Man and society téma

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: verca123
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 18.03.2021
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 680 slov
Počet zobrazení: 2 439
Tlačení: 126
Uložení: 139

Man and society téma

Humans, from the very beginning, were not able to live on their own, so they started to form a bigger group. These organized groups created their own system of laws and accepted behaviour which can be defined as a society. These laws and behaviour make it possible for people to live together.

Position of a man in society depends of many things. The 1st one is a family where the man was born. We learn moral rules and principles all our life. Our parents raise us up, they teach us moral principles, values, they teach us what is polite and impolite, what should we do etc. At first they have to show us how to do it, because if they expect their children to take good manners seriously, they have to show the same manners to them. They tell us, that we should greet older people, that man should greet woman, children should greet adults they know in a nice. They tell us, that we should greet loud, with clear voice, looking into the eyes. They prepare us for life. They give us the basics of morals and it’s good for us. Because when we are polite, we can have good relations with another people.

Rules, values and ethics are the basics of every good society. It’s very important to keep these principles. They can help people to get on with another people. And it’s very important, because when people are on good terms with another people it’s better for society. We could prevent wars, conflicts and other nuisances.

In society there are classes, into which people are divided according to their origin, job position, education or lifestyle. For example in GBthere are 3 classes - upper, middle and lower or working class. They are able to recognize others by the way they speak, their clothes, their interests and even the type of food they eat.

Upper-class people

  • own several homes
  • study at Eton or other public schools
  • work as judges, stockbrokers or company directors
  • eat caviar, smoked salmon and drink champagne
  • spend their free time going to opera or ballet, play polo and sports involving horses
  • support the conservative Party
  • spend their holidays in Orient countries, the Caribbean islands or go cruising

Wealth doesn´t mean that you belong to the upper-class society because social class is not only about money, but also about behaviour and attitudes. Belonging to the upper-class society includes wealth and property but also coming from a particular kind of family, having suitable friends and speaking with the right kind of accent.

Middle class society

  • live in semi-detached or detached houses
  • study a grammar-school, university education
  • work like teachers, bank managers or doctors
  • hobbies like skiing, tennis, sailing, cricket or golf
  • eat health food like wholemeal bread or foreign food like avcado, pasta
  • holidays like walking ones in Cornwall, Devon or summer holidays in France or Tuscany

The working class

  • finish comprehensive schools and technical colleges
  • work as shop assistants, miners or factory workers
  • live in council houses
  • eat fish and chips, banger and mash, Chinesse and Indian food, especially takeways
  • play football, darts or bingo and snooker
  • take package holidays
  • spend their free time watching soap operas or drinking in pubs
  • usually vote for Labouritst or Conservatives

We could say that something similar we have also in Slovakia. But in our upper class there are no people with noble origins and we include here people according to their property, like politicians, sportsmen, actors and other people with a big estate. 

Society takes care of its members. It helps people in need, in bed social conditions. It provides unemployed benefits, child benefits, housing benefits, sickness benefits, matternity allowances, invalidity pension or retirement pension.

ETIQUETTE can be defined as the formal rules of correct or polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession.

ETHICS is the study of morals which deals with moral rules and principles of behaviour. Moral behaviour is based on principles of right and wrong behaviour and the difference between good and evil. But doing the right thing isn´t the same thing as doing the legal thing.

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