Matematické výrazy

Matematické výrazy
2 + 3  = 5  two and (plus) three is (equals, makes ) five
   5 - 3 = 2  fivre less (minus) three is (equals, makes) two
5 x 3  = 15 five times three  is  fifteen
  five  multiplied by free is fifteen
 Poznámka : rozmery udávame pomocou  by : 6 x 9 , čítaj  six by nine ,
  15 : 3 = 5 fifteen divided by three is  (equals) five
  three into fifteen goes five  (times)
 22   two squared  33 three cubed  2 4  two to the fourth  4 1/2  the square root of four
  41/3  two cube root of four  41/ n  the n-th roor of four – Zóny pre každého študenta