Maturitné témy a konverzačné úlohy – Anglický jazyk

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: ofelia (20)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 20.04.2022
Jazyk: Slovenčina
Rozsah: 2 454 slov
Počet zobrazení: 3 703
Tlačení: 86
Uložení: 89

Maturitné témy a konverzačné úlohy – Anglický jazyk 


Talk about:

  • a family unit today (its functions, lifestyle, daily routine, problems),
  • types of families (nuclear, extended, reconstituted, single-parent),
  • family members, their roles and relationships,
  • your own family, its daily routine, personal qualities and physical appearance of its members,
  • your lifestyle,
  • ideal parents (personal qualities/traits).

Key words: family, relationship, lifestyle, daily routine, chores/household jobs, cohabitation, generation gap, divorce, personal qualities.



Talk about:

  • culture and art – define and divide (performing and decorative arts),
  • types of cultural events (art exhibition, arts festival, music event, concert, etc.),
  • culture and cultural opportunities in towns and in the country,
  • favourite art among children/teenagers/adults (advantages/disadvantages of reading books, magazines, watching TV, browsing the Internet),
  • your favourite art (music style, film, book),
  • your favourite artist/writer/actor.

Key words: culture, art, cultural event, cultural opportunities, music, music styles, literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, artists.



Talk about:

  • a difference between sports and games,
  • types of sports and games (indoor/outdoor, individual/group, winter/summer),
  • types of sports and equipment,
  • popular sports in Slovakia, the UK, the USA,
  • reasons for doing sports, advantages, risks,
  • qualities of a good sportsman/sportswoman;
  • advantages of being a professional sportsman,
  • the role of sport/physical activity in your life.

Key words: sport, game, equipment, professional sportsmen. healthy lifestyle.



Talk about:

  • types of homes and houses (detached, semi-detached, terraced etc.),
  • housing in Slovakia, Britain, the USA,
  • advantages and disadvantages of living in towns and cities (job opportunities, cultural opportunities etc.),
  • the place where you live (description of your house/flat/room),
  • your dream home/house.

Key words: terraced house, detached house, semi-detached house, bungalow, flat, furniture, housing.



Talk about:

  • shopping possibilities - types of shops and products they offer,
  • shopping centres vs. small specialized shops (advantages/disadvantages), shops vs. online shopping,
  • different kinds of services (banks, post-offices, hairdresser’s, etc.),
  • your shopping preferences,
  • your favourite shop.

Key words: shopping, types of shops, window-shopping, services, brand name products.



Talk about:

  • what is understood by health (a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being; a person's mental or physical condition),
  • healthy lifestyle,
  • the most serious/dangerous diseases today,
  • stress (definition/causes/coping strategies),
  • symptoms of cold, flu, food poisoning,
  • classical versus alternative medicine,
  • how can people care about their health, the role of prevention,
  • what you personally do to stay fit and healthy.

Key words: health, healthcare, disease, illness, stress, prevention, symptoms, lifestyle.



Talk about:

  • reasons why people travel (commute to work/school, travel on business/for pleasure/for holidays etc.),
  • common means of transport (bus, train, car, plane etc.),
  • advantages and disadvantages of travelling by bus/coach/train/plane (price/speed/comfort/pollution, etc.),
  • which means of transport you prefer and why,
  • travelling in cities/towns (traffic jams/congestion, rush hour),
  • travelling for short and long distances,
  • young people and travelling (hitchhiking, riding a bike etc.),
  • your travelling experience (favourite country/reasons of your journey/how you travelled there, who with etc.).

Key words: travelling, means of transport, journey, commuting, congestion, traffic jam, rush hour, hitchhiking, trip.



Talk about:

  • types of schools (pre-school education/primary/secondary schools/universities),
  • Slovak school system (age, organisation of the school year, holidays, school subjects, extracurricular activities),
  • the school you attend (what you like/dislike about your school, school rules, compulsory subjects, school leaving exam - maturita etc.),
  • qualities of a good teacher/good student,
  • students’ lifestyle,
  • studying the English language (your preferred style of learning).

Key words: education, school system, types of schools, school subjects, holidays, exams, student’s lifestyle. 



