Education in Slovakia

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: katyp (18)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 30.09.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 521 slov
Počet zobrazení: 2 173
Tlačení: 134
Uložení: 131

Education in Slovakia

The educational system in Slovakia has been reformed several times. Our school system provides everybody the same possibilities for their future education. There have been some changes made in the educational system in Slovakia in the last years: for example a new school-leaving exam, advantage of studying abroad.

School attendance in Slovakia is compulsory from the age 6 – 15. Education at state schools up to 18 is free of charge (bezplatné), but students at universities must pay for some books. Most children attend state schools, but there are also private, church and special schools for physically or mentally disabled children. State and religious schools are free, they are financed by the state.

Our school system consists of 4 main grades:

the pre-school grade, basic school, general secondary school, university.

Pre-school education includes creches for children up to 3 years of age, nursery schools (kindergartens) for children aged 3 to 6. They are attended by the children at the age 2 to 6. This stage is not necessary and it prepares children for compulsory school attendance.

Basic education is compulsory for everybody after the age of 6. Primary education finishes class 9 and is comprehensive, providing basic knowledge for the pupils. Primary schools have 2 stages. Children in the first 4 grades are mostly taught by one class teacher. Older children have more teachers who specialize in various subjects like languages, math, physics, history, geography, biology, music, physical education and arts. Pupils in Slovakia do not wear uniform to school. The schools year starts on 1st September and ends on June 30th, when pupils get their school report with marks from 1 to 5.

At the age of 15 the pupils decide about secondary school. They can choose among a variety of secondary schools:

  • grammar schools – with academic education which prepare students for university studies
  • secondary vocational schools – which include technical schools, specialized in building, chemistry, engineering, electro-technical and agricultural schools, music and art schools, nursing schools, business academies
  • apprentice training centers – where apprentices are trained for practical jobs

Those who want to attend secondary grammar must pass the entrance examination. The study at most schools finishes with the schools leaving exams which is needed for all universities.

After finishing a secondary school students can continue studying at universities and colleges. This type of education lasts from 3 to 6 years. Students have to pass an entrance examination to be admitted to university. Here they study everything from law, economics, medicine, natural science, journalism, agriculture, fine art etc. After 3-year courses they receive a Bachelor’s degree, after 4 and 5-years courses a Master’s degree. It is possible to choose Bachelor or Diploma study. The last one usually ends with the state examinations and has to defend the thesis to get university diploma.

provide - poskytovať

school-leaving exam –maturita

compulsory – povinný

school attendance – školská dochádzka

grammar school - gymnázium

secondary vocational schools - stredné odborné školy

apprentice training centers – učilištia

apprentices – učni

entrance examination – prijímacia skúška

required – požadovaný

admitted – prijatý

state examinations - štátnice

defend - obháji

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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