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Man and society

Man and society
People are the most intelligent beings in the whole world. There are a lot of things, in which we are different from animals and they are typical only for us. We are the only species, who can think, realize time, remember things or do some plans for future. We can laugh, we are sociable, we can write and read, communicate, express our feelings, we can do different decisions, and we work and earn money. People invent new things, which can help them in life. We have different traditions, religions and habits and we can spend our free time in different ways. We are also beings, who destroy this world, take drugs and commit crime. We live in the world, which is ruled, so we have to control it.

The average life expectancy (priemerná dĺžka života)
is usually influenced by country, but we mostly live to 60 or 80. Age of women is often higher than age of men. People have different behavior in every age. Children, they are not responsible and they are mostly dependent from their parents. They don’t know the world; they don’t know how the life goes. They can’t express their feelings but they are happier than others. First time in kindergarten they get to know new people, relations and get new experience. At school they start to have their own duties. They spend their time playing games and they become interested in other sex.

Teenagers start to realize their life, they dream a lot, they start to attend secondary schools, where friendships are closer and last longer. They often have problems with growing up. It’s a very difficult period of life because they want to be independent, but they are still dependent. They like night life, going out with their friends. A lot of bad things can influenc them so sometimes they commit suicides, different crime or they start to take drugs.
Then we have young adults. We can divide them into 2 groups. Those, who start their family, and those who continue in their study. First group usually decide to start their own life. They try to find job and earn money. It’s often very hard because they’re not experienced so they often have financial problems and they have to stay with their parents with their families.
Second group of young people continue in their study, but it’s also hard. Parents have to pay a lot of money for their education. These people start to be independent and they try to find some part-time job to earn some money for themselves. Some of them interrupt their study and go traveling; some of them build their career and prolong their young ages.

4-5 years to retirement it’s time of self realization;
people make their career and achieve their best positions. It’s also connected with family life and looking after children. People spend much time traveling and enjoying their life. At the old age people get retired and they have a lot of time. They can do their hobbies and spend their free time with their grandchildren. But they also have health problems; they see doctors quite often and spend a lot of money. Later they lose their partner and then they miss him and suffer a lot. They usually need somebody to care about them, and when there’s no help, the rest of their life they spend in hospices or pensioner’s houses.
In every country there is an etiquette which tells us how to behave. Some things are the same everywhere but we can find a lot of differences. In Slovakia it is considered polite to thank for everything somebody does for us, to knock before entering the room, to give advantage to women or older people or to be punctual. It’s impolite to start talking when somebody is still talking or to talk with full mouth.

When people meet somebody like neighbours or older people they usually say dobry den When they meet friends they often say ahoj or cau , they sometimes kiss each other or shake their hands. Kissing is not common, it’s made only by congratulations or meeting somebody after very long time. It’s the same with shaking hands. When they are at official meeting they have to be well – dressed and they greet each other with shaking hands. Organization of parties, visits and celebration is also different. Young people usually go out to some restaurants or pubs, they sometimes visit each other but they make only short visits.

Older people stay at home, they organize their parties on Saturdays or Sundays in the afternoon. They invite their guests informal mostly by telephone or by personal meeting. They usually clean and tide up their house and do the shopping. They are casually but nice dressed. They prepare something for guests like sandwiches which are made of slice of bread coated with butter and they also give there slice of salami or ham and piece of hard-boiled egg. Then they can also add some vegetable (tomatoes, pepper or pickles) and cheese. They usually bake a cake and serve something to drink like coffee, tea, wine or alcohol. For children they prepare fizzy drinks or juices. Guests often bring something sweet for children and a bottle of wine for parents. They talk about everything – about job, family and their problems. The visit often takes 2- 4 hours. There are some table manners too. On the table there’s a table cloth, on the middle there’s decoration like flowers or fruits. There should be different plates for different dishes and also glasses, cutlery (príbor) for meat and napkin to protect our clothes and to dry our mouth.

Official parties such as different anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, family celebrations, business parties and receptions are mostly made at restaurants where everything’s prepared. They are often made on Saturdays and invitations are in written form. It’s more comfortable type of making party but it’s also more expensive. Our society is based on habits and rules and breaking the law is officially punished and people can go to the prison. People commit different crimes such as killing, stealing, shop- lifting, pick – pocketing, different robberies, there’s also home crime, bullying, rapes, black mailing or kidnapping.

For different crime people are given different punishments. The most common are fines, then people are sent to the prison and the top of everything is capital punishment, which is not allowed in most countries. Young people which are not at the age more than 18 have to be reeducated for their crime. Our country also looks after its citizens. People in need are given social benefits, unemployment and invalid pensions and benefits and also children’s allowances. Charities try to look after these cases too. We can divide them into local, national and international. To the local belongs Spiš catholic charity, which collects money for people. Then we have national charities, which look after orphans, homeless people, ill people or mothers like Nadation Markiza,  Konto of Hope and others. And then there are international as Red Cross, Red Half Moon, which helps people after diseases, earthquakes or floats. They provide them food, clothes, blankets and also money.
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