Talk about:

  • types of jobs (manual – blue-collar jobs, intellectual – white-collar jobs, full-time/part-time/seasonal jobs, in shifts),
  • examples of different professions (businessman, manager, personal assistant etc.), qualities you need to do these jobs (flexibility, creativity, physical strength, communication skills, organisational skills, etc.),
  • employment (a contract between an employer and an employee), unemployment,
  • a search for a new job (strategies/factors),
  • a labour market in Slovakia (a high rate of unemployment/young people can’t find a job),
  • curriculum vitae (personal data, education, skills, experience),
  • a job interview (typical questions/behaviour/clothes, etc.),
  • self-employed people – advantages/disadvantages of being your own boss,
  • your work experience (summer job, part-time/seasonal job, babysitting, etc.),
  • your dream job.

Key words: job, work, profession, employment, unemployment, employer, employee, job interview, curriculum vitae – CV, skills, personal qualities, education, experience, labour market.



Talk about:

  • different types of relationships (formal/informal, close/distant, personal/impersonal, long-term/short-term),
  • human relationships today (characteristics of a good relationship/complicated relationship),
  • relationship problems (stress, communication, a lack of understanding, empathy, trust, care, politeness, etc.),
  • friendship (qualities of a good friend), relationships among classmates at school,
  • parents and children (generation gap, possible problems),
  • society and its influence on our lives (values/social rules/social etiquette/behaviour/social manners),
  • some examples of courtesy (polite behaviour) in everyday life (using magic words – please, thank you/ being polite, kind, showing respect to others, helping other people, be able to apologize, etc.).

Key words: human relations/relationships, friendship, society, social etiquette, manners, values, courtesy.



Talk about:

  • the environment,
  • ecological problems today (pollution, acid rain, greenhouse effect, global warming),
  • types of pollution (air/water/soil),
  • what can people do to protect the environment (reduce/reuse/recycle), alternative sources of energy (solar/tidal/wind),
  • natural disasters (an earthquake, a flood, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, drought, etc.),
  • how to behave in a forest, what is allowed/not allowed,
  • how green and eco-friendly you are.

Key words: nature, environment, ecology, pollution, protection, natural disasters, global warming, acid rain, greenhouse effect.



Talk about:

  • a definition of science (the study and knowledge of the physical world and its behaviour), technology (a product of science),
  • what you think about scientific and technological progress (in transport/medicine/information technology),
  • technological inventions/discoveries that have changed people’s lives (telephones/radio/television/the Internet/aeroplanes, etc.),
  • the use of computers in our everyday life,
  • advantages and disadvantages of the Internet,
  • which technological inventions are the most important for you.

Key words: science, technology, discovery, technological invention, scientific progress, computers, the Internet.



Talk about:

  • ethics (a theory or a system of moral values),
  • social etiquette (a set of unwritten rules, principles, conventions concerning behaviour of people in a certain society, culture),
  • what are the basic rules of modern etiquette,
  • social behaviour (polite/impolite), good and bad manners,
  • social rules (at home, work, school, cultural events, at table, different cultures), what is appropriate/inappropriate,
  • society (family background, school, peers, culture, church) and its influence on our values, our behaviour,
  • communication among people (greetings, introductions, hand-shakes),
  • how can parents teach their children the rules of social behaviour (manners/values, respect, tolerance, empathy, etc.).

Key words: ethics, social etiquette, manners, behaviour, values, principles, social rules, conventions, formal/informal communication, tolerance, respect, politeness, culture.



Talk about:

  • communication and its meaning (exchanging thoughts, ideas, messages, feelings, information through speaking, writing, signals, sounds and behaviour),
  • forms of communication (direct/indirect), verbal/non-verbal communication (gestures, facial expressions, posture, eye contact, etc.),
  • the means of communication (radio, television, computers, the Internet, social networking sites – Facebook, Twitter),
  • advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face communication,
  • communication technology and communication among people today,
  • mobile phones (functions, use).

Key words: communication, forms of communication, the means of communication, verbal, non-verbal communication, gestures, facial expression, face-to-face communication, communication technology, social networking sites.



