Health and care

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: wanna (18)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 23.11.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 669 slov
Počet zobrazení: 1 575
Tlačení: 134
Uložení: 136

Health and care

  1. a) ľudské telo
    b) bežné a civilizačné choroby, návšteva u lekára
    c) zdravý spôsob života

Health is very important and everybody should look after it. We can describe Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well - being.

Human body

  • head - face, hair, eyes (eyelid, eye brows, eye lashes), ears, chin (brada), mouth, lips, teeth, tongue (jazyk), neck, forehead (čelo), temples(spánky)
  • trunk (trup) - back, waist (pás), hips (boky), belly (brucho), navel (pupok), chest, breast (prsia)
  • limbs (končatiny)
    - leg - thigh(stehno),knee, calf(lýtko), ankle, foot, heel (päta), toes (prsty)
  • arm - shoulders, armpit (podpazušie), elbow (koleno), forearm (predlaktie), wrist (zápästie), hand, palm (dlaň), fingers (thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger)
  • skeleton (kostra) – backbone (chrbtica), joint(kĺb), rib(rebro), scull(lebka), jaw (čeľusť), spine (chrbtová kosť)
  • internal organs (vnútorné orgány) - heart, lungs (pľúca), stomach (žalúdok), intestines (large and small- črevo hrubé, tenké), apendix (slepé črevo), liver (pečeň), kidneys (obličky)

COMMON DISEASES  - have a cold/nádcha, a flu, cough, a sore throat, become/ be hoarse (byt zachrípnutý), lack of apetite, vomit/ puke (zvracať), constipation (zápcha), diarrhoea (hnačka) have stomachache, backache, nausea (nevoľnosť) or become/be dizzy (mať závrat), indigestion (porucha trávenia) etc.

have a cold/nádcha - when you have a cold, you sneeze /kýchať/, you have a sore throat /bolesť v hrdle/ and your nose is runny /tečie ti z nosa/. You should stay in bed, drink a lot of hot tea and take some vitamins.

have a flu - when you have a flu, you have a temperature /teplota/, your body aches /bolieť/ and you feel bad. You should see the doctor – he will give you antibiotics. You should stay in bed, drink a lot of tea and take pills /užívať tabletky.

CIVILISATION DISEASES - AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome) , cancer, pneumonia (zápal pľúc) or heart attak. They are very dangerous for people because they can die.

AIDS - if you have AIDS, you lose /stratiť/ your immunity. The patient /pacient/ fells weak /slabý/, he can have a fever/temperature/horúčka/, loses weight /chudne/ and any infection can be fatal to him. It is a very serious disease /vážna choroba/ and scientists /vedci/ are trying to find a cure /liek/ for it.

cancer- a serious disease – the patient has a tumor /nádor/ which is cured /lieči sa/ by tablets, injections or a chemotherapy. The patient is also weak, he loses weight or he is depressed.

Visit Doctor:

If we feel ill, we go to see our doctor who is called a GP (general practitioner). When we go there we must take our insurance card (kartička poistenca) with us. Everybody in our country can choose a doctor. When we come to the doctor’s surgery, he asks us how we feel and what problems we have. He examines us and prescribes some medicine. Sometimes we must see a specialist – for example a dentist, a surgeon, a psychiatrist, oculist, gynecologist and so on.

What to do when we are ill?

-stay in bed for a few days and relax

-drink tea with lemon and honey

-eat a lot of vitamines, fruit and vegetables

-don´t drink cold drinks

-take medicine regularly (brať pravidelne lieky) and avoid stress

If we want to avoid /vyhnúť sa/ illnesses, we should keep /dodržiavať/ a helthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle can help us to protect our body against diseases. If we want to be healthy, we should take care of our health:

We shouldclean our teeth regularly, do some exercise every day, go for a walk, have a massage or a sauna sometimes, we shouldn´t smoke or drink alcohol, we should think positively, if we are overweight we shoult loose weight. The important is plenty of rest (dostatok odpočinku) and have enough sleep too. We shoult visit our doctor regulary for check-ups (pravidelné kontroly), visit a dentist twice a year, ear a lot of fruit and vegetables or take some vitamin pills (but it is better to eat fruit and vegetables than take pills. It is more healthy because fruit and vegetables don’t contain chemical additives /chemické prísady/ but the vitamin pills usually do. And it is better to eat raw /surový/ fruit and vegetables because when we cook it, it looses the vitamins.)

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Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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