Idols and Celebrities

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: wanna (18)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 23.11.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 006 slov
Počet zobrazení: 3 292
Tlačení: 127
Uložení: 130

Idols and Celebrities

  1. a) pozitívne a negatívne charakterové vlastnosti, ideálny človek, kritériá hodnôt
    b) človek, ktorého si vážim
    c) skutoční a literárni hrdinovia

Idol is a model example. Every person has an idol. We watch these people. We watch how they behave in different situations and we copy them. We want to look like they, we want to have their inteligence and humor, their talent, skills even a lifestyle. Mostly we copy their positive features but sometimes we copy also their negative features.

People can have positive and negative personality features:

Positive features - virtues: kind (milý), regardful (ohľaduplný), grateful (vďačný), optimistic, humorous, natural, helpful (ochotný), honest (čestný), brave (odvážny), responsible (zodpovendný), reliable (spoľahlivý), hard-working, generous (štedrý), hospitable (pohostinný), conscientious (svedomitý)...
Negative features – vices:be deceitful (zákerný, podvodník), mean (lakomý), cheeky (drzý), stubborn (tvrdohlavý), envious (neprajný, závidiaci), jealous (žiarlivý), treacherous (nespoľahlivý, klamný, zradný, zákerný), rude (hrubý)...

Role models (idols):

Family role models – it´s the first models what we have. Our family (our parents, siglings, grandparent..) is important for us because: they teach us to be friendly and polite, help us to learn how to solve problems, we learn to compromise, to help other people, but also to envy, to be selfish and so on. Children copy their parent, so if child is loved, she/he will love, if child is criticized, he/she will criticize the other, if parent will not care about their children, they will not care about the others, too.

School role models – they are our schoolmates, teachers and other people we meet at school, here we learn to cooperate with other people, to do compromise, to be tolerant, patient, hard-working. For some of us our teachers became our idols.

Celebrity role models– The most teenagers look for idols outside their families or their school. Teenagers love music, cinema and sport, so their idols are singers, film stars and famous sportsmen. They try to be like them – they wear the same clothes and hairstyle. They behave like them. But even celebrities have positive and also negative features and many teenegers copy their negative features which is bad.

Positive influence is for example that they use their talent, they work hard and are successful, they can teach young people important moral principles - for example they work for charity, help poor people and so on.
Negative influence is for example that many celebrities use drug and alcohol, some celebrities have bad behaviour – they are vulgar, rude, someone of them don´t respect people around them, they think that they are better than other people but it isn’t true.

My idols

My literature idol is Anna Shirley, because she is very brave, inteligent, clever and she loves with all her heart. She always help to the other people. She has a poetic and romantic soul and she loves a nature so much.

- Anna was born in Bolingbroke (Nova Scotia). When she was a little girl their parent died on a fever and she must go to the orphanage. Then she goes from one family to the other family and she was very unhappy, because in every of these families she was only maid. Nobody loves you. Even in orphanage nobody loves her because she was very talkative and she still have to do something. She makes some troubles. Then she finally find a family which loves you and she loves them. She move to the Avolenlea to the green house. She find there some friends and also her life love.

- Her positive character features are for example that she is inteligent, very clever (smart), she always help to the other people, she is hard-working, very talkative which can be a positive and also in some situations negative character features
- Her nehative character features are for example that she offensive (urážlivá), headstrong (tvrdohlavá) and she always has to be the best.

My everyday idol is my mother, because she is very strong. She is sacrifical and kind. She loves with all her heart and deep. She is always there for their children and also for the other people who need it.
- My mom was born in Prešov, where she lived with their parents and two siblings. Then she find my father, they married and then she move to Malý Šariš. After 6 years and my three siblings they move back to the city. My mum is a cook. She is the best mother. She can lern to the other parents how to be a parent.
- Her positive character features are for example that she is kind, hard-working, she always help when someone need it, she is honest, reliable, generous, conscientious (svedomitý)
- Her negative character features are for example that she is sometimes pesimistic, she is not very talkative and she is shy

Literary and everyday heroes:

Literary heroes – it´s heroes from books and literature. So we can found literary heroes in stories, novels for example.. The most literary heroes are people with high moral standards. They usually have positive moral qualities which we can follow. They are inteligent, clever, she loves with all their heart, they are hard-working..(for example Anna Shirley)
Everyday heroes – we can find it in our everyday life. There are for example firemen, doctors, soldiers. They are brave, they risk their life and help to the other people. They are usually absolutely simply humans, who have high moral standards. (for example mother Teresawho helped her whole life to poor and ill people in India)

Why it is important for young people have a idol?

It is very important for young people to have an idol (role models) because childhood and adolescence it is the time when people learn how can life their own lifes. If there are positive role models, young people learn how to be polite, tolerant, helpful. They will become people who will try to make the world a better place. But on the other hand, if young people copy persons who has more negative features, they become rude, selfish, stubborn and there will be more robberies, murders, rapes and crime in the streets.

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