Talk about:

  • different types of mass media (radio, TV, newspapers, the Internet),
  • types of newspapers in Britain (quality press/broadsheets, tabloids/popular press),
  • the role of TV in people’s lives, how TV influences our lifestyles,
  • types of TV programmes (chat shows, reality shows, documentaries, etc.),
  • popularity of soap operas,
  • the Internet (what is it, what can we use it for, how has it changed our lives, advantages/disadvantages),
  • your popular type of mass media.

Key words: mass media, the press, tabloids, broadsheets, local newspaper, TV programmes, TV channels, the Internet.



Talk about:

  • the young (teenagers/young adults) and their characteristics,
  • problems that young people face (generation gap, drug/alcohol abuse, unemployment, etc.),
  • teenagers’ lifestyle (free time, way of life, eating habits, fashion, etc.),
  • advantages and disadvantages of being young (full of energy/ideals but inexperienced),
  • friendship and its role in your life; your best friend.

Key words: teenager, puberty, adult, society, generation gap, relationships, drug/alcohol abuse, pocket money, unemployment, friendship, love.



Talk about:

  • food groups (milk/dairy products, cereals, fruit, vegetables, grains, fats and oils, meat, sweets),
  • eating habits - typical breakfast/lunch/dinner in Slovakia, the UK, the USA,
  • national food/specialities, some Slovak speciality,
  • healthy vs. unhealthy diet, healthy lifestyle,
  • meals for special occasions (birthday, wedding, etc.),
  • your favourite meal; how you can prepare it.

Key words: food, food groups/categories, eating habits, national cuisine, speciality, recipe, healthy/unhealthy diet, dish/meal.



Talk about:

  • leisure time (free time after study or work),
  • the most popular ways of spending free time (children/teenagers/adults),
  • indoor/outdoor activities, individual interests (books, art), creative hobbies (painting/drawing/photography, etc.),
  • your free time/leisure activities
  • your lifestyle.

Key words: leisure, free time, lifestyle, hobbies, interests, indoor/outdoor activities.



Talk about:

  • the concept of multiculturalism (a philosophy that appreciates ethnic diversity within a society and that encourages people to learn from the contributions of those of diverse ethnic backgrounds),
  • examples of multicultural societies (Britain, the USA etc.), multicultural cities (London/New York, etc.),
  • benefits of living in a multicultural society,
  • problems related to multiculturalism,
  • reasons why people leave their countries and emigrate (to study/find a job/escape political problems, etc.),
  • advantages and disadvantages of bicultural families/mixed marriages,
  • stereotypes (how are the British/Americans/Slovaks seen by other nations) and prejudices.

Key words: multiculturalism, multicultural society, ethnic group, nationality, religion, discrimination, culture, mixed marriage, stereotypes, prejudice.



Talk about:

  • important places in your life,
  • your home town/birthplace,
  • interesting places in Slovakia (what does Slovakia offer to tourists),
  • interesting places for tourists/favourite holiday destinations around the world,
  • why people leave their homes and move,
  • the place where you would like to live in the future.

Key words: town, city, place, hometown, birthplace, destination, holidays, attractions, nature, sights.



Talk about:

  • what is fashion, what is in/out today (fashionable/unfashionable clothes),
  • clothes for different occasions (dress code – what to wear to a wedding/work/school/party),
  • clothes and weather,
  • where you can buy clothes,
  • your attitude to fashion,
  • your favourite piece of clothing,
  • what you are wearing at the moment.

Key words: fashion, clothes, formal/informal clothes, dress code/etiquette of clothing, items of clothing).



Talk about:

  • the climate and weather in Slovakia (continental climate, 4 seasons),
  • seasons, months and typical weather (weather adjectives),
  • weather conditions and protection against extreme weather (clothing),
  • natural disasters (explain what happens during a tsunami, earthquake, etc.)
  • your most and least favourite kind of weather.

Key words: climate, weather, temperature, seasons, months, natural disasters.



Talk about:

  • role models/idols/ideals/heroes (fictional/real),
  • why people admire fictional heroes/celebrities (personal qualities, superhuman characteristics, lifestyle...),
  • positive and negative influence of some celebrities on young people,
  • advantages and disadvantages of being famous (the price of fame),
  • your good and bad qualities, your personality,
  • a person you admire.

