
Talk about – rozprávajte o:
- Men’s and women’s fashion – mužská a ženská móda
- My wardrobe – môj šatník (skriňa)
- My attitude to fashion  –  môj vzťah k móde
- Weather and fashion – počasie a móda

Fashion is the style of dress or behaviour popular at a certain time. Fashion is important, it represents a person’s style and his/her own way of life. Each person has his own style and taste – people wear clothes according to their taste, mood and their character => they want to look good.

1. Men’s and women’s fasion
-  Women’s fashion has always been different from the men’s fashion => women wear skirts, make-up, high-heel shoes. 
Women usually pay more attention to fashion than men do. Their wardrobe is different from the men’s wardrobe – they like shopping for clothes more then men do.
Women often buy fashion magazines and they like fashion shows /módne prehliadky/ => they pay attention to the changes in the style, patterns, colours of the seasons and they change their wardrobe according to these changes – women want to be like famous models – for example Claudia Schiffer, C. Crafford, A. Sklenaříková and so on.
There is a difference between the fashion nowadays and the fashion in the past => in the past women couldn’t wear trousers. They had to wear stiff corsets and long skirts which was very uncomfortable. They always wore long hair. Men used to wear a hat, a suit and moustaches were popular. Women’s skirts and dresses became shorter in the 20’s and nowadays women’s fashion is similar to men’s fashion – women wear trousers, ties nowadays.
Hairstyle - women more often dye and bleach their hair.
Women like shopping for clothes more than men do => they like window-shopping /pozeranie výkladov/ - they like to admire clothes and new models in the shop’s windows without buying them.
2. My wardrobe
My wardrobe consists of:
- underwear – spodná bielizeň
- undershirt – tielko, nátelník
- trousers – nohavice
- jeans – rifle, džínsy
- shorts - šortky
- suit – oblek
- dinner jacket – frak
- jumper – sveter
- T-shirt – tričko s krátkym rukávom
- shirt – košeľa
- anorak – zimná bunda, vetrovka
- jacket – sako, krátky kabát
- socks – ponožky
- tie – kravata
- belt – opasok
- hat – klobúk
- cap – čiapka /baseball cap/
- gloves – rukavice
- scarf – šál
- pyjamas – pyžamo
- dressing gown – župan
- shoes – topánky
- boots – čižmy
- trainers – tenisky

- underwear – spodná bielizeň
- knickers – nohavičky
- bra – podprsenka
- stockings – ponožky
- night dress – nočná košeľa
- pyjamas – pyžamo
- dressing gown – župan
- skirt – sukňa /miniskirt/
- blouse – blúzka
- costume – kostým
- jumper – sveter
- pullover – pulóver
- trousers – nohavice
- jeans – rifle, džínsy
- shorts - šortky
- jacket – sako, krátky kabát, kostýmový kabátik
- anorak – zimná bunda, vetrovka
- fur coat – kožušinový kabát
- winter coat – zimný kabát
- cocktail dress – krátke večerné šaty
- long evening dress – dlhé večerné šaty
- shoes – topánky
- high-heels – topánky na vysokom opätku
- trainers – tenisky
- boots – čižmy

ACCESSORIES – doplnky:
- handbag – kabelka
- scarf – šál, šatka
- gloves – rukavice
- hat – klobúk
- jewellery – šperky
- earrings – náušnice
- ring – prsteň
- bracelet – náramok
- necklace – náhrdelník
- chain – retiazka
- brooch /brúč/ - brošňa
- handkerchief - vreckovka
3. My attitude to fashion
People have different attitudes to fashion. For some people fashion is very important and a very necessary part of their life. People want to dress nicely, they like expensive clothes and accessories.
Young people like casual wear and sports wear because it is comfortable and practical. Many young people like to shop in brand name shops – for example NIKE, ADIDAS, KENVELO and so on. Some people like bright colours, others prefer dark colours, but the coulours should be always well-combined. Hairstyle and accessories are also important – for example a mobile phone, a bag /handbag/ and so on.
I like to wear ………………….. /bright colurs, dark colours…/ My favourite colour is………. I prefer sports wear and when I have money, I buy my clothes from brand name shops. My favourite shoes are my trainers because I like sport and I often play football. I wear a suit and tie only when I must – for example ………………. /for a family celebrations – weddings, christenings …, on the day of the school-leaving examination/.
4. Weather and fashion
Geography and climate influence the fashion a lot.
In summer people wear light summer dresses, loose blouses, shorts, T-shirts and sandals on their feet. When we go swimming, we put on a swim suit (swimming costume). Women can wear bikini and men can wear swimming trunks. People usually sunbathe - they want to have a nice suntan because they want to look good in short clothes and dresses. They wear straw hats on their heads. In summer people wear less clothes and use lighter materials, brighter colours (yellow, orange, white…) and many different patterns.
In winter – on the other hand, in winter we need to wear something warm to protect ourselves against the cold weather. We go skiing, snowboarding and so we wear anoraks, winter and fur coats, jackets, gloves, scarves, hats and caps. On our feet we usually put boots. People usually wear darker colours because the weather is bad – the snow at the roads melts and therefore they don’t wear bright-coloured clothes because they would become dirty.

- cotton – bavlna
- wool – vlna 
- linen – ľan
- silk – hodváb
- nylon – nylon 
- denim – denim, riflový materiál

Patterns – vzory:
- flowered – kvetinový
- geometric – geometrický
- stripped – pásikový
- checked – kockovaný
- spotted – bodkovaný
fashion – móda
the style of dress – štýl obliekania
behaviour – správanie
at a certain time – v určitom čase
own – vlastný
a way of life – spôsob života
each person – každý človek
taste – chuť
wear – nosiť
clothes – oblečenie
according to their taste – podľa svojej chuti
mood – nálada
character – povaha
to look good – dobre vyzerať
different from  - odlišný od
high-heel – topánky na vysokom opätku
pay attention – venovať pozornosť
wardrobe – šatník
fashion magazines – módne časopisy
change – zmena, zmeniť
pattern – vzor
a season – sezóna
according to – podľa
famous models –  slávne modelky
nowadays – v súčasnosti
in the past – v minulosti
could – môcť
stiff corsets – úzke, pevné korzety
uncomfortable – nepohodlný
men used to wear – muži zvykli nosiť
moustaches – fúzy
similar - podobný
tie – kravata
hairstyle – účes
dye – zafarbiť /vlasy/
bleach hair – odfarbiť vlasy
admire  - obdivovať
consist of – pozostávať z
attitude – postoj
important – dôležitý
a necessary part of their life – nevyhnutná súčasť ich života
to dress nicely – obliekať sa pekne
expensive – drahý
accessories - doplnky
casual wear – neformálne oblečenie
sports wear – športové oblečenie
comfortable – pohodlné
brand name shops – značkové obchody
bright colours – jasné farby
dark colours – tmavé farby
prefer – uprednostňovať
they should be – mali by byť
well-combined – dobre skombinované
a family celebration – rodinná oslava
wedding – svadba
christening – krstiny
school-leaving examination - maturita
climate – podnebie
influence – ovplyvňovať
light – ľahký
loose blouses – voľné blúzky
sandals – sandále
swim suit (swimming costume) – plavky
swimming trunks – plavky /mužské/
sunbathe – opaľovať sa
suntan – opálenie, bronz
straw hat – slamený klobúk
less – menej
they use lighter materials – používajú ľahšie materially
on the other hand – na druhej strane
need – potrebovať
to protect against – ochrániť proti
the snow at the roads melts – sneh na cestách sa topí
therefore – preto
become – stať sa
dirty - špinavý – Zóny pre každého študenta