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Audionahrávka MP3: Mass-Media

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Topic number 15: Mass Media....

It serves to distribute some kinds of content.
Public media has large number of audience at the same time.
Most are based on nation state level basis.....

Mass Media can be divided into 2 parts:
1.) Printed Media. It contains newspapers and magazines....
2.) Electronic Media....

Something from history.
First kind of material for writing was tipao in China. It´s invented in 713. It was piece of silk. There was pointed some kinds of informations. It was distributed to public places... In Rome there was Acta Diurna.....
In modern age, In 1443 Gutenberg invented printing machine. First book was Bible....

Printed media......
It contains feature articles on sport, politics, comics, advertising, obituaries, business, crimes, weather forecast, and so on.... All of these is called journalism....

Newspapers are devided by FORMAT.
1.) Broadsheet. It is highest quality of newspapers, according to its content...
For example: New York Times.......
2.) Tabloid/Gutter press. It´s half format of broadsheet. It has very low quality. They mislead readers...
For example: The Sun Globe, and New York Post.......
3.) Berliner/Midi. It is something between broadsheet and tabloid.
For example: Guardian.......
4.) Newsprint/ Off white. It is low quality of paper. It´s local print to local people......

Newspapers are devided also by how many times they are produced.
1.) Daily. (mostly five or six times per week).....
2.) Weekly. (one time per week). It is often second half of week.....
3.) Fortnightly. (one time per two weeks)...
4.) Monthly.....
5.) Annually.....
Daily, Weekly and also Forthnighty are based on national state level.......

Magazines are devided according to its CONTENT.
1.) General interest. For example: Slovenka, Plus 7 dní, Týždeò....
2.) Special interest. They have limited numbers of readers. Very narrow topics.
They are subscription only and freely accesible.. They have glossy paper..
For example: Muscles and Fitness....
Magazines are produced fortnightly, monthly and annually....

Electronic media.....
Internet is first interactive media accesible at any time. For example social networks like Facebook or Twitter...
From history. End of 19.century, Marconi invented wireless telegraph. Wireless means distributed via air... Now we have AM (Amplitude Modulation) and FM (Frequency modulation). FM is higher quality of signal, it can play stereo......
In 1916 there was first radio broadcasting.
From 1927 we have TV broadcasting....

1.) Public. It has informative, educative and entertainment function...
It´s based on taxes. It´s funded by state treasury.. Government redistributes money. Public TV is owned by state.... It is channel between authority and inhabitans... Content must be independent.......
2.) Commercial. It´s based on advertising... They must to be attractive... They follow rating of programs.....
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