Travel + slovná zásoba

Nowadays is travelling very important for us. We travel to overcome the long distances. We can´t imagine our lives without travelling, because we live in modern world. We live in world which advances very fast. It was different in the past. People didn´t have so much possibilities as we have now. They used to travel on foot or by sea. This kind of overcomming the long distances usually taked a lot of time. So people started to discover the new faster ways of travelling. Bicycles, cars, airplanes and nowadays the rockets.
Travelling is a part of our everyday lives. It doesn´t matter if we want to overcome short or long distances. Every day we travel to work, children go to school regulary. We can travel by bus, by car, we have a lot of possibilities.
Many people like travelling because it is a good way to learn about life. They want to recognize the others ways of living in foreign lands. Other cultures, traditions and habits of other nations. Many people prefer staying at the seaside, lying on the beach, while others are interesed in local traditions, history and like talking to local people. They try to spend so much time as possible using the foreign language they have learned at home.
People can spend much time by palnning their holidays. The type of holiday they choose depends mostly on money. Travel agencies are offering a large scale of holidays. People with lot of money can afford an expensive holiday with all services like expensive accommodation, suitable insurance and comfortable way of travelling. Mostly by bus or by plane. On the other hand, people with less of money prefer travelling on their own. They stay at camp, prepare meals on their own. 
Travelling is very important part of our lives. It doesn´t matter if we travel for pleasure, for holiday or cummute to work. We can´t live without overcomming the distances, because we want to be fast and live fast too.

1. Which means of transport do you prefer using to get to your holiday destination and why?
I have spended all my holidays with my parents. We allways travel with travel agency. So we prefer the services that they can offer to us. We have travelled by bus. It wasn´t very comfortable to spend 15 hours in bus, but it was quite funny. I have never travelled by plane, so I don´t know how it is and I can´t compare this types of travelling.
2. Many cities protect their historical buildings by setting up pedestrian zones where cars are not allowed. What do you think about this idea?
I think it´s a good idea. It protects not only the historical buildings but the people too. People can´t be crashed or injured by car accident. And it protects the environment too.
3. What do you think about cycling trips?
I think it´s a good idea. Especially for people who like spending their time by sport. By this trips they can recognize the land and the history of land from their bicycles.
4. Many people consider riding a motorbike to be very dangerous. What do you think?
I think riding a motorbike is dangerous, but it´s because the people who rides are not enough responsible. They are ridding very fast and they ignore the safety.
5. Many people think that travelling to exotic countries might be very dangerous to their health.
It could be dangerous. Because there are lot of  unknown illnesses. Before you will travel to exotic country you should be vaccinate.
6. Describe how you protect yourself when you go on holiday?
I allways pack to my suitcase some medicine. Some headache pills or nose drops. I allways use a suntan lotion by sunbathing.
7. Describe how you prepare for your holiday?
I buy the things I will need. New soap or shampoo. One day before departure I allways pack my suitcase.  
8. What would you do if you missed your flight abroad?
I would book a next plane ticket. Then I would call my family and tell that I arrive later.
9. What do you think about safety precautions before flying?
I think they are very necessary. They can protect people from terrorists.
10. Are you satisfied with the services provided by tourist agencies in Slovakia?
I have been allways satisfied with their services. If I would not ,I will complain of them and they should offer me a compensation.
11. Do you prefer travelling with a travel agency or do you organize holidays yourself?
I prefer travelling with travel agency because they can offer a large scale of services like travel insurance to me. If I would not be satisfied with their services they will return money to me.
12. Compare staying in a tent with staying in a cottage.
I think staying in a cottage is more comfortable. You can sleep in a bed, there isn´t so many insects. You can prepare your food in the kitchen. Staying in a tent isn´t comfortable. You have to sleep in sleeping- bag direct on the ground. There is lot of insects. Your clothes are damp.

travel by land  cestovať po zemi
by sea  po mori
by air letecky
go on foot chodiť pešo
go by bus/coach  ísť autobusom/kočom
go by car/plane/boat  ísť autom/lietadlom/člnom
travel for plaesure cestovať pre radosť
travel on business  obchodná/služobná cesta
travel short/long distances  cestovať na krátke/dlhé vzdialenosti
commute to work/to school  dochádzať za prácou/do školy
ride a bicycle/a motorbike jazdiť na bicykli/na motorke
ride a bike/a horse jazdiť na motocykli/na koni
drive a car/a bus  riadiť auto/autobus
fly a plane letieť lietadlom
drive on motorways/highways  jazdiť po diaľnici/hlavnej ceste
sleeper spací vozeň
dining-car  jedálenský vozeň
ticket office predaj cestovných lístkov
departure/arrival boards  tabuľa s príchodmi/odchodmi
left-luggage office  úschovňa batožiny
locker  skrinka
buy a single/return ticket to  kúpiť si jeden/spiatočný lístok do
catch/miss a train chytiť, stihnúť/zmeškať vlak
a through train priamy vlak
a fast train rýchlik
compartment kupé
find  a free seat nájsť voľné miesto/sedadlo
get a seat reservation rezervovať si sedadlo
put a suitcase on the rack  odložiť si batožinu do regálu
break a journey  prerušiť jazdu
see sb off odprevadiť niekoho na stanicu
meet sb at the station  stretnúť niekoho na stanici
book a plane ticket  kúpiť si letenku
check-in vstupná kontrola
get a boarding card dostať plubenku
go to the departure lounge  ísť do odletovej haly
board a plane nastúpiť do lietadla
go through passport and security check  prejsť pasovou a bezpečnostnou kontrolou
arrival/departure gate  príchodová/odchodová brána
listen to safety instructions počúvať bezpečnostné inštrukcie
fasten a seatbelt  zapnúť si pás
serve refreshments  podávať občerstvenie
get in/off/out of car nastúpiť/vystúpiť z auta
pick sb up  zdvihnúť niekoho
drive sb to priviezť niekoho
traffic lights  semafory
traffic jam dopravná zátarasa
pedestrian crossing  prechod pre chodcov
car park/parking lot parkovisko
lay-by  odpočívadlo
speed limit najväčšia dovolená rýchlosť
have a holiday/take a holiday mať dovolenku/zobrať si dovolenku
a holiday resort rekreačné stredisko
a package tour/holiday  turistický zájazd/dovolenka
a self-catering holiday dovolenka s vlastnou stravou
go to the travel agent´s ísť do cestovnej kancelárie
get a travel brochure dostať cestovnú brožúru
go camping  ísť kempovať
go to the seaside ísť k morskému pobrežiu
go sightseeing ísť na vyhliadkovú trasu
see the sights vidieť pamiatky
hitchhike ísť autostopom
book accomodation zabezpečiť ubytovanie
hotel/hostel  hotel/nocľaháreň
bed and breakfast raňajky a ubytovanie
make a reservation  rezervovať si

From book
allowaces zakalkulovanie, zľava
avoid vyhnúť sa
convenient výhodný
far- flung rozsiahly
fast- paced  rýchly
home- swapping  výmena domov za účelom dovolenky
literally  doslova
maiden  uskutočnený po prvýkrát
purify  očistiť, vyčistiť
reminder  pamiatka, spomienka
tap water voda z vodovodu
undoubtedly  bezpochyby
afield ďaleko, do cudziny
cancellation zrušenie, storno
deal obchod, obojstranne výhodná dohoda
hold luggage odovzdaná batožina
hassle- free  bez problémov
nail file  pilník na nechty
polio  detská obrna
rabies besnota
supplement  doplatok
typhoid  týfus
unsinkable nepotopiteľný – Zóny pre každého študenta