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In our country daily meals usually start with breakfast which consists of something to drink (tea, cocoa, warm or hot milk, black coffee) and something to eat (one or two slices of bread and butter with cheese or ham, eggs, salami, jam). Instead of bread we can eat rolls or something sweet – cakes, doughnuts or buns. Around noon we have our lunch which is warm and consists of some soup, a main dish, salad or dessert and something to drink.

Soups are either vegetable (potato, tomato, pea, bean, carrot, lentil, mushroom) or meat soups (chicken soup or gonlash). The main dish can be either sweet – strawberry or plum dumplings, pancakes with jam and cream – or we can have some meat, fish or poultry with some vegetables such as potatoes, chips, rice.

We distinquish the following types of meat – beef, pork, lamb, mutton, veal, poultry and we can prepare it in various ways – roast it, boil it, stew it or bake it. While cooking we may add various spices so that the meal will have unique flavour – garlic, rosemary, sage, thyme or cinamon and ginger. An evening meal can be either warm or cold. Cold and quick supper may consist of some pate on bread or some spread. Typical Slovak meals are small dumplings with sheep cheese, tripe soup, potato pancakes,..

The English usually begin the day with a cup of tea which they drink with milk. Then they have breakfast. The traditional English breakfast starts with cereals – porridge or cornflakes with milk. This is sometimes followed by fried bacon, eggs or sausages with fried tomatoes or toast with marmelade. Such a big breakfast is usually eaten during the weekend later in the morning and it is called brunch (it is breakfast and lunch together).

Around 10 a. m. the English have elevenas – tea with milk and some biscuits. Between 11.30 a. m. – 1.30 p. m. it is usually lunch time. People eat only sandwiches either in the office or factory canteen. The typical British break is 5 o´clock tea. It is usually fairly strong and eaten together with some cakes or bisciuts. Dinner is an evening meal in Britian. It is a cooked meal with meat or fish and vegetable salad followed by a dessert.

Typical English meals are: fish and chips wrapped in a paper, cheescake, apple pie, fish pie, bread and butter pudding, Christmas pudding – made of dried fruits and always covered with burning brandy.

Students can have meal in the canteen. There is no choice of meals, becouse only one prepare meal cooked every day. Many people like eating in the restaurant, because the chioce is always big and rich and you can go to pizza house. You can have a typical Slovak food in the Slovak restaurant and if you want to try different cuisine, you can go to mexican restaurant, chinesse or greek restaurant. There are many fast food restaurants too, but they are not very healthly, because they self junk food – Mc Donald´s, kebab, stall, baguettes, hot dogs,..

National cuisines:

Eating habits are different in every country in the world and there is always a dish, which is typical for that country. We usually know about meals in neighbouring countries, e. g. Typical Chzech meal is roast pork with dumplings and sauerkraut and goulash is typical for hungarian cuisine.

There are also some dishes that are known all over the world as typical for that country. Most people know that borscht is a russian national dish, fish and chips are eaten in England and hamburgers in America. Italian people are lovers of pizza and pasta and french people are famous for their cheese and good wine.

We also have to respect that muslims and jews do not eat pork and people in India do not eat beef because of their religion.

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