Towns and Places

Towns and Places
Talk about – rozprávajte o:
- Different places and people who live there – rôzne miesta a ľudia, ktorí tam žijú
- My favourite place – moje obľúbené miesto
- Places for holiday –  miesta na dovolenku
- Towns and places in Slovakia – mestá a miesta na Slovensku

1. Different places and people who live there
There are many different places all over the world. People who live there have different opinions about other places and different ways of life.
There are large cities like Tokyo, New York, Mexico city, where the life is fast and developed. People in these modern cities cannot imagine life without modern inventions like a mobile phone, TV, public traffic. Many people who live in a big city are rich and they live in beautiful big hauses and villas with big gardens and drive expensive cars. Other people who live in big cities, but who are not so rich, live in blocks of flats /or apartments/ and travel by public traffic.

On the other hand, there are people who live far away from civilization – for example like Siberia, the Amazon Jungle and so on. People in these places live simple life. They usually don’t have a TV or other important inventions. Some of them live in simple wooden houses and cottages and work on their field – they grow plants, fruit, vegetables and so on. They are not as well educated as people in big cities, because there are not many schools. But these people are usually happy, generous /štedrí/ and hospitable /pohostinní/. They are satisfied with their way of life and they have their own customs and traditions, which are important to them.
These are some of the interesting places in the world:

- in the USA:
- New York – we can see the Statue of Liberty, Manhattan there
- The US National Parks –  the Grand Canyon National Park, the Yellowstone National Park …

- in Europe:
- Paris – we can see Louvre there, the Eiffel Tower and many other sightseeing places
- London – the Buckingham Palace, The Tower Bridge, The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben…
- Rom – the Coloseum

- other places in the world:
- Riothere is a famous carnival every year
- Africa people like to see safari and wild life
2. My favourite place
I like many places in the world, but my favourite place is my home town, because I have lived here for all my life and I have many friends here. I know my home town very well and I know many people who live here and they know me. Moreover, my family lives here and therefore I will always be happy to come back to my home town, even if I move away.
My second most favourite place is my grandmother’s house in ……………. because I have spent many holidays there and I always like to visit my grandmother. I like to spend holidays at my grandmother’s house, because she looks after me well and because she can bake excellent cakes. In addition to this, I can go for a walk to the forest and pick mushrooms in summer because my grandmother lives near a forest.

3. Places for holiday
People like to spend their holiday at different places. It depends on their hobbies, but also on the amount of money they have for their holiday. During their holiday, people can go to:
1. Hot or exotic countries - most people like to go on holiday to hot or exotic countries because there is hot weather and a sea and they can lie on the beach, sunbathe and swim in the sea. For example people like to go to Spain, Egypt, Croatia, Italy, Canary Islands and so on.
2. Sightseeing places - some people don’t want to sunbathe and lie on the beach, but they want to spend their holiday actively. They want to see new things and learn a lot about new countries, people and their customs and traditions. They prefer places like Vienna, London, New York, Paris – they visit museums, galleries, concerts and art exhibitions. For example people go to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower, Louvre – there is the picture of Mona Lisa…
3. Mountains – some people like to spend their holiday in the mountains – for example they go skiing to Alps or High Tatras. In summer they go hiking /na turistiku/.
4. At home – some people like to spend their holiday at home. They don’t want to travel and so they stay at home and read a book, watch TV or they just spend time with their family and friends.
I like to spend my holiday in …………………… /in hot countries / at home / I like to visit sightseeing places…/
I prefer going to hot countries because I like to lie on the beach, sunbathe and I love the sea and hot weather. I also like playing beach volleyball. I like lying on the beach and reading a good book or listen to music. But holidays in exotic countries are expensive and so I don’t spend my holiday often in this way.
4. Towns and places in Slovakia
There are many interesting places in Slovakia. These are:
- Mountains – hory  => The High Tatras, The Low Tatras
- Old towns/villages  => Vlkolínec, Čičmany, Vychylovka, Rajecká Lesná
- Caves – jaskyne   =>  The Dobšinská Ice Cave, Belianska Cave, Domanica
- Castles – hrady    =>  Devín Castle, Bratislava Castle, Bojnice Castle, Beckov
- Spas /spa baths/ – kúpele =>  Piešťany, Bardejov, Rajecké Teplice
- Bratislava
- Other Slovak cities – Košice, Trenčín, Bojnice, Čadca – my home town

