Communication and Its Forms

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: anika
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 23.06.2011
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 905 slov
Počet zobrazení: 38 307
Tlačení: 1 418
Uložení: 1 325
Communication and Its Forms
Talk about:
- How people communicate – ako ľudia komunikujú
- The importance of the foreign language learning – dôležitosť učenia sa cudzieho jazyka
- Inventions and technology used for communication – vynálezy a technológia používaná na komunikáciu
- The use of technology in the public – používanie technológie na verejnosti

1. How people communicate
People communicate in different ways (= rôznymi spôsobmi). Communication can be:
a)  FORMAL – people who don’t know each other and are not friends communicate formally – it is for example the communication between a teacher and a student, a shop assistant and a customer, a policeman and a driver and so on
b)  INFORMAL – among friends – friends and family communicate informally – it is communication between colleagues, schoolmates, between a brother and a sister, a parent and a child, a grandparent and a grandchild etc.
Communication can also be:
1.  VERBAL – it is spoken language, there exist about 6000 languages in the world, the spoken word is usually face to face. People can ask questions, talk about the past, the present, and the future. We can:
·  make promises – sľubovať
·  explain – vysvetľovať
·  persuade – presviedčať
·  tell lies – klamať (hovoriť klamstvá)
·  tell truth – hovoriť pravdu
2.  WRITTEN – people write letters (listy), e-mails, postcards (pohľadnice), notes (odkazy) and so on – the communicator has more time to write down his/her thoughts. He can read his ideas, change or correct them. Vocabulary of written text can be more complicated. But the writer cannot explain his emotions by his voice (it means by stress, intonation, by smile and by anger).
3.  NON-VERBAL = gestures (gestá), mimics (mimika)
hugging and kissing = objímanie a bozkávanie – on the cheek: when friends say “hello” or say “good bye”, parents kiss children, on the mouth: when people have romantic relationship
pass the hand – podať ruku – to congratulate sombedy – for birthday… or  when people meet as friends
mimics – mimika - we can express our feelings such as anger or happiness and send different kind of information – we can smile, frown (mračiť sa)
gestures – it means movements of hands, body and head
-  people who can’t talk or speak (mute-deaf people = hluchonemí ľudia) – they use the sign language (posunkovú reč)
2. Why is it important to learn foreign language?
·  If we wan to have a good job – people who can speak English, German or other foreign language can find a job more easily because Slovakia is a small country => if we want to be successful in economics, we have to sell our products abroad and we need to communicate
·  To learn and understand new information - some people need to translate new information in the field of science and new inventions and technologies.
·  For travelling - many people travel abroad for holiday and others for a job – we need a foreign language we want to buy a ticket, buy food in a shop, go to the cinema or talk with foreign people.
3. Inventions and technology used for communication:
a)  printing press – kníhtlač - people used it in the past – it was discovered in the 14th century by a German inventor called Guttenberg
b) radio, film and television
c)  modern media: phone, mobile phone, fax, e-mail – we can call friends, send written messages and photos – we use a mobile phone; we can look for information and send letters on the Internet; we can talk to one man or several people using ICQ or the Skype and it is possible to see them, if they have a camera by the computer.
d) paintings, drawings, photos
4. The use of technology in the public
It is good when people have their mobile phone always with them because they can talk to friends or family when they need or they can call an ambulance or police when they have problems and need help – the mobile phone can help them. On the other hand, some people use their mobile phone too much – they talk about their private matters (súkromných záležitostiach), on the bus, train or in the street and it can disturb (vyrušovať) other people. Therefore people should use their mobile phones only when they need it or when it is necessary (nevyhnutné).
each other – navzájom, jeden druhého
between – medzi
a shop assistant – predavač
a customer - zákazník
among friends – medzi priateľmi
schoolmates - spolužiaci
spoken language – hovorený jazyk
face to face – tvárou v tvár
ask questions – pýtať sa otázky
the past – minulosť
the present – prítomnosť
the future – budúcnosť
thoughts – myšlienky
ideas – nápady
change – zmeniť
correct – opraviť 
by voice – hlasom
stress – prízvuk
anger - hnev
on the cheek – na lice
on the mouth – na ústa
express – vyjadriť
feelings – pocity
such as – ako
movements of hands – pohyby rúk
successful – úspešný
to sell – predávať
abroad – zahraničie
translate – preložiť
in the field of science – na poli vedy
travel abroad – cestovať do zahraničia
discover – objaviť
century – storočie
inventor – vynálezca
possible – možné
on the other hand – na druhej strane
too much – priveľa
therefore – preto
use – používať

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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