Housing and Home + slovná zásoba

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: maturant
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 09.04.2008
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 383 slov
Počet zobrazení: 43 802
Tlačení: 1 682
Uložení: 1 345
Home is a place where we live, relax, dream, where we can find our own refuge. It is a symbol of family and family life. We grown up in our parent´s house, then we left and have our own families and home. Home is a place where we always can find love, understanding and of course a roof over our head.
There are lot of  alternatives where and how people can live. They can live in a flat, which is mostly situated in a block of flats. This type of living is typical for towns. People can live in countryside too in different types of houses. A house built on only one level is called a bungallow. Multi- storeyed houses are called semi-detached houses, when they have one common wall . Terraced houses when they neighbour both walls and all stand in row.
Houses look different in different countries. In cold countries , there is often a fireplace and in southern countries people prefer cool stone floors . Homes are different because people´s attitudes are different too. Large families prefer big houses, some people like the idea of several generations living together. Some people who work in cities have houses in the countryside where they go every weekend.
In our house we can find everything what we need for living. Kitchen is a cooking and eating place. We need this room beacuse we need to eat. We can also have a dinnig room, where we can eat. The other important room is a bathroom , because hygiene s important too. We can also have a living room. It is a place where we can relax, watch TV and settle down our guests. The bedroom we always use to sleep an relax.
People need to have their own houses, their own roof over their head. A place where they can find warm, love and where they can always return to.

1. Compare housing in Britain and in your country.
I think that living in Britain and living in Slovakia is not very different. The difference is only in the types of houses. Typical houses in Britain are terraced houses(when their neighbour both walls and all stand in a row) They have always a garden and sometimes a cellar. They have separate bedrooms and living rooms. They don´t have balconies  or terraces.
In Slovakia people live in multi-storeyed houses (if they have a large family) or in bungalows which are built only on one level. Multi-storeyed house can have a balcony too. Behind the house there is always a garden where people can cultivate some fruit and vegetable or flowers.
2. Would you prefer to stay in a house or a flat?  Give the pros and cons of both.
I like the city life, so I prefer to stay in the city in a flat . But I like the idea of having a house in the countryside for weekends. I think that citylife is more interesting than living in countryside. People don´t poke their noses into what is not their business. You can do what you want. On the other hand living in a big house can be a big advantage. You have a grat space for living.
3. How do you feel if your neighbours poke their noses into what  is not their business? What would you do?
If I have curious neigbours I don´t feel very well. It´s very unpleasnt  when somebody pokes his nose into what isn´t his business. I think I should talk with my neighbours and when it don´t help I should move off.
4. Do you like the idea of having tea in the garden? Why/why not?
I think it´s a good idea to have a tea in the garden. It s a good kind of realxation to sit outside.
But it can be very unpleasant too. If you live in a town where you have any privacy because around you are lot of people.
5. Explain the expression „an Englishman´s home  is his castle“. Do you think it´s true?
I think that it´s true, because home is a place where everyone can find love warm and refuge. A place where we can always return to.
6. What would you change  , if you could, in the lifestyle  out in the Slovak countryside?
The only unpleasant thing is, when people are too curious and they poke their noses into what is not their business. If I can I would change it. People should take care only of their own problems.
7. Many people say that living in the countryside means losing your privacy. Do you agree/disagree?
I think it can be true. Because in the countyside people know everything about you, they are too curious  and they often poke their noses into what is not their business.
8. Do you like the anonymity of city life?
Yes, I do. I tis a big advantage, you can do what you want and there is nobody too curious. In the city you have also more cultural facilities, the nigt life, more shops.
9. What do you think about adult children paying rent to their parents when they  live at home longer? At what age  do you think they should start paying? Why? Would you do it with your children? Why? Why not?
I think it can be a good idea. Children should help their parents. They raised them up, they have given them love and all that they ever needed. Children should pay only when they have their own job and earn money.
10. What are your favourite colours? Did you choose the colours in your room?
My favourite colour is blue. I like the green and white too. My room is full of blue and white. The walls are blue and white, my furniture is blue and white too. There are also a lot of blue acccesories in my room. I like my room, it is a great place for relaxation.
11. How do colours affect your mood?
I think that colours affect my mood. When I see a jolly colour like orange or yellow, my mood is jolly too. This colours commemorate the sun. When I see the sad colour like black, my mood fall down and I am sad too. We use colours to relax too. Green and blue are good for relaxation because blue commemorates the sea and green the wood.
12. Why is green used in hospitals?
I think it is because this colour is good for relaxation, it commemorates the wood and  plants. Green brings quiet and that is what pacients need.

Housing and Home
house/mansion  dom/veľký dom
basement  pivnica
groundfloor  prízemie
first floor  prvé poschodie
attic  manzarda
porch  veranda, krytý vchod
overlook výhľad na
landlord/landlady statkár, statkárka/domáci pán, domáca pani
rented house/flat  prenajatý dom/byt
live on a housing estate  bývať na sídlisku
in a block of flats činžiak, panelák
in the suburb  na predmestí
in the countryside  na vidieku
poky house/room  neútulný dom/izba
overcrowded  preplnený
spacious/roomy  priestorný
share room with someone  zdieľať s niekým izbu 
hall chodba
lounge  veľká hala
kitchen kuchyňa
dining room  jedáleň
living/sitting room  obývacia izba
with a fireplace  s krbom
double bedroom spálňa s manželskou posteľou
guest room hosťovská izba
study  pracovňa, študovňa
bathroom  kúpelňa
toilet/restroom  toaleta
furniture nábytok
coat hanger vešiak na kabáty
hall mirror zrkadlo
chest of drawers for shoes botník(skriňa so zásuvkami)
front door predné dvere
built-in cupboard  zabudovaná kuchynská linka
electric gadgets  elektrické prístroje
home appliances domáce prístroje
gas cooker  plynový sporák
electric stove  elektrická pec/rúra
meat mincer  mlynček na mäso
dough mixer mixér na cesto
cups and saucers  šálky a podšálky
crockery and china keramika a porcelán
cutlery  príbor
baking tins  plech na pečenie
coffee mill  mlynček na kávu
frying pan panvica na vysmážanie
pressure cooker  tlakový hrniec
cooking utensils pomôcky na varenie
dish/bowl misa
wall unit obývačková stena
cupboard base unit príborník
upholstered suite/seat cushion čalúnená súprava/sedačka
coffee table  konferenčný stolík
armchair kreslo
net curtains záclony/závesy
houseplants  izbové rastliny
double bed manželská posteľ
wardrobe  skriňa
dressing table toaletný stolík
fitted carpet/bedsite rug celoplošný koberec/koberček
reading lamp  lampa na čítanie
drawers  zásuvky
bath/washbasin vaňa/umývadlo
bath sponge/mouthwash  špongia/ústna voda
turn off/on taps  otočiť kohútikom
mixer tap  batéria
From book
attitude postoj
cut off  odrezať, izolovať, vylúčiť
décor  dekorácia
furnishings bytové zariadenie, vybavenie
hide-and-seek hra na schovávačku
refuge útočište
sanctuary  svätyňa
shutter  okenica, roleta
spread out  roztiahnuť sa, rozvinúť sa
surround obklopiť sa
ups and downs dobré i zlé
creep in vkradnúť sa, vplížiť sa
decline  pokles
folk ľudia
geranium  pelargónia
poke strkať
sacrifice  obetovať sa
sherpherd pastier
sink, sank, sunk  klesnúť
sufficient  dostatočný
townsfolk obyvatelia mesta
woodstove pec na drevo

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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