
Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: primak
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 13.03.2023
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 527 slov
Počet zobrazení: 675
Tlačení: 49
Uložení: 41


What is it that brings the similar signs of people connected by nationality in one definition? It is culture, the word itself can be described as system of habits, historical treasures, and national traditions brought under one roof. Simply said, culture is everything material and non-material which is originated from the historical roots of a nation.

Last but not least, culture also includes art. Both art and culture are part of every day life of a human being. The task of these valuable goods, meets in one point. They add aesthetic value to our lives, enrich our mind and please our senses in order to bring joy to us.

In Slovakia, culture has many specific features. Each of our bigger cities, have house of culture located in them. Here, most of events take place, these houses are specifically built for such occasions. The type of event does not matter at all; the gates of these houses are open to various celebrations of music, dance, role-play etc. In honor of our history, many traditions are still kept. These traditions follow the hundreds years old stories of our grand grandfathers, and are handed over to younger generations.

Scientific concept cultural diversity, has emerged in the 20th century, exploring the differences between cultures all around the world. The result is shocking as they have come to conclusion that different people, living in different cultural surroundings as they originally are, would act completely differently. The study also shows that, no other life influential marker, is as strong, or stronger than culture. Culture is even more influential than close acquaintances.

Throughout the years, culture has undergone many small, but systematic and continuous changes. What causes these changes is the question of society. New trends, habits and types of culture rise from nowhere everyday. The influence cultures have on each other is seen in mixtures of cultures resulting in, pursuit for unoriginal and copied try, to be different than others. Main goal of culture is not to be different, rather than put similar people, with similar abilities, signs and skill together.

Cultures previously were the cause of many wars and battles, mainly in medieval ages. The trend of purifying anything what is not comfortable for someone has vanished away during last decades but again has awakened. Fighting because of culture is a battle of choice. To accept others or not, is the decision of each of us. There is no other point to see, than being greedy and intolerant if culture is said to be the cause of a struggle.

What is more, cultural differences can be frequently seen in the news as the reason for a nervous debate. No tolerance is the reason for arguments and reckless steps which are undertaken in order to brutally eliminate the other, unwilling culture. The increase in tolerance in understanding each culture should be the world’s primary objective. Culture from its very beginning was supposed to be some kind of a connecter, not an instrument which deepens the differences between people. To esteem the culture in general should be the vision of all of us. The key is to cooperate, not to separate.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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