Key words: idol, ideal, role model, celebrity, hero, fictional hero, positive/negative personal qualities/traits, fame, success, popularity.



Talk about:

  • the English language and its significance,
  • the countries where English is spoken (as a mother tongue/second language),
  • lifestyle of the British, Americans and Slovaks (traditions, customs, eating habits, popular sports, free time activities, etc.),
  • famous people (British, American, Canadian, Irish, etc.) – writers (Shakespeare, Poe), politicians, artists and their achievements,
  • stereotypes associated with the English, Scottish, Irish, American people. (their qualities/lifestyle, etc.),
  • which English-speaking country you would like to visit and why.

Key words: the English language, English-speaking countries, traditions, customs, a way of life, festivals, traditional food, favourite sports, personalities, stereotypes.



Talk about:

  • interesting/famous places/towns/cities in Slovakia,
  • places you would recommend to foreigners/history lovers/nature lovers, etc.,
  • your hometown (places to see/things to do),
  • Slovak celebration, festivals and traditions (Easter – "oblievačka", Christmas – "kapustnica", "bobaľky"),
  • traditional Slovak food/Slovak specialties,
  • famous Slovak people and their achievement,
  • social etiquette in Slovakia (how to behave/greet people/introduce people/what to wear for different occasions, etc.).

Key words: homeland, customs, traditions, famous places, sights, cultural opportunities, celebrations, festivals, traditional food, social etiquette.



Talk about:

  • literary genres and types of books (fiction – novels/detective stories/romantic books etc., non-fiction – biographies, scientific papers, etc.),
  • a book you have read (its author, title, main characters, plot)/your favourite book,
  • importance of reading books, reading crisis and the future of books (e-books, the Internet),
  • famous British and American writers (W. Shakespeare, O. Wilde, E. A. Poe, J. Steinbeck – see your Students’ Book),
  • places where you can buy books,
  • reading books versus watching TV.

Key words: literature, books, literary genres, writers, fictional heroes, bookshops, library.



Talk about:

  • your school – Secondary School of Business/Commercial Academy (its location, building, facilities, students, teachers, subjects, timetable, equipment/teaching aids),
  • the students’ lifestyle,
  • advantages/disadvantages of your school,
  • school rules,
  • what this school prepares you for (further education, professional career); types of jobs you can do after finishing this school (sales representative, manager, personal assistant, clerk...),
  • personal qualities you need to be successful (hardworking, flexible, responsible, reliable, polite...),
  • your future plans.

Key words: school, education, career, job, profession, success, personal qualities.


  • COAST TO COAST (The United States of America)

Talk about:

  • basic facts about the USA (location, borders, number of states, biggest states, capital city, big cities, symbols, population, language, famous Americans, etc.), plus map reading
  • the American way of life/lifestyle (eating habits, popular sports, free time activities, celebrations, etc.),
  • American culture (great names - films, music, literature),
  • stereotypes associated with the Americans.

Key words: the United States of America (the U.S.A., the U.S.), states, Americans, culture, lifestyle, art, traditions, celebrations, stereotypes.



Talk about:

  • types of jobs (manual/non-manual, white-collar/blue-collar, full-time/part-time jobs, seasonal/temporary jobs),
  • personal qualities needed for a specific job (an ideal manager/teacher/accountant, etc.),
  • your plans for the future,
  • your plans related to your future career,
  • your personal qualities/skills/strengths/weaknesses/education/experience,

Key words: career, job, profession, work, employment, job seeking, personal qualities, strengths, weaknesses, skills, competencies, experience, CV.



Talk about:

  • types of celebrations (birth of a baby, birthday, wedding reception, etc.),
  • the most popular Slovak, British, American celebrations/festivals (Christmas, New Year, Easter festival, etc.),
  • a typical Slovak wedding (traditions, suitable clothes, presents, behaviour, etc.),
  • kinds of parties, formal/informal events you prefer.

Key words: celebration, festival, traditions, party, social etiquette (behaviour, clothes, language).

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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