Interests and Leisure
Typ práce: Maturita
Počet zobrazení: 18 216
Uložení: 826
Interests and Leisure
Talk about – rozprávajte o:
– Leisure activities in general – aktivity na voľný čas
– My free time – môj voľný čas
– After-school activities at our school – mimoškolské aktivity na našej škole
– Men’s and women’s hobbies – mužské a ženské záľuby
1. Leisure activities in general
We can spend our leisure time:
a) Actively – doing sport, working in the garden …
b) Passively – watching TV, reading a book, playing computer games…
In summer we can do these leisure activities:
– gardening /práca v záhrade/ – people grow fruit, vegetables, cut the grass …
– do summer sports – cycling /bicyklovanie/, swimming, playing tennis, golf, football…
– go out with friends /ísť von s priateľmi/ – we can go to a musical concert, to the cinema, to the theatre, to the pub for a beer
– go to the nature /ísť do prírody/ – go hiking /ísť na turistiku/, go for a walk in the forest /ísť na prechádzku do lesa/, rock climbing / horolezectvo/, to pick mushrooms /zbierať huby/
– go to the ZOO
In winter we can do these leisure activities:
– do winter sports – we can go skiing, snowboarding, skating /korčuľovať sa/, we can play ice-hockey at the pond
– go to the fitness centre
– collect objects /zbierať predmety/ – for example: collect stamps /zbierať známky/
– play a musical instrument – hrať na hudobnom nástroji /play guitar, a piano, a violin = husle/
– men can do DIY projects /muži môžu robiť práce pre domácich majstrov/ – they can do practical jobs around the house – for example decorating, repairing…
– some people can have cooking and baking /pečenie/ as their hobby
– meet with friends in a pub, in a cafe
– go to the cinema, theatre, to an art exhibition
– education – we can study languages, computers…
– spend our leisure time passively – we can:
- watch TV, read books
- play computer games
- do crosswords – lúštiť krížovky
Young people like these hobbies:
– playing team sports
– going to the disco, pub, parties, cinema
– doing sport – roller-skating /korčuľovanie na kolieskových korčuliach/, skateboarding
– playing computer games
Some people join a group to practice their hobby – for example folk dancing /ľudové tance/, choir singing /spievanie v zbore/ and so on.
2. My free time
I spend most of my free time actively. In summer I like …………………. /playing football, dancing…/. In winter I like ………………. /skiing, snowboarding…/. Sometimes when I am tired I spend my free time passively – for example I ……………. /do crosswords, read a book, watch TV…/. Moreover, in winter when I come home from school and I can’t go skiing because it’s too late or because there is no snow, I meet with my friends in a pub and we chat and have a good time, or we go to the cinema.
I prefer summer because we have a 2 months’ holiday and therefore we have a lot of time. I can go ………………… /swimming, sunbathing, meet with friends…/
3. After-school activities at our school
Our school offers many after school activities:
- We can join a computer group – the Internet is available at our school
- We can join a tourist group – we can go hiking in summer or go skiing in winter
- We can use the gym and the school’s sports ground - we can play football, volleyball and other ball games
- There is also a fitness group available at our school – we can train bodybuilding and we can be fit and have strong muscles.
- If we want to become better at languages, we can attend free English and German lessons as an after-school activity.
I like to take part in the after-school activities at our school sometimes – I like playing football and volleyball with my schoolmates after school. I never took part in the language lessons because I don’t like languages. I also attended ……………………/computer group, fitness group…/.
4. Men’s and women’s hobbies
Usually women have less time for their hobbies than men because they have to look after children and do household work. They must do cleaning, ironing, cooking /because cooking is not always a hobby, but sometimes it is a duty = povinnosť/.
Most hobbies can be practiced by both men and also women – for example doing sport, gardening, reading books, watching TV an so on.
Some hobbies are considered typical for men and other hobbies are typical for women:
– playing football, hockey
– DIY /Do It Yourself/ – práce pre domácich majstrov /urob si sám/
– bodybuilding – kulturistika
– driving cars – šoférovanie aút
– riding motorbikes – jazdenie na motorkách
– going to the pub
– knitting – štrikovanie
– cooking – varenie
– baking – pečenie
– going out for a coffee – ísť von na kávu
– gossiping – klebetenie
– aerobics
leisure activities – activity na voľný čas
in general – vo všeobecnosti
spend leisure time – tráviť voľný čas
grow fruit – pestovať ovocie
cut the grass – kosiť trávu
go to the pub for a beer – ísť do krčmy na pivo
pond – rybník
do practical jobs around the house – robiť praktické práce okolo domu
decorating – maľovanie
repairing - opravovanie
as a hobby – ako koníček, záľubu
a cafe – kaviareň
theatre – divadlo
an art exhibition – umelecká výstava
education – vzdelávanie
language – jazyk
like – mať rád
join a group – pripojiť sa k nejakej skupine, navštevovať skupinu
to practice a hobby – robiť, vykonávať záľubu
most of my free time – väčšina môjho voľného času
tired – unavený
moreover – ďalej, ešte k tomu
too late – príliš neskoro
chat – diskutovať, kecať, neformálne sa rozprávať
prefer – uprednostňovať
therefore – preto
offer – ponúkať
many – veľa, mnoho
join a computer group – pripojiť sa, navštevovať počítačovú skupinu /krúžok/
group – skupina, tu: krúžok
available – k dispozícii
the gym – telocvičňa
sports ground – športové ihrisko
ball games – loptové hry
have strong muscles – mať silné svaly
if we want to become better at languages – ak sa chceme stať lepšími v jazykoch
attend – navštevovať
take part – zúčastniť sa
less time – menej času
they have to look after children – musia sa starať o deti
do household work – robiť domáce práce
ironing – žehlenie
both – obidvaja
are considered – sú považované
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