Health Care

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: ivanus (18)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 16.06.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 838 slov
Počet zobrazení: 1 768
Tlačení: 140
Uložení: 134

Health Care

Talk about:

  1. Common illnesses / diseases, symptoms, treatment/bežné choroby, symptómy, liečba/
  2. A healthy lifestyle /zdravý životný štýl/
  3. How can people protect their health /ako si môžu ľudia chrániť zdravie/
  4. Health care in Slovakia /zdravotná starostlivosť v SR/
  5. A visit to a doctor /návšteva lekára/

Health /zdravie/ is very important and therefore everybody should look after it.

  1. People can suffer from /trpieť, byť chorý na/ these illnesses and diseases:
  • A FLU /chrípka/ - when you have a flu, you have a temperature /teplota/, your body aches /bolieť/ and you feel bad. You should see the doctor – he will give you antibiotics. You should stay in bed, drink a lot of tea and take pills /užívať tabletky/
  • A COLD /nádcha/ - when you have a cold, you sneeze /kýchať/, you have a sore throat /bolesť v hrdle/ and your nose is runny /tečie ti z nosa/. You should stay in bed, drink a lot of hot tea and take some vitamins.
  • DIABETES – cukrovka
  • APPENDICTIS – zápal slepého čreva
  • DIARRHOEA - hnačka
  • MEASELS – osýpky

People can also suffer from fatal diseases /smrteľné choroby/. For example:

  • AIDS – if you have AIDS, you lose /stratiť/ your immunity. The patient /pacient/ fells weak /slabý/, can have a fever /horúčka/, loses weight /chudne/ and any infection can be fatal to him. It is a very serious disease /vážna choroba/ and scientists /vedci/ are trying to find a cure /liek/ for it.
  • CANCER /rakovina/ - a serious disease – the patient has a tumor /nádor/ which is cured /lieči sa/ by tablets, injections or a chemotherapy
  • HEART ATTACK – srdcový infarkt

Diseases of civilization /civilizačné choroby/:

  • ASTHMA - astma
  • ALLERGIES - alergie
  • MIGRENES – migréna
  1. If we want to avoid /vyhnúť sa/ illnesses, we should keep /dodržiavať/ a helthy lifestyle/zdravý životný štýl/. A healthy lifestyle can help us to protect /ochrániť/ our body against diseases. A helathy lifestyle involves /zahŕňa/:
  • regular exercise – pravidelné cvičenie
  • plenty of rest – veľa odpočinku
  • enough sleep – dostatok spánku
  • good eating habits – dobré stravovacie návyky
  • a lot of vitamins – veľa vitamínov
  • no smoking or alcohol
  • we should think positively – mali by sme myslieť pozitívne

If we want to be healthy, we should take care of our health /starať sa o svoje zdravie/. We should:

  • clean our teeth regularly – čistiť si zuby pravidelne
  • do some exercise every day – každý deň cvičiť
  • go for a walk – ísť na prechádzku
  • have a massage or a sauna sometimes
  • reduce amount of fat, salt, sugar and cholesterol – zredukovať množstvo tuku, soli, cukru a cholesterolu
  • loose weight if we are overweight - schudnúť ak máme nadváhu
  • visit our doctor /GP/ regularly for check-ups – navštíviť pravidelne lekára na kontroly
  • visit a dentist twice a year – navštíviť zubára dvakrát za rok
  • eat a lot of vegetables
  • take some vitamin pills – jesť vitamínové tabletky => it is better to eat fruit and vegetables. It is more healthy because fruit and vegetables don’t contain chemical additives /chemické prísady/ but the vitamin pills usually do. It is better to eat raw /surový/ fruit and vegetables because when we cook it, it looses the vitamins.
  1. Health care in Slovakia is provided /zabezpečená/ for people from birth to death /od narodenia do smrti/. In Slovakia we have these health facilities:
  2. a) State - štátna
  3. b) Private – súkromné

Medical care can be given in:

  • a health centre – zdravotné centrum
  • a clinic - klinika
  • a hospital - nemocnica
  • a surgery – súkromná ambulancia
  • an ambulance - sanitka

A pediatrician /pediater, detský lekár/ is a doctor who looks after the health of children. When a child is born, he is vaccinated against /zaočkovaný proti/ such diseases as tuberculosis, tetanus and so on. GP/= general practitioner = obvodný lekár/ is a doctor who looks after the health of adults. In case of emergency /v súrnom prípade/ we can call an ambulance – we call the number 155 – the ambulance takes the patient to a hospital. Serious cases /vážne prípady/ are immediately operated on in the operating theatre /operačná sála/. If we break a leg or an arm, we are X-rayed /roentgen/.

  1. If we feel ill, we go to see our doctor who is called a GP. We should make an appointment in advance /objednať sa vopred/ and we must take our insurance card /poisteneckú kartičku/ with us. Everybody in our country has the right /právo/ go choose a doctor. When we come to the doctor’s surgery, he asks us how we feel and what problems we have. He examines us /vyšetrí nás/ and prescribes medicine /predpíše lieky/. Sometimes we must see a specialist – for example a dentist /zubár/, a surgeon /chirurg/, a psychiatrist and so on.

Some people prefer alternative medicine /alternatívna medicína/ – it isn’t the traditional way of treating illnesses /nie je to tradičný spôsob liečenia chorôb/ - for example acupuncture when thin needles /tenké ihly/ are put ito different parts of the body.

BODY PARTS /časti tela/: 

  • head – hlava
  • eye – oko
  • mouth – ústa
  • ear – ucho
  • cheek – líce
  • nose – nos
  • neck – krk
  • shoulders – plecia
  • chest – hruď
  • back – chrbát
  • arm - rameno
  • elbow - lakeť
  • hand - ruka
  • fingers - prsty
  • bottom - zadok
  • leg – noha /celá/
  • knee - koleno
  • foot – noha /chodidlo/
Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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