Writing – Advertising has an influence on us all

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: mia2088
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 25.02.2009
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 439 slov
Počet zobrazení: 10 151
Tlačení: 668
Uložení: 647

Writing – Advertising has an influence on us all

Topic: Advertising has an influence on us all. (Writing)

Advertisement is part of our every day life even in the case we don´t own TV or other mean of massmedia. Because there are also bilboards, magazines and flyers, so it seems it´s impossible to avoid being involved in this process of advertising because we are part of 21th century.

It´s very common that companies, who makes TV spot, which is the most effective way of advertising, use in a spot some songs with gripping melody to engross their potential customers. And then when you are walking somewhere you catch yourself out singing or crooning that melody. You find out you are impacted advertisement without noticing it and this influence can make you buy something which you would never otherwise buy.

Every business requires advertisement and that´s why I don´t think that every commercial must be trickery. Every product has to be promoted and it´s natural that companies offer their services or goods by this way.

But when it steps over some lines, I think it´s very dangerous, especially for young people, adolescents, who are very easy suggestible. This is the place where the problem lean. For instance, a young girl starts to eat less as far as she refuses eating entirely. And how can this happen? Simply.

A wide range of model magazines or just magazines for teen girls are including enormous photos of very slim and gaunt models who probably are ill and are down with bulimia or anorexia. This, of course, extreme example, but it´s very common problem of this age in our world. Besides, there are also cases of bullying where the main role is in „not wearing designer clothes“ or „not smoking“. I think smoking it´s, except other influences, brought about by miscellanous form of advertising.

There are pictures of this product in any newspapers or just a man with cigarette in mouth and it´s couldn´t be commercial for cigarette but it involves smoking. In the end, it only can call out bad habit of wearing very expensive designer clothes and be very crazy about everything what´s in as to TV, magazine etc. But I think it´s enough.

Good influences as to me are making people more concern in some kind of charity, making people reading more, for example the promotion and advertising of novel about Harry Potter called out a chaos in the world of books. This kind of impacts are positive and acceptable. Good commercial also can help you in choice of better café or restaurant. But still ... it´s dependable how much advertisement can affect you.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


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