spring. Many people think it is the most beautiful season of all, because the trees blooms and animals wake up from a winter sleep. All the landscape turns green and the days get longer. There are flowers in the gardens. Plants , trees and grass are green . Birds start flying around and small animals are born.

- After spring comes summer. Summer is the warmest season of the year. The temperature is mostly high.The days are longer and nights shorter than in winter. Summer is my favourite season, probably because I was born in the first day of summer and in a summer we have a holidays, so i can spend all day with my boyfriend, friends and family. We can go to trips and swiming pools. 

- Autumn is a season full of colours. The days are shorter and nights longer than in summer . The weather gets colder and it is usually cloudy and foggy. In this season is still raining.

The last season is a winter. It is the coldest one. In my opinion – winter is a magical. Everywhere is a snow and everywhere is hear the children´s laughter. Children are so happy. They making a snowman or sledging. Rivers are frozen so we can skating on the ice. And the greatest magic of winter are Christmas.

Ecological problems:
The most serious ecological problems of today are the pollution of air, water and soil, the destruction of ecosystem, disappearance of many species of animals and plants, the weather changes, acid rains, the warming up of the Earth´s surface, the destruction of tropical rain forests and the breaking of the ozone layer.

Air pollution – it is the biggest problem in big cities where there are many factories - it is caused by smoke, dust - it later causes the acid rain and the acid rain is a chemicals mix with water in clouds and it kills trees, damages buildings nad pollutes the soil.

Watter pollution – it is caused by the households – we use detergents, pesticides and other chemicals. The water pollution can also be caused by big cargo ships and tankers – for example the oil can get into ocean and kill fish and plants in the ocean.

Soil pollution– it can be contaminated by chemicals or by individuals – for example we throw out our rubbish.

Global warming causes big changes on the Earth:
the temperature of the atmosphere rises
- the level of the oceans rises
- some species of animals become endangered or extinct
- changes on the Earth may cause tornados , earthquakes , floods and droughts

We need air to breathe, water to drink and foot to eat, so we must to protect our environment.

We should:
- change travelling by car to riding a bike or walking
- save water
- save electricity - turn off the lights , TV and computers when we don´t need them
- recycle and separate (cans – plechovky, bottles – fľaše, plastic bags – plastové vrecká, newspapers – noviny)

The nature disasters are for example earthquake, huricanes, or floods. They´re so dangerous. They can destroy all building and kill many people.

An endangered species is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming extinct because it is either few in numbers, or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters.

Many people hunt them. But many modern hunters don't just kill for food - they kill for profit. That's why so many rare and protected animals are still dying.

The most endangered spieces are rhinos, tigers, pandas, whales, turtles, chimpanzees, gorillas, polar bears...

 Speak about the importance of plants in our life…
The main importance of plants in our lives are that they take in Carbon Dioxide (Co2) that we breath out and in place they let out oxygen which we breath in. Without plants we would run out of oxygen and die very quickly. This applies not just to us humans but to all animals as well.They are also the source of food for animals.

Give the reasons of protecting the nature…
The National Parks and natural reservations provide protection. There are also ecological organizations such as Greenpeace, which organize campaigns and many activities to explain people how dangerous pollution is, that they shouldn’t destroy nature.
There are people who are interested in future of the Earth. For example in summer there were big concerts in big cities in the world during the day of Earth. Many singers sang here and helped to inform public about global changes and to save money for it. 

Describe various national disasters of our planet…
Catastrophes are for example earthquake, huricanes, or floods. 
Earthquake: vibrations produced inside the earth. This moving of earth plates can destroy all building and kill many people, not only in epicentre.
Hurricanes: The Greatest Storms on Earth. Its a hot air wchich move with unbelivable speed and destroy everything what is in his way. 
Flood: is a wild water which incepsts (vznikať) when are in country a lot of rains. The level of water rises and rises, then rivers get out of their way and this water can destroy houses, gardens and everything what is near the river

Another big problem in these days is greenhouse effect. Because of pollution there are more and more gases in the atmosphere and temperatures get higher. It causes that It will get hotter and then ice on the Poles will begin to melt, level of the sea will rise and there will be floods in flat costal areas. 
When the climate changes, there will be less food because soil will be too dry or too wet. The soil will not be rich enough and people will not be able to produce enough food.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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