
Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: anika
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 23.06.2011
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 615 slov
Počet zobrazení: 88 210
Tlačení: 2 057
Uložení: 1 988


Talk about – rozprávajte o:
- Your eating habits – vaše stravovacie návyky
- Healthy eating – zdravé stravovanie
- Food you like and dislike  – jedlo ktoré máte a nemáte radi
- Fast food – rýchle občerstvenie
- Diets and vegetarians – diéty a vegetariáni
- Food around the world – jedlo vo svete

1. Your eating habits
In Slovakia a typical day starts with breakfast. Between breakfast and lunch we usually have a snack. At midday we have lunch. Later we can have a snack again. In the evening, we eat dinner.
BREAKFAST – raňajky – the typical breakfast in Slovakia consists of a slice of bread with butter, ham, cheese or jam with a cup of tea or coffee. Some people like sausages or rolls. Some people prefer healthy breakfast /light breakfast/ - for example cereals /Cheerios, Cornflakes …/ with yoghurt. They drink fruit juice.
Breakfast is very important because it gives us energy for the start of the day.
SNACK – desiata, občerstvenie – we usually have a snack between breakfast and lunch and we eat it at school or at work. Children and students usually bring their snack from home or they buy it in the school buffet. As a snack people usually have a sandwich with ham or cheese, fruit, a chocolate bar or some sweets.
LUNCH – obed – lunch is the main meal that we have during the day. We eat our lunch at midday. Some people have their lunch at work, at school or they wait and eat their lunch when they come home. Our lunch usually has 2 courses /2 chody/:
a)  Soup /polievka/ - for example:
· stock – vývar
· meat soup – mäsová polievka
· tomato soup – rajčinová polievka
· vegetable soup – zeleninová polievka...
b)  Main meal /hlavné jedlo/ - in Slovakia we usually have meat with potatoes or rice and some vegetables. In some families, people have lunch together.  In Slovakia people always have lunch together at Christmas.
Meat – mäso  * potatoes – zemiaky
· chicken – kurča * chips /French fries/ – hranolky
· beef – hovädzie * rice – ryža
· pork – bravčové  * dessert – desert
· lamb – jahňacie * dumplings – knedle
· fish – ryba * pasta - cestoviny 
· tuna – tuniak * salad - šalát
· salmon - losos
DINNER – večera – in Slovakia it is not very common to cook dinner. We usually cook lunch and most people eat for dinner what they had for lunch. Some people just have a snack – e.g. rolls, a cake with milk or tea and so on.
2. Food you like and dislike
I wouldn’t like to be a vegetarian because I like meat. My favourite food is ………………. /chicken with rice, creamy sauce /smotanová omáčka/ with meat and dumplings, chips.../ I also like to eat salted crisps /solené lupienky/, especially in the evening when I watch TV. I know that it isn’t healthy, but I like it and I also like sweets and fruit.
I don’t like spinach /špenát/ – I can’t stand it /neznášam ho/. When my mother cooks it, I always make myself something different to eat – for example scrambled eggs /praženica/. I aslo dislike ................................
3. Healthy eating
If we want to be healthy, we should eat healthy food.  We should:
eat at least 3 times during the day – jesť aspoň 3x za deň
eat smaller portions but more often during the day – jesť menšie porcie, ale častejšie počas dňa
we should eat slowly – mali by sme jesť pomaly
we should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables – mali by sme jesť veľa ovocia a zeleniny
we should drink a lot of mineral water – mali by sme piť veľa minerálky
we should stop skipping meals – mali by sme prestať vynechávať jedlá
we should avoid too much salt and spices – mali by sme sa vyhýbať príliš veľa soli a koreniu
we should avoid eating in the fast food restaurants – mali by sme sa vyhýbať jedeniu v reštauráciách rýchleho občerstvenia
we should avoid eating finger food, ketchup and too much sweets – mali by sme sa vyhýbať jedeniu jednohubiek, kečupu a príliš veľa sladkostí
we should avoid eating late at night – mali by sme sa vyhýbať jedeniu neskoro v noci
we should avoid sweet fizzy drinks /like Coca Cola/ - mali by sme sa vyhývať sladkým bublinkovým nápojom /ako Coca Cola/
we should avoid drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes – mali by sme sa vyhýbať pitiu alkoholu a fajčeniu cigariet
we should avoid drinking too much coffee and caffeine – mali by sme sa vyhýbať pitiu príliš veľa kávy a kofeínu
we should eat more fish and dairy products – mali by sme jesť viac rýb a mliečnych výrobkov
4. Fast food
