Zóny pre každého študenta

Examples and Ideals

Examples and Ideals

Talk about:
a)  Role models and their importance – vzory a ich dôležitosť
b)  Positive and negative influence of role models – pozitívny a negatívny vplyv vzorov
c)  Personality features – osobnostné črty

Every person is influenced by other people during his/her life. We watch how people behave in different situations and we copy positive but also negative qualities. Especially children and young people have many role models. We can talk about:

- Family role models – the first models were our parents, brothers, sisters and grandparents. They are important to us because:
-  they teach us to be friendly, polite /polite = slušný/
-  they help us to learn how to solve problems /= riešiť problémy/
-  we learn how to get on well with people /= vychádzať s ľuďmi/
-  from our family members we learn many positive but also negative qualities – we learn to compromise, to cooperate, to help other people, but also to envy, to be selfish and so on.

- School role models – they are our schoolmates, teachers and other people we meet at school
- Celebrity role models – most teenagers look for role models outside their families or their school. Teenagers love music, cinema and sport, so singers, film stars and famous sportsmen influence them. They try to imitate them – their clothes, hairstyle, lifestyle, behaviour. Celebrities influence young people positively, but also negatively. a) Positive influence is:

-  they use their talent
-  some celebrities behave well and politely
-  they work hard and are successful
-  they can teach young people important moral principles = for example they work for charity, help poor people and so on.
b) Negative influence is:
-  many celebrities use drug and alcohol and become addicted
-  some celebrities have bad behaviour – they are vulgar, rude
-  they do not respect people around them
-  they think that they are better than other people but it isn’t true
-  they try to make profit in every situation

- Literary role models – heroes from books and literature. They usually represent positive moral qualities to follow.
- Everyday heroes – examples of positive role models: Mother Teresa – she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1972 – she looked after poor people and she did it for free. Bill Gates and his wife Melinda created a foundation to save the poorest people from illnesses.
It is very important for young people to have role models because childhood and adolescence it the time when people learn and pick the most of the qualities which they use later in their lives. If there are positive role models, young people learn how to be polite, tolerant, helpful. They will become people who will try to make the world a better place.
On the other hand, if young people are influenced by negative role models, they become rude, selfish, stubborn and there will be more robberies, murders, rapes and crime in the streets.
People can have positive and negative personality features /= osobnostné črty/:
reliable – spoľahlivý
understanding – chápavý
responsible – zodpovedný
fair – férový
trust – dôvera
loyal - lojálny
warm-hearted – dobrosrdečný
helpful – nápomocný
sincere – úprimný
polite – slušný
kind – milý
to have a sense of humour – mať zmysel pre humor
friendly – priateľský
sociable – spoločenský
hospitable – pohostinný
generous – štedrý
hard-working – usilovný
practical – praktický
sensible – rozumný
talkactive – ukecaný
honest – čestný
envious – závistlivý
envy – závidieť
to be fond of gossip – byť klebetný
hypocrite – pokrytecký
stubborn – tvrdohlavý
suspicious – podozieravý
quarrelsome – hádavý
greedy – chamtivý
coward – zbabelý
mean – lakomý
selfish – sebecký
jealous – žiarlivý
rude – drzý

influence - ovplyvňovať
other people – iní ľudia
during - počas
behave – správať sa
copy - kopírovať
positive/negative qualities – pozitívne/negatívne kvality /povahové vlastnosti/
especially – hlavne, najmä
important - dôležitý
get on well with people  - dobre vychádzať s ľuďmi
to compromise – robiť kompromisy
to cooperate - spolupracovať
envy – závidieť
selfish - sebecký
schoolmates - spolužiaci
outside – mimo, vonku
try – skúsiť, pokúsiť sa
hairstyle – účes
behaviour - správanie
successful – úspešný
moral principles – morálne zásady, princípy
charity - charita
poor - chudobný
addicted – závislý /napr. na drogách, alkohole…/
true - pravdivý
to make profit – mať zisk, profitovať
heroes - hrdinovia
to follow - nasledovať
awarded – odmenený
the Nobel Prize for Peace – Nobelová cena za mier
for free - zadarmo
a foundation - nadácia
to save - zachrániť
illness - choroba
childhood - detstvo
adolescence – adolescencia, puberta
pick – zbierať, zobrať si
on the other hand – na druhej strane
stubborn – tvrdohlavý
robbery – vlámanie, lúpež
murder – vražda
rape – znásilnenie
crime – zločin
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