The nature in Slovakia is very beautiful – in summer we can go hiking /na turistiku/ and in winter, we can go skiing in our mountains. We have The High Tatras and The Low Tatras  - the nature there is protected by law (TANAP).
You can also visit old towns and villages – for example Vlkolínec, Čičmany, Vychylovka where we you can see how people in Slovakia lived in the past – there are old wooden houses. Vlkolínec is protected by UNESCO. In Rajecká Lesná there is an old wooden Bethlehem.
In Slovakia there are many caves – The Dobšinská Ice Cave is the largest ice cave in Europe. Other caves are the Cave of Freedom /Jaskyňa Slobody/, Belianska Cave, Gombasecká, Domica...
There are also some very nice castles in our country – for example:
Bojnice castle – every year there is a ghost festival /festival strašidiel/.
Čachtice – a home of a bloody countess /krvavá grófka/ Alžbeta Báthoryová who killed young women and bathed in their blood /kúpala sa v ich krvi/.
Other castles are Beckov ruins, Trenčín Castle, Bratislava Castle, Spiš Castle, Orava Castle, Strečno, Krásna Hôrka and so on.
In Slovakia we have spa baths in Piešťany, Bardejov, Rajecká Lesná.

Košice – there is a university. We can see there the historical St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral /Dóm sv. Alžbety/, Andrassy’s palace /Andrášiho palác/
Trenčín – we can see a Trenčín castle there.
Bojnice – in Bojnice the famous ghost festival takes place every year. Many people from Slovakia and also foreign tourists visit Bojnice Castle every year to see this festival
Piešťany – tourists can visit spa baths /kúpele/ to relax and became fit
Kremnica – people who come to Slovakia should also visit a historical town called  Kremnica – there was a mine for gold and this town is famous for the production of golden coins /zlaté mince/.
Bratislava – the capital city of Slovakia

all over the world – po celom svete
opinion – názor
other places – iné miesta
different ways of life – odlišné spôsoby života
large – veľký
fast – rýchly
developed – rozvinutý
imagine – predstaviť si
without – bez
invention – vynález
public traffic – verejná doprava
a block of flats – panelák
on the other hand – na druhej strane
far away from civilization – ďaleko od civilizácie
simple life – jednoduchý život
some of them – niektorí z nich
wooden houses – drevené domy
a cottage – chata, chalupa
field – pole
grow plants – pestovať rastliny
as well educated as people in big cities – tak dobre vzdelaní ako ľudia vo veľkých mestách
satisfied – spokojný
customs and traditions – zvyky a tradície
important – dôležité
the Statue of Liberty – Socha Slobody
sightseeing places – miesta s pamiatkami / pamätihodnosťami
carnival – karneval
wild life – život v divočine
my home town – moje rodné mesto
I have lived here for all my life – žijem tu celý život
very well – veľmi dobre
moreover – naviac, ešte k tomu
therefore – preto
I will always be happy to come back to my home town, even if I move away. - Vždy sa budem rád vracať do môjho rodného mesta, aj vtedy ak sa odsťahujem.
second – druhý
I have spent many holidays there – strávil som tam veľa prázdnin
look after somebody – starať sa o niekoho
bake excellent cakes – piecť vynikajúce koláče
in addition to this – ešte k tomu
go for a walk – ísť na prechádzku
forest – les
pick mushrooms – zbierať huby
near a forest – blízko lesa
depend on – závisieť od, záležať na  
amount of money – množstvo peňazí
during – počas
lie on the beach – ležať na pláži
sunbathe – opaľovať sa
Croatia – Chorvátsko
Canary Islands – Kanárske Ostrovy
prefer – uprednostňovať
prefer places like Vienna – uprednostňovať miesta ako Viedeň
art exhibitions – umelecké výstavy
mountains – hory
spend holiday – stráviť dovolenku
at home – doma
in this way – týmto spôsobom
the nature – príroda
The High Tatras – Vysoké Tatry
The Low Tatras  - Nízke Tatry
protected by law – zákonom chránená
in the past – v minulosti
protected by UNESCO – chránený Unescom
caves – jaskyne
spa baths  - kúpele
people should – ľudia by mali
a mine for gold – baňa, kde sa ťaží zlato – Zóny pre každého študenta