Health and care (topic, essay, vocabulary)

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: wanna (18)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 20.03.2023
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 724 slov
Počet zobrazení: 665
Tlačení: 48
Uložení: 53

Health and care (topic, essay, vocabulary)

A doctor is a person, who has been trained in medical science. In Britain every person is registred with a local doctor known as a GP = general practitioner. If you want to see a doctor, you have to at the first book your place in his diary. If a patient needs to see a specialist, at first he have to go to his GP and GP make an appointment for the patient to see specialist.

see the dentist twice a year. A dictionary definition says, that the body is the trunk of an individual, excluding the limbs. The avarage temperature of the human body is 36, 5 °C. Our body temperature goes up when we have a fever. A grown man has about 4,5 litres of blood. The blood is contained in a closed system of tubes and blood vessels. Blood consists of red cells and white cells floating in a plasma. It´s for rew materials and removing waste products. The red blood cell is the part of pigment haemoglobin, which carries oxygen from lungs to the rest of the body.

There are four main blood groups – A, B, AB, 0.
Each of us has 206 bones – together they called the skeleton.

Health /zdravie/ is very important and therefore everybody should look after it.
1. People can suffer from /trpieť, byť chorý na/ these illnesses and diseases:

A FLU /chrípka/ - when you have a flu, you have a temperature /teplota/, your body aches /bolieť/ and you feel bad. You should see the doctor – he will give you antibiotics. You should stay in bed, drink a lot of tea and take pills /užívať tabletky/
A COLD /nádcha/ - when you have a cold, you sneeze /kýchať/, you have a sore throat /bolesť v hrdle/ and your nose is runny /tečie ti z nosa/. You should stay in bed, drink a lot of hot tea and take some vitamins.
DIABETES – cukrovka
APPENDICTIS – zápal slepého čreva
DIARRHOEA - hnačka
MEASELS – osýpky

People can also suffer from fatal diseases /smrteľné choroby/. For example:

AIDS – if you have AIDS, you lose /stratiť/ your immunity. The patient /pacient/ fells weak /slabý/, can have a fever /horúčka/, loses weight /chudne/ and any infection can be fatal to him. It is a very serious disease /vážna choroba/ and scientists /vedci/ are trying to find a cure /liek/ for it.
CANCER /rakovina/ - a serious disease – the patient has a tumor /nádor/ which is cured /lieči sa/ by tablets, injections or a chemotherapy
HEART ATTACK – srdcový infarkt

Diseases of civilization /civilizačné choroby/:
ASTHMA - astma
ALLERGIES - alergie
MIGRENES – migréna

2. If we want to avoid /vyhnúť sa/ illnesses, we should keep /dodržiavať/ a helthy lifestyle/zdravý životný štýl/. A healthy lifestyle can help us to protect /ochrániť/ our body against diseases. A helathy lifestyle involves /zahŕňa/:
- regular exercise – pravidelné cvičenie
- plenty of rest – veľa odpočinku
- enough sleep – dostatok spánku
- good eating habits – dobré stravovacie návyky
- a lot of vitamins – veľa vitamínov
- no smoking or alcohol 
- we should think positively – mali by sme myslieť pozitívne
If we want to be healthy, we should take care of our health /starať sa o svoje zdravie/. We should:
- clean our teeth regularly – čistiť si zuby pravidelne
- do some exercise every day – každý deň cvičiť
- go for a walk – ísť na prechádzku
- have a massage or a sauna sometimes
- reduce amount of fat, salt, sugar and cholesterol – zredukovať množstvo tuku, soli, cukru a cholesterolu
- loose weight if we are overweight - schudnúť ak máme nadváhu
- visit our doctor /GP/ regularly for check-ups – navštíviť pravidelne lekára na kontroly
- visit a dentist twice a year – navštíviť zubára dvakrát za rok
- eat a lot of vegetables 
- take some vitamin pills – jesť vitamínové tabletky => it is better to eat fruit and vegetables. It is more healthy because fruit and vegetables don’t contain chemical additives /chemické prísady/ but the vitamin pills usually do. It is better to eat raw /surový/ fruit and vegetables because when we cook it, it looses the vitamins.

Health care in Slovakiais provided /zabezpečená/ for people from birth to death /od narodenia do smrti/. In Slovakia we have these health facilities:
a) State - štátna 
b) Private – súkromné
Medical care can be given in:
- a health centre – zdravotné centrum
- a clinic - klinika
- a hospital - nemocnica
- a surgery – súkromná ambulancia 
- an ambulance - sanitka

BODY PARTS /časti tela/:
head – hlava 
eye – oko 
mouth – ústa 
ear – ucho 
cheek – líce 
nose – nos 
neck – krk 
shoulders – plecia 
chest – hruď
back – chrbát 
arm - rameno
elbow - lakeť
hand - ruka
fingers - prsty
bottom - zadok
leg – noha /celá/
knee - koleno
foot – noha /chodidlo/

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