Čadca – my hometown

Čadca – my hometown 

Talk about – rozprávajte o:
- General information  –  všeobecné informácie
- Interesting places  in Čadca and its surroundings – zaujímavé miesta v Čadci a jej okolí
- Changes in Čadca –  zmeny v Čadci

1. General information

Čadca is an administrative centre of the Kysuce region => it is an important crossing between the Czech republic, Poland and the Slovak republic. It is situated on the north-west bank /severozápadný breh/ of the river Kysuca. Čadca has a population of about 30000 people. Čadca has a small town centre, but most people live in suburbs /sídliská/ - for example Žarec, Kýčerka, Sídlisko III.

There are many schools in Čadca /SOU = Secondary Vocational and Apprentice School, Obchodná academia = Commercial Academy, gymnázium = a grammar school/. There are also 3 supermarkets /Lidl, Terno, Billa/ and many small shops in Čadca. There is also a cultural house and a cinema.

Brigády Čadca

2. Interesting places in Čadca and its surroundings

In ČADCA => there are many interesting places in Čadca and its surroundings /v okolí/. For example:

- St. Bartholomew’s Church /Svätobartolomejský kostol/ - it is a baroque church which comes from the 18th century.
- Kysuce Gallery – it exhibits pictures, paintings that were mostly painted by regional artists
- Kysuce Museum – there are exhibitions of historical objects from ordinary life, field of science, technology and so on.
- Kysuce Library /Kysucká knižnica/ - it is the biggest library in the Kysuce region – it offers many services => you can borrow books there, children can play there, you can use the Internet, read or study and so on.
- The Monument of the Slovak National Uprising 1848 – Pamätník SNP z r.1848
In Čadca’s surrounding /v okolí Čadce/ => a foreigner /cudzinec/ in the Kysuca region should also visit these places:

- Vychylovka – you can see old wooden houses there. You can see how people in the Kysuca region lived in the past => visitors can see the folk architecture /ľudovú architektúru/, the historical railway /historickú železnicu/ and so on.
- Snow Paradise Veľká Rača – it offers good conditions for practicing different sports. In winter it is a good place for skiing. In summer you can go hiking /turistika/ in the nature.
- Beskydy – a protected region /Beskydy – chránená oblasť/ - visitors can see beautiful nature => it is ideal for walking and hiking in summer.
- Turzovka – in summer there are different kinds of folk festivals held in Turzovka

3. Changes in Čadca 

Čadca has changed a lot in the recent years:
the walking passage was built – bola postavená pešia zóna
many new buildings, shops and supermarkets were built => there are many shopping facilities in our town now
many new services are offered in Čadca now – new banks, there is 1 new school building (Commercial Academy = Obchodná Akadémia)
Palárik’s House – a historical building burnt down => it is now being re-built – Palárikov Dom – historická budova - zhorela a je teraz prestavovaná
A new tunnel was built to make traffic in Čadca easier – bol postavený tunel, aby uľahčil dopravu v Čadci
A new motorway is being built –  nova diaľnica sa stavia
However, many things can still be improved. I think that the Mayor /primátor/ of Čadca should do these things to improve the life in the town:
-  he should build a new swimming pool => there could be warmer water and new showers
-  he should build a new sports ground for young people and a playground for small children
-  he should plant new trees to make a park with benches for older people – mal by zasadiť nové stormy, aby urobil park s lavičkami pre starších ľudí
-  he should improve and re-build the cultural house and the cinema


crossing – prechod
between – medzi
it is situated – je umiestnená, situovaná
most people – väčšina ľudí
surroundings - okolie
a baroque church – barokový kostol
it comes from the 18th century – pochádza z 18. stor.
exhibit – vystavovať
paintings – maľby /Paintings that were mostly painted by regional artists. = Maľby, ktoré boli väčšinou namaľované reginálnymi umelcami./
exhibition – výstava
ordinary life – bežný život
field of science – oblasť vedy
offer services – ponúkať služby
borrow – požičať si
use – použiť, používať
he should – on by mal
old wooden houses – stare drevené domy
in the past – v minulosti
good conditions for practicing different sports – dobré podmienky na vykonávanie rôznych športov
walking – prechádzanie sa

In summer there are different kinds of folk festivals held in Turzovka. = V lete sa v Turzovke konajú rôzne druhy ľudových festivalov.
Čadca has changed a lot in the recent years. – Čadca sa veľa zmenila za posledné roky.
building – budova
shopping facilities – nákupné zariadenia
however – ale, avšak

many things can still be improved – veľa vecí sa môže ešte stale zlepšiť
improve – zlepšiť, zdokonaliť
build /min. čas built – built/ - postaviť
a swimming pool – plaváreň, bazén
shower - sprcha
a sports ground – športové ihrisko
a playground – ihrisko pre deti
re-build - prestavať 

Zones.sk – Zóny pre každého študenta