Human relationships

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: ivka47
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 06.10.2011
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 949 slov
Počet zobrazení: 15 686
Tlačení: 730
Uložení: 726
A. People are social beings; they live in a society, not alone. During their life they enter different relationship.
Family: relations in families are based on love, respect, trust, understanding, adaptability, tolerance and communication. Between mother and child: it is the first relationship which we have in our life. It is the strongest relationship at all, because mother gives birth to the child.

Between parents and children:
parents should be an authority for children and children should have respect for patents. Parents look after their children. When children grow up they argue with parents because of their own opinions. Relationship can be disturbed. Sometime parents are too strict and sometime they don’t show their interest about children. Between siblings: when they are small they play together, but sometimes they have fight because of toys. When they are older they become friends and stick together. But sometime there are siblings that hate each other.
Colleagues: relationship is based on work, they have to communicate and respect each other. You should be fair. If somebody is too ambitious it can destroy relationship. A colleague can be also your good friend or partner. At work there are people at different level- this relationship is based on respect, responsibility and reliability.

At school: between students and teachers: they have formal relationship and they get in touch during lessons. Student can love them, respect them, dislike them or hate them. Teachers can have the same approach to the students. At the basic school relationship is closer, teachers take care about pupils. They are interested in pupils’ live and family. Communication is closer, they are more like parents. At the secondary school teachers are more like friends. But relationship isn’t as close as at the basic school. They have very little influence on them. If there is a bad teacher you hate also the subject and it can influence your future. Between classmates: Relationship between children in the kindergarten is based on common relationship, children first get in contact with other people. They don’t care about the sex. Teenagers: class can be divided into small group of students with similar interests or love. They have common school trips and after school meetings. At university students are looking for potential partner, they are not interested in others.
Neighbors: in town people usually live in flats so people know each other by sight or personally. The most important is to respect each other. If you have a good relationship you can make friends, they can visit each other, go out together or they can help each other. Often children play together. In village people live in houses, they are more interested in others, mainly old people love gossiping.

B. Friends have the same interests, opinions. By small children it is based on playing games and common experiences. In teenage it is based on trust, common activities, going to town, talking about problems. Adults go for a coffee or for a beer with their friends, visit each other and usually talk about family and work. For them it is way of relaxation, because they are without children. Friends can be also your schoolmates or neighbors. You can have a lot of friends but only few real friends. You can talk with him openly, you laugh with them, share your secrets, he always help you if you need it.
C. There are three main social problems: disabled, homeless and addicted people. Disabled people have many problems in our country. But we have special schools for blind, deaf and dumb children. For them it is very difficult to find a job, because there is high unemployment. But there is a law that big companies have to employ disabled people. Homeless if you lose a job, you don’t have to have enough money to pay for a flat and you can lose your family so you can easily get to border of crime. It is difficult to come back to normal life. There are homeless centers but there is not enough space and also charities which helps with clothes and food. Some homeless people also sell newspaper to earn some money. Government should create new jobs, to teach them how to get back to society. Addicted people they try to escape from hard reality, they don’t try to solve the problem. They want to try something new, and they don’t know when to stop. If they feel bored and have enough money they try new things. Also friends influence them. It is their personal problem but it starts to be a social problem when they stole money, kill people, because they need more money for drugs. There are centers but people have to want help.

D. Aggressivity: Small children become aggressive because of games, watching TV or family problems. Addict can be also the reason if they don’t have enough money or when they are drunk. Poor people can be aggressive because they want more money but also rich people can be aggressive because they think that they can do everything. Results of aggressivity are vandalism, hurt people, destroyed houses because they want just to show of. Bullying (šikanovanie) is usually among young people at school or in army. Victims have to do things against their will. They are humiliated. Bullies want to show their power. Bullied people have to talk about their problems with parents or teachers. Egoism and indifference= nor caring about other people. Sometimes it isn’t indifference but self-protection when somebody is fighting or doing dangerous things.

E. How to solve problems: 1. To make better laws 2. Before fighting people should talk 3. Special lessons which teach people not to be angry and aggressive.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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