My family (konverzačná téma)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Počet zobrazení: 3 305
Uložení: 84
My family (konverzačná téma)
Talk about:
- My autobiography – môj životopis
- Describe your family – opíšte svoju rodinu
- Describe individual members of your family – opíšte jednotlivých členov vašej rodiny:
- appearance - vzhľad
- character / personality: What is he (she) like? (Aká/Aký je?) – povaha / osobnosť
- hobbies: What does he like doing? (Čo rád robí?)
- job / studies
- Household duties – domáce povinnosti
- Leisure time in our family- voľný čas v našej rodine
- The relationship between parents and children (problems, generation gap) – vzťah medzi rodičmi a deťmi (problémy, generačné rozdiely)
My autobiography:
My name is .................. I was born on the (1st, 2nd,...) ....... of ......... (January, February...) 1990 in Dolný Kubín. I am 18 years old. I live in a house/a flat in ................... with my parents and my siblings. I have a brother and a sister. I attend Secondary vocational and apprentice school in Zakamenne and rk. I am the first (second, third, fourth) year student.
When I finish school, I would like to work as ....................................... (an electrician / a plumber / a businessman...).
My hobbies are .................................. (listening to music, watching TV, reading books, playing football, playing computer games...)
My family:
My family has 5 members. It is my mother, my father, my sister and my brother. We live in a house in ………….. We also have a dog – his name is ……….. He is also the member of our family.
My mother:
My mother’s name is ……… She is ……… years old. She hasgreen eyes and short straight hair. Her hair is dark. She is very nice and talkactive. She likes other people and she is always willing to help everybody. Her hobbies are swimming and knitting. She also likes reading books and chatting with our neighbours. She is sometimes moody but everybody likes her. I love my mother because she can cook tasty meals and she always looks after us well.
My father:
My father’s name is ........................... He is ............. years old. He is tall and slim.He has brown eyes and short black curly hair. He is strict. He is tolerant.. His hobbies are watching TV and driving. He like reading books and doing exercise. I love my father because he always helps me with everythink.
My sister:
My sister is older than me. Her name is ………………. She is ……….. years old. My sister is mentally handicapped. She has cerebral palsy since birth. She is not very tall and she is slim.. She has short dark hair and blue eyes. I like my sister because she is very kind. She is angel our family.
My brother:
My brother is older than me. His name is …………………… and he is …....... years old. He works in abroad. He is tall. He has short brown hair and he has green eyes. He likes wearing jeans. He like play bowling,tennis.Joyo is the best brother in the world because he has me very like.
I get on well with my family and I love them very much. That’s all I can say about my family.
Children can help at home in the following ways /nasledujúcimi spôsobmi/:
GIRLS can:
- wash the dishes (wash up) – umyť riad
- clean windows
- do the ironing – žehliť
- do the hovering – vysávať
- tidy up the house – upratať
- water flowers – poliať kvety
- cook lunch (dinner) – uvariť obed (večeru)
- make breakfast – urobiť raňajky
- take the rubbish out – vyniesť von smeti
BOYS can:
- help their father in the garage – pomôcť otcovi v garáži
- work in the garden
- cut the grass / mow the loan – pokosiť trávnik
- wash the car
- change a lightbulb – vymeniť žiarovku
- repair (fix) things that are broken – opraviť veci, ktoré sú pokazené
My family usually meet on these occasions:
- birthday
- name’s day
- wedding - svadba
- funeral - pohreb
- christening - krstiny
- Christmas - Vianoce
- New Year’s Eve – Silvester
My relatives /príbuzní/ often get together on my birthday. My family comes for a visit. They bring presents for me and they congratulate me. They wish me love, health, happiness and all the best. Then we have a lunch and celebrate. On my birthday I sometimes go out with my friends or have a party or a barbecue at home.
Family leisure time:
Most families spend time together at the weekend or during holidays. They can:
- stay at home and watch TV
- go out for a trip – ísť na výlet
- do some sport – športovať
- go to a cinema / a theatre / a restaurant
- go for a visit (visit friends, family – grandmother, aunt…)
- go for a walk – ísť na prechádzku
Good parents look after their children. They should have a friendly relationship with them. I think that they should be willing to listen to their children when they need them and they should always help them. They should talk to them and try to find solutions to problems together. On the other hand, they should teach them to be polite and tolerant to other people. Good parents shouldn’t spoil their children.
Problems between parents and their children - parents can also have problems with their children because:
- Teenagers want freedom – they want to spend time with their friends and they want to make their own decisions
- Parents want control over their children - parents complain that the children don’t want to listen to them, that they are rude, impolite, lazy. They don’t respect adults and older people.
- Teenagers complain that their parents don’t understand them and control them all the time.
Relationships between the older generation /grandparents/ and the younger generation /grandchildren/
Sometimes there are generation problems between the younger generation and the older generation. Older people usually don’t understand young people. I have a good relationship with my grandparents. I often visit them. We usually talk about my school and television programs. We often discuss the television news.
I also have a good relationship with my parents. I can tell them about my problems and they always listen to me and help me. With my father we usually discuss football and hockey.
My family consists of 5 members. It is my mother, my father, my sister and my brother. We live in a house in …………. I also have a grandmother and a grandfather who live with us.
