Seasons and weather

Seasons and weather

Seasons and weather  /ročné obdobia a počasie/

Talk about – rozprávajte o:

– 4 seasons of the year  – 4  ročných obdobiach

– Your favourite season – tvoje obľúbené ročné obdobie

– Weather –  počasie

1. 4 seasons of the year:

The year is divided into 4 seasons:

Spring  - jar
Summer – leto
autumn /fall/ – jeseň
winter - zima

SPRINGspring is the most beautiful season of the year:
there is more sunshine and the weather becomes warmer
the snow melts  – sneh sa topí
nights get shorter and days get longer – noci sa skracujú a dni sa predlžujú
flowers and trees bloom – kvety a stromy kvitnú /snowdrops – snežienky, dundee-lions – púpavy, daffodils – narcisy/
birds return from the south – vtáci sa vracajú z juhu
people start working in the garden
we have Easter holidays – máme veľkonočné prázdniny

SUMMER – it is the warmest season of the year:
everything is green – všetko je zelené
birds sing – vtáci spievajú
the sky is blue – obloha je modrá
sometimes there are storms /búrky/ => crash of thunder /hrmí/ and a flash of lightening /blýska sa/.
We don’t have to go to school in summer => people travel on a holiday in summer and they visit foreign countries – they go to the sea /k moru/, to the mountains /na hory/.


it is the season when the leaves on the trees change their colours – ročné obdobie, kedy lístie na stromoch mení svoju farbu
at the beginning of autumn the weather is usually still nice and warm – we call this period Indian summer /babie leto/
the fruit ripens /ovocie dozrieva/ and people pick /zbierať/ it from the trees.
-  later days become shorter, weather gets colder, the wind starts blowing – neskôr sa dni skrátia, počasie sa ochladí, vietor začne fúkať
the trees shed their leaves /opadá lístie/ and it rains a lot /veľa prší/.
Mornings are foggy /hmlisté/ and there is more frost /mráz/.
Birds fly to the south.

WINTER – the coldest season of the year:
-  It starts snowing and freezing /mrzne/ and the wind is icy /vietor je ľadový/.
-  People can do winter sports, such as skiing, snowboarding and ice-skating.
– In December the Christmas time comes and people buy presents to each other – v decembri pride vianočný čas a ľudia si navzájom kupujú darčeky.

2. Your favourite season

My favourite season is summer /winter, spring …/. I like summer because it is the warmest season of the year and because we have a long summer holiday and we don’t have to go to school. I also like summer because I like summer sports, especially playing football, tennis or swimming. In summer we usually go for a holiday with my family – we usually go to Croatia /Chorvátsko/ or we stay in Slovakia and go to Rajec, Podhájska or Senec and we spend a day or two there – we bath and sunbathe. 
I don’t like autumn, because the weather is colder and it rains a lot.

My favourite season is winter because I love winter sports. I am good at skiing and snowboarding and I often go skiing with my friends to Veľká Rača, to Skalité, Makov ... I also like winter because in winter we have Christmas and I like Christmas very much. We have winter holiday at school.

3. Weather

During the year the weather changes a lot. It can be sunny, it can rain, snow, it can be overcast /zamračené/, or it can freeze /mrznúť/. The weather influences many aspects of our lives. It influences:

What we wear /čo si obliekame, čo nosíme/ – when the weather is nice and warm, people wear T-shirts, shorts or skirts. On the other hand, in winter, when the weather is cold and when it is freezing, people wear warm clothes – jumpers, coats, gloves, scarves and so on. When it rains, people must take an umbrella or a rain coat.

– Our mood /našu náladu/ – the weather can influence our mood a lot. When the weather is nice and the sun shines, people feel better – they are happy and they smile more. On the other hand, when the weather is bad, especially in autumn and winter – it rains a lot, it is foggy and cloudy and the days are short, people are melancholic and depressed – statistics say that in autumn and winter there are more suicides /samovraždy/ than in summer.

– Our health /naše zdravie/ – some people are very sensitive to weather changes. When the weather changes, their health becomes worse or their body hurts – for example their eyes or bones hurt, they have a headache. Especially older people complain about the pain, when the weather changes because their body can’t adapt to the weather changes so quickly.


seasons of the year – ročné obdobia
divide - rozdeliť
sunshine – slnečné svetlo
become – stať sa
warm - teplý
everything – všetko
bird – vták
foreign countries – cudzie krajiny
at the beginning – na začiatku
still – ešte stale
call – volať, nazývať
period – obdobie
ice-skating – korčuľovanie
favourite – obľúbený
we don’t have to go to school – nemusíme ísť do školy
also – tiež
like – mať rád
especially – hlavne, najmä
usually – zvyčajne
we stay in Slovakia – zostaneme na Slovensku
we spend a day or two there – strávime tam deň alebo dva
bath – kúpať sa
sunbathe – opaľovať sa
I am good at skiing – som dobrý v lyžovaní
change – zmeniť sa, zmena
a lot – veľa
influence – ovplyvňovať
many aspects of our lives – veľa oblastí v našom živote
shorts – šortky, kraťasy
skirts – sukne
on the other hand – na druhej strane
it is freezing – mrzne
jumpers – sveter
coat – kabát
gloves – rukavice
scarves – šály
an umbrella – dáždnik
a rain coat – pláštenka, pršiplášť
people feel better – ľudia sa cítia lepšie
it is foggy and cloudy – je hmlisto a zamračené
sensitive to – citlivý na niečo
their health becomes worse – ich zdravie sa zhorší
their body hurts – bolí ich telo
bones – kosti
hurt – bolieť
a headache – bolesť hlavy
complain about the pain – sťažovať san a bolesť
their body can’t adapt to the weather changes so quickly – ich telo sa nemôže adaptovať /prispôsobiť sa/ zmenám počasia tak rýchlo. – Zóny pre každého študenta