Jobs and Professions téma

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: verca123
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 18.03.2021
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 881 slov
Počet zobrazení: 2 651
Tlačení: 130
Uložení: 117

Jobs and Professions téma

Manual job = This job require skilled job/work – you need training and education (kvalifikovaná práca)

*bricklayer = murár - he builds walls buildings and lase bricks

*carpenter = stolár – he makes things form wood

*electrician = elektrikár – he installs and repairs electrical things, appliances(spotrebiče)

*mechanic = opravár – he repairs cars in garage

Professions = reguire education

*architect – he designs buildings

*lawyer = právnik – he provides legal advice (poskytuje právne rady)

*civil engineer = stavebný ing. – designs roads, bridges

*engineer = strojársky ing. – designs machines (stroje)

*accountant = účtovník -  he works with accounts, numbers

*university lecturer = univerzitný uč. – teaches at university

*sales manager = odbytový m. – is responsible for sale (odbyt)

*personnel manager = personálny m. -  he is responsible for personnel, people

*stockbroker = burzový maklér – he sell and buy stocks and shares (akcie a podiely)

*doctors, nurse – look after sick people, cure(liečiť)

*surgeon = chirurg – he operates on people

*vet – take care pets and animals

*general practitioner GP= praktický lekár

*dentist = zubár – take care on my teeth

Armed forces and emergencies services:

*soldier = vojak – works in Army (armada)

*sailor = námorník – works in Navy (námorníctvo)

*policemen/policewomen =

*fire-fighter = hasič

If you want to do every work, you need proper qualifications:

  • for instance that you want to be a doctor, you need certain qualities of character : determination(rozhodnosť), patience(trpezlivosť), flexibility and sensitivity, good at dealing with people, to be prepared to work long hour(even weekends)
  • for instance that you want to be a teacher, you need certain qualities of character like:

to be friendly, good at dealing with people, good at explaining things, to have a strong sense of fairness(spravodlivosť).

  • for instance that you want to be a computer analyst, you need certain qualities of character like: to think logically, to be flexible, and of course be good at using computers.

There are professions in which you need to have a special talent and determination. It is professions: artists, photographers, designers, journalists. They can´t succeed(úspešný) if they are not talented. Their work need: to be independent, prepared to work irregular hours, good imagination, lot of creativity → They do free lance job (práca na voľnej nohe)

Describe steps, when you can find a new job.

  • step: You must find a classifieds(inzeráty)- in a newspapers and advertisements, or ask your friend if they know about any job vacancies(voľné miesta), or you can go to a job centre(úrad práce) and ask for help.
  • step: If you found the job advertisement, you have to contact you future employer – by post, phone, fax, e-mail, and find out(zistiť), if the position is still free. → to write v CV, (which includes necessary information: personal data, special skills, languages, driving licence, your education, ambitions, plans) and write a job application(žiadosť). And you may write cover letter (motivačný list)
  • step: Send a CV and wait, if it will be accepted. Then you don´t forget to prepare for all important job interview that will surely follow(určite nastedovať). And you sign a job contract (which includes job description, working hours, duties and responsibilities, salary(plat), conditions of promotion(podmienky kariérnoho postupu),holidays).
  • step: After successful job interview you start working, and learn how to get on with your workmates.(ako vychádzať s kolegami).

Some jobs include extra advantages called perks (hovorové) or Fringe benefits:

  • company car
  • luncheon wouchers(stravné lístky)
  • company mobile
  • holidays with workmates

voluntary work → dobrovoľná práca (Some people work no for money, but free, for charity…)

minimal wage →minimálna mzda

wage→ for manual job, in factory workers, it is paid weekly, plat, mzda

salary → connected with professions, it is paid monthly, Plat

to give to sack to smb → vyhodiť niekoho z práce

to be made redundant → byť nadbytočný v práci, prepustený z organizačných dôvodov

to be dismiss → byť prepustený , dostať padáka

free-lance job → na voľnej nohe

self-employed → živnostník

shift-work → práca na zmeny

regular working-hours = nine to five job → pravidelná prac. Doba

flexible working-hours =flexi-time → prispôsobivá prac. Doba

to work long hours = overtime job → pracovať nadčasy

hero-professions →hrdinské povolania (ked sme boli malí) princess, singers, actors…

to deal with complaints → prejednávať sťažnosti

income tax → daň z príjmu 19 %

tamp work → brigade I’m responsible…=I’m in charge of →zodpovedám za

VAT → DPH department → oddelenie

I’m employed by…=I work for … charge →poplatok, spoplatniť

Annual salary → ročná mzda to get sick pay → náhrada mzdy za PN

Total income → celkový príjem doctor´s note → potvrdenka od lekára

To involve = to include → zahŕňať working conditions → pracovné podmienky

Me and work

I work usually during summer holiday on temp work (brigáda). At first I worked like newspaper deliverer. Next summer I worked in an “Opatová Cottage”, where I cleaned rooms and helped in the kitchen. In summer 2009 I worked in one’s shop with clothes in Prior. I liked it because I met a lot of new people during my working hours, which were from eight to six o’clock. I had a one rest – long half past hour. I earned enough money, to I bought things, which I wanted.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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