My father works as a (an)………… and he is …….. years old. My mother is …………….years old and she works as a (an) …………………. My brother goes to school. He is ………. years old. My sister is older than me. She is ……….. years old and she is single. She works as a (an) ……………….
a shop assistant – predavač/ka
a nurse - sestrička
a cook – kuchár/kuchárka
a housewife – žena v domácnosti
a plumber - inštalatér
a doctor – lekár/lekárka
a decorator – maliar
an electrician - elektrikár
She is on her maternity leave. – Ona je na materskej dovolenke.
She looks after (disabled) people. – Stará sa o (postihnutých) ľudí.
Members of your family – talk about:
- appearance
- character / personality: What is he (she) like? (Aká/Aký je?)
- hobbies: What does he like doing? (Čo rád robí?)
- job / studies
My mother is ……… years old. Her name is ………. She is tall and slim. She has blue eyes and short curly hair. Her hair is dark. She is very nice and talkactive. She likes other people and she is always willing to help everybody. Her hobbies are swimming and knitting. She also likes reading books and chatting with our neighbours. She is sometimes moody but everybody likes her. I love my mother because she can cook tasty meals and she always looks after us well.
appearance - vzhľad
character - povaha
personality - osobnosť
tall - vysoký
short - nízky
slim - chudý
She is over-weight. – Má nadváhu.
dark hair – tmavé vlasy
light hair – svelte vlasy
straight hair – rovné vlasy
curly hair – kučeravé vlasy
freckles - pehy
attractive – atraktívny (o žene aj o mužovi)
handsome – pekný, príťažlivý (o mužovi)
willing to help – ochotný pomôcť
strict - prísny
tolerant - tolerantný
polite - slušný
moody - náladový
to look after somebody – starať sa o niekoho
spoilt - rozmaznaný
lazy - lenivý
stubborn – tvrdohlavý
rude - drzý
talkactive – ukecaný
chatting with neighbours – debatovať so susedmi
a tasty meal – chutné jedlo
knitting – štrikovanie
Children can help at home in the following /nasledujúcimi/ ways:
GIRLS can:
- wash the dishes (wash up) – umyť riad
- clean windows
- do the ironing – žehliť
- do the hovering – vysávať
- tidy up the house – upratať
- water flowers – poliať kvety
- cook lunch (dinner) – uvariť obed (večeru)
- make breakfast – urobiť raňajky
- take the rubbish out – vyniesť von smeti
BOYS can:
- help their father in the garage – pomôcť otcovi v garáži
- work in the garden
- mow the loan / cut the grass – pokosiť trávnik
- wash the car
- change a lightbulb – vymeniť žiarovku
- repair (fix) things that are broken – opraviť veci, ktoré sú pokazené
My family usually get together on these occasions:
- birthday
- name’s day
- wedding - svadba
- funeral - pohreb
- christening - krstiny
- Christmas - Vianoce
- New Year’s Eve – Silvester
My relatives /príbuzní/ often get together on my birthday. My family comes for a visit. They bring me presents and congratulate me. They wish me love, health, happiness and all the best. Then we have lunch and celebrate. On my birthday I sometimes go out with my friends or have a party or a barbecue at home.
congratulate – zagratulovať
health – zdravie
celebrate - oslavovať
barbecue – opekanie/grilovanie v záhrade
occasion – príležitosť
Family leisure time:
Most families spend time together at the weekend or during holidays. They can:
- stay at home and watch TV
- go out for a trip – ísť na výlet
- do some sport – športovať
- go to a cinema / a theatre / a restaurant
- go for a visit (visit friends, family – grandmother, aunt…)
- go for a walk – ísť na prechádzku
Good parents look after their children well. They should have a friendly relationship with them. I think that they should be willing to listen to their children when they need them and they should always help them. They should talk to them and try to find solutions together. On the other hand, they should teach them to be polite and tolerant to other people. Good parents shouldn’t spoil their children.
Problems between parents and their children - parents can also have problems with their children because:
- Teenagers want to spend time with their friends and they want to make their own decisions
- Parents complain that the children don’t want to listen to them, that they are rude, impolite, lazy. They don’t respect adults.
- Teenagers complain that their parents do not understand them and control them all the time.
look after – starať sa friendly – priateľský
should – mali by a relationship - vzťah
shouldn ‘t – nemali by try – pokúsiť sa
polite – slušný a solution – riešenie
tolerant – tolerantný
spoil – rozmaznávať
make a decision – urobiť rozhodnutie
complain – sťažovať sa
rude – drzý
impolite – neslušný
an adult - dospelý
In a traditional Slovak family children usually live with their parents until they get married because it is difficult for young people to find a job and buy their own house or flat. Everybody in the family usually participates in the household duties – children must clean their room, do the shopping... It is normal for grandparents to live near or in the same house with the family and look after young children while their parents are at work.
until – až kým
to get married – oženiť sa / vydať sa
participate – zúčastňovať sa
household duties – domáce práce
near - blízko
to look after – starať sa
Other questions:
- What is your family like? How many siblings have you got? (Aká je tvoja rodina? Koľkých máš súrodencov?)
- What are the pros and cons of coming from a large family? (Aké sú výhody a nevýhody toho, keď pochádzaš z veľkej rodiny?)
- Would you like to have lots of brothers and sisters? (Chcel by si mať veľa bratov a sestier? Vysvetli.)
- Are your parents strict or tolerant? (Sú tvoji rodičia prísni alebo tolerantní?)
- Should children get pocket money?Why? Why not? (Mali by deti dostávať vreckové? Prečo? Prečo nie?)
- How much pocket money should parents give?Why? (Koľko by mali deti dostávať ako vreckové? Prečo?)
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