Man and Society + slovná zásoba

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: maturant
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 08.04.2008
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 283 slov
Počet zobrazení: 35 950
Tlačení: 1 530
Uložení: 1 190
Rules, values and ethics are the basis of every good society. It´s very important to keep these principles. They can help people to get on with another people. And it´s very important, because when people are on good terms with another people it´s better for society. We could prevent wars, conflicts and another nuisances.

We learn moral rules and principles all our life. Our parents raise us up, they teach us moral principles, values, they teach us what is polite and impolite, what should we do etc. At first they have to show us how to do it, because if  they expect their children to take good manners seriously, they have to show the same manners to them. They tell us, that we should greet older people, that man should greet woman, children should greet adults they know in a nice. They tell us, that we should greet loud, with clear voice, looking into the eyes. They prepare us for life. They give us the basis of morals and it´s good for us. Because when we are polite, we can have good relations with another poeple.  

The study of morals
is called ethics. It consists of moral rules and principles. It´s based on behaviour what is right and what is not. Ethics that are rules what humans should do, how they should be, what values they should prefer. Another study, which define the formal rules of correct or polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession is etiquette. It consists of rules, for example the rules of greeting. Younger people should greet older, man greet woman etc. Rules of dining. For example the right placement of cutlery. There are different styles of dining world wide.

There are also some special rules for how to behave in certain places. For example women covering their heads or shoulders when entering a church, men taking off hats in a church etc.

There are lot of rules and principles, that can help people to get on with another people. I think that these rules are very important for lot of people, because they help us to be better personalities.


1. Compare your everyday manners with those when you have guests in your  home.

I think that my everyday manners aren´t different. When we have guests I am polite like every day. My parents raised me up to be polite in every situation. I try to be polite to all people and I expect politeness from other people too.

2. Discuss the rules of politeness which you have been taught in your family.
I have been taught from my parents that I should greet people who I know in a nice. They have taught me how should I behave when other peole are present. How should I eat, they have taught me what is polite and what is impolite, they have taught me everything what I need for life.

3. What manners do you appreciate most in your family?
For me are all the moral rules important. I appreciate on people the politeness the most. I like people who are polite, who know, what they should do, who know how they should behave in every situation. It´s big advantage for them, because when they are polite, another people are polite to them too.

4. Discuss certain conventions (hairstyle, clothes in business, etc.) and give your opinion about them.

I agree with these conventions. It looks prettier when people who works in offices are trim (upravený). They have the same conditions, the same clothes and it looks more serious. It doesn´t look good when for example a bank employee wears short skirts and low neck. When she has long nails with expressive colours, it doesn´t look serious and it can dissuade (odradiť) the customers.

5. Rules from American culture. What is your opinion?
I think that these rules are applied world wide. Some of them: Wait your turn and do not interrupt other people when they are speaking. This rule is important, because it isn´t good when two or more people are speaking at the same time. Nobody can understand, because there are too many voices at once. Always greet someone when they came over to your house. I think that it´s a basic rule of politeness to greet people. Say „please“ and „thank you“ often. It´s impotant, because it shows respect and appreciation. Don´t stuff your mouth full of food, because it looks terrible. Always use a napkin to wape your mouth. I agree, it doesn´t look good when somebody has scraps of food on his mouth.

6. What manners would you like to teach your children.
I would like to teach my children all the rules of politeness, which are necessary. I want to have polite children, who will always know, how they should behave in every situation, because they will reperesent me. Children are pictures of their parents. (I am polite, because my parents are polite).

7. What do you think of how employees of Slovak banks dress? Why?
Their clothes are formal, because they represent the bank. They always have to look serious, because they are the picture of the bank. If the bank emloyees are serious, the bank looks serious too and it can influence the customers.
8. Talk to your partner about your family´s table manners. Highlight the ones you do not like.
We have normal table manners like other families have too. I think that I like all these manners. We are people,  so we should be polite in every situation and by eating too.