Fast food /rýchle občerstvenie/ is very popular especially with young people – McDonalds’, Kentucky Fried Chicken /KFC/ and so on. Fast food restaurants sell hamburgers, cheeseburgers, ice/cream, chicken with chips, sweet fizzy drinks => this food usually contains too many calories and oil and is too heavy for our stomach. But it is tasty and easily accessible and many people like it. It is also quite expensive but for many people it is a comfortable way of eating because they are busy and they don’t have time to cook or wait in a restaurant for lunch – they can just buy a hamburger in a fast food restaurant, carry it with them and eat it when they have time.
Nowadays many fast food restaurants have a drive-in => you can buy food while you are sitting in your car.
5. Diets and vegetarians
Diets – especially young girls often go on a diet because they want to be slim and attractive. Too much dieting is not healthy, but it can be dangerous to health => nowadays many young girls become seriously ill because they want to loose weight and be as slim as famous models –  such illnesses are for example anorexia, bulimia and so on.
Vegetarians – vegetarians are people who don’t eat meat or fish. They eat only vegetable products like grains or fruit. People become vegetarians because they think it is more healthy or for moral reasons – for example because they don’t like the cruel treatment of animals so they protest in this form. Vegetarians are less ill /they don’t suffer from the heart attack so often/ because it is more healthy to eat vegetable products than to eat meat.
Vegans – vegans are people who don’t eat any animal products at all – they don’t eat meat, fish, cheese, milk, eggs – nothing that comes from animals.
Doctors believe that a natural diet for a human being should contain both animal and vegetable products.
6. Food around the world
Different nationalities have different national dishes.
SLOVAKIA – our national dish is “Bryndzové halušky“– it is food made from potatoes mixed with cheese
GREAT BRITAIN – the national dish is “Fish and chips” – people in Britain usually buy it in a shop – they don’t cook it – it is usually wrapped in a paper and eaten outside
British are also famous for their English tea – tea with milk and for Christmas they have a Christmas pudding which is made of candied fruit. For Thanksgiving Day they have a turkey and the whole family has dinner together.
THE USA – they don’t have a national dish because it is a very multicultural country – their cuisine /kwizin = kuchyňa/ contains food from different parts of the world – Indian, Chinese, food and so on. American people also like eating steaks.
CHINA – they eat a lot of vegetables and rice – it is eaten with chopsticks /paličky/.
CANADA – Canada is famous for its Maple syrup /Javorový sirup/.
RUSSIA – Vodka.
between - medzi
midday - poludnie
consist of – skladať sa z, pozostávať z
a slice of bread – krajec chleba
butter - maslo
ham - šunka
a cup of tea – šálka čaju
like – mať rád
sausage - klobása
rolls - rohlíky
prefer - uprednostňovať
healthy - zdravý
cereals - cerálie
important - dôležitý
sandwich – obložený chlebík
chocolate bar – čokoládová tyčinka
sweets - sladkosti
during - počas
wait - čakať
together - spolu
common - bežný
to cook - variť
a cake - koláč
fast food - rýchle občerstvenie
especially – najmä, hlavne
sell - predávať
sweet fizzy drinks – sladké bublinkové nápoje
contain - obsahovať
too many – príliš veľa
oil - olej
stomach - žalúdok
tasty - chutný
easily accessible – ľahko dostupné
quite expensive – dosť drahé
a comfortable way of eating – pohodlný spôsob jedenia
busy  - zaneprázdnený
just - jednoducho
carry – niesť, odniesť
nowadays – v dnešnej dobe, v súčasnosti
go on a diet – začať diétu
slim - chudý
too much dieting – príliš veľa diét
dangerous to health – nebezpečný pre zdravie
become – stať sa
seriously ill – vážne chorý
loose weight - schudnúť
as slim as famous models – také chudé ako slávne modelky
such - taký
illnesses - choroba
grains - obilniny
for moral reasons – pre morálne príčiny
the cruel treatment of animals – kruté zaobchádzanie so zvieratami
less ill – menej chorý
suffer from the heart attack – utrpieť/ dostať srdcový infarkt
at all - vôbec
contain - obsahovať
different – odlišný, rozličný
nationality - národnosť
national dish – národné jedlo
made from – vyrobené z
wrapped in a paper and eaten outside – zabalené v papieri a jedené vonku
to be famous for - byť slávny pre
candied fruit – kondenzované ovocie
Thanksgiving Day – Deň Vďakyvzdania
a turkey - moriak
the whole family – celá rodina
together - spolu
multicultural country – multikultúrna krajina
cuisine /kwizin = kuchyňa

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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