Man and society
social security    sociálna istota
benefits    úžitok, prospech (dávky, podpora)
contributory benefits    pomocné dávky (peňažné)
noncontributory benefits    príjem zo všeobecného zdanenia
retirement pension    dôchodok
maternity pay    materský príspevok
maternity allowance    materský príspevok
widow´s pension    vdovský príspevok
sickness benefit     nemocenská
invalidity pension    invalidný dôchodok
child benefit    príspevok na dieťa
unemployment benefit    príspevok v nezamestnanosti
income support    podpora príjmu
housing benefits    nájomné
family credit    rodinný úver
the retired    penzista
the sick    chorý
the disabled    postihnutý
the unemployed    nezamestnaný
widows    vdovy
parents and people on very low income    rodičia a ľudia s nízkym príjmom
society    spoločnosť
traditional    tradičný
modern    moderný
developed/undeveloped    vyvinutý
civilized    civilizovaný
different groups in society    odlišné skupiny v spoločnosti
community    spoločenstvo, komunita
social class    spoločenská trieda
the upper class    vyššia trieda
the middle class    stredná trieda
the working class    pracujúca trieda
the poor    chudobní
the rich    bohatí
elite    elita
rank    spoločenské postavenie, hodnosť
position    pozícia
status    postavenie
equality/inequality    rovnosť
civil rights    občianske práva
integrate    prijať, zlúčiť
justice    spravodlivosť
legal/illegal    legálny
lawful/unlawful    právny
judicial system    súdny systém
lawyer    právnik
attorney    splnomocnenec, právnik
barrister    advokát
people´s judge    sudca
appoint a judge    vybrať sudcu
solicitor    právny poradca
the prosecution    žaloba, súdne stíhanie
the defence    obrana
civil law    občianske právo
sue    žalovať
plaintiff    žalobca
defendant    obhajca
compound a quarrel by mutual agreement    zamiešať sa do vzájomnej hádky
settle out of court    opustiť súdnu sieň
criminal law    trestné právo
criminal offence    trestný čin
juvenile deliquency    delikvencia mladistvých
theft    krádež
steal    kradnúť
robbery    lúpež
burglery    vlámanie
break into     vlámanie
kill in self- defence    zabiť v sebaobrane
murder    vražda, vraždiť
make attempt on the life of     pokus o vraždu
assassinate    zavraždiť
revenge    pomstiť
manslaughter    zabitie, vražda
rape    znásilnenie, únos
treason        zrada
suicide    samovražda
commit suicide    spáchať samovraždu
abuse    zneužitie
cheat    podvod
forge    falšovať
blackmail    vydieračstvo
bribery/bribe    úplatnosť/úplatok
hijack    uniesť lietadlo
kidnap    uniesť
pickpocket    vreckový zlodej
shoplifting    kradnúť v obchode
gangster/hooligan    chuligán
investigation    pátranie, vyšetrovanie
search for fingerprints    hľadať odtlačky prstov
lie- detector    detektor lži
trial    pojednávanie, skúška
law- suit    súdny spor
case    prípad
give evidence    podať svedectvo
eyewitness    očitý svedok
testimony    svedectvo
innocent    nevinný
convict of murder    usvedčiť z vraždy
pass a sentence on sb    položiť niekomu otázku
fine    pokuta
capital punishment    finančný trest
death penalty    trest smrti
ask for mercy    prosiť o milosť
imprisonment    uväznenie
release from prison    prepustenie z väzenia
execute    vykonať, uskutočniť
hang    obesiť
electrocution    poprava na elektrickom kresle
hangman    kat
abolish the death penalty    zrušiť trest smrti
pardon    odpustenie

From book

acceptable    prijateľný
assault    prepadnutie, znásilnenie
choke    zadusiť sa
count    rátať
disgusting    nechutný
edge    okraj    
fraud    podvod    
impose    nariadiť
pick up after sb    upratať po niekom
prong    hrot vidličky
refrain from sth    nevykonať niečo
scoop    nabrať niečo
sloopy    pooblievaný
stick to    dodržiavať, plniť
tablecloth    obrus
virtue    cnosť
approval    súhlas
cell phone    mobil
chomp on sth    hlasno jesť
dab    poklepávať
display    prejavovať sa
estabilishment    vytvorenie
gross    vypudiť
intermission    prestávka
napkin    servítka
precept    životná zásada
reinforce    upevniť, posilniť
reminder    znamenie (aby si niekto spomenul)
slander    urážka na cti
spotless    bez škvŕn
stuff    jedlo, pitie
temper    nálada

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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