Education + slovná zásoba

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: maturant
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 10.04.2008
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 704 slov
Počet zobrazení: 34 750
Tlačení: 1 282
Uložení: 1 330
Nowadays education is very important. Today we live in a world which is influenced by money. We need to have a job to earn money and to have a job we need to have education. So it is very important for every one of us to be educated.
Small children in the age from three to six years are educated for the first time in kindergarten. This pre- school education is voluntary. It is only on parents if they give their children to kindergarten. I think, that it is better for children, because they are in contact with other children, they can play together. Of course they can learn something new there. Their educators can teach them lot of things and it is funny for children too, because they are playing games all the time. Kindergarten also prepares children for school; they are accustomed (zvyknutý) on teachers and on other children.
After kindergarten follows the compulsory school attendance (it takes ten years) which begin in primary school. Primary education is divided into two stages; the first stage with grades 1-4 and the second stage with grades 5-9. Pupils get there general education, they can study languages, History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Arts, Religion or Ethics and Physical Education. Every school year takes 10 months (from September to June). Pupils have to learn, because they are examined and they write tests to be assessed (ohodnotený) by marks from 1-5 (one being the best, five being the worst). In the end of school year and every half year pupils get the school reports.
When children finish primary school, they can choose what type of secondary school they want to attend for the next four years. Every primary school student has to pass entrance exam before moving on to secondary school. There are different types of secondary schools. Vocational and technical schools (agricultural, nursing, electro- technical, business and hotel academies) prepare students for their future professions. 3-year secondary vocational schools prepare pupils for practical jobs. Grammar school offers general education and prepares students for higher education. Secondary school ends with school-leaving examination, which includes an oral exam and a written test in four subjects (Slovak and Literature is compulsory, one foreign language is compulsory and two are elective).
There are two conditions to be admitted to university. Students have to pass school-leaving examination and they have to pass an entrance examination. University takes 4-6 years. Students can study everything there (from law, medicine, economics, engineering etc.). To get university diploma student has to complete and defend a thesis and then pass the state examination in his field of study.
For me is very important to be educated. In the future I want to study at university, because I want to have a well-paid job in the future.  

1. What type of secondary school do you attend? Why have you chosen this particular school?
I attend the grammar school. It is a sport grammar school. I have chosen this type of school, because I want to go at university in the future. I think that this school is a good preparation for university. I want to go at university, because I want to be a lawyer.
2. Give a short talk on your school (type of education, the number of students, what after school activities).
I attend the sport grammar school. This type of school offers general education and prepares students for higher education. In our school there are about five hundred students. There are special classes for sportsmen. They have another time-table, because they have to train every day. There are also normal classes; they can be aimed at languages or at science lessons. Students in our school can have lot of after school activities. They can write for school magazine, they can do basketball or volleyball in school gymnasium.
3. What are the differences between the British and Slovak educational systems?
The school system in Britain begins with pre-school education. Children in the age of 5 get the pre-school education in nursery school. They receive the primary education at infant school. At the age of 11 they begin the secondary education at a comprehensive school or at grammar school. The compulsory education in UK takes 11 years (5-16). Pupils who want to go to university should stay at a sixth-form college (it takes 2 years). After that they can go to university. The school system in Slovakia begins with pre-school education. The primary education begins in the age of 6 on elementary school and it has 2 stages. The first stage with grades 1-4 and the second stage with grades 5-9. Pupils can choose the type of school. They have lot of possibilities. There are grammar schools, technical and vocational schools. The secondary education ends with school-leaving examination. University takes 4-6 years. There are two conditions to be admitted to university. Students have to pass school-leaving examination and they have to pass an entrance examination. The compulsory school attendance takes 10 years (6-16).
4. What may be the advantages/disadvantages of wearing a school uniform?
The advantages are, that every one wears the same; nobody can criticize your clothes, because all pupils wear the same. The disadvantages are that you can’t wear what you want. You have to wear the same clothes all the time.
5. What happens in your school if a student cheats at school? Why do students cheat?
If a teacher finds out that somebody cheats, this student can have problems. Teacher can give him wrong mark. Students are cheating most when they aren’t prepared for test or for oral examination.
6. Are teacher-parent meetings helpful? In what way?
I think that they are helpful. Teacher can talk with parents about students, about problems with students, about their marks. parents can get information about their children. it is helpful if children don’t talk about marks or about their problems with school. Parents can visit the teacher and they can find out everything about their children.
7. How serious of a problem is truancy in Slovak schools? What other reasons are there for skipping school?
I think it is a serious problem. Lot of students play truant. There are lot of reasons. For example if a student has a difficult family background, if he hates school, if he don’t like learning, if he don’t learn and he is afraid of wrong marks.
8. What should be done to make students attend school regularly?
Lot of students are playing truant, because they aren’t interesting in school lessons, they are too boring for them. Or they are afraid of wrong marks. I think, that if lessons were more interesting, students will not play truant so often. A good mark can be a motivation too.
9. What negative influence can cutting classes have on students?
If student is skipping school, he doesn’t know about things that are taught. He has less of information. So he begins to have worse marks and his school reports are worse too. To play truant has only negative influence on students.
10. Are language skills important in everyday life?
I think that they are important. Language skills can enrich your life. You can read in foreign language, you can chat with people around the world. If you can speak in foreign language, you can find a job abroad and you can earn money abroad. Language skills are big advantage and they are very important today, because you need them everywhere.
11. What strategy do you use to learn new vocabulary in English?
When I learn new vocabulary I always must write the new word with explaining into exercise book. Then I write a list of new words. After that I read the new words, I read it loud. Then I remember all the new word easy.
Headmaster/Headmistress  riaditeľ/riaditeľka
Principal  riaditeľ
Deputy Head  zástupca
award  prisúdiť, udeliť
grant  dotácia, udeliť
prize  cena, výhra
reward odmena
scholarship  štipendium
trophy  trofej
certificate  certifikát
degree stupeň, hodnosť
diploma diplom
doctorate doktorát
article  článok, člen
assignment  úloha
composition zloženie, skladba
essay  esej
paper noviny
report správa, referát, vysvedčenie
thesis téza, dizertácia
marks známky
pupil  žiak
student  študent, vysokoškolák
apprentice  učeň
undergraduate vysokoškolák
graduate  absolvent university
freshman ten, kto je prvý rok na univerzite
teacher učiteľ
tutor  učiteľ, vychovávateľ
professor profesor
instructor inštruktor
lecturer  prednášateľ
cheat  podvádzať
cram  šprtať sa
crib  jasle
practise  cvičiť, vykonávať
revise opraviť
study študovať
swot  bifľovať
nursery school škôlka
primary school základná škola
secondary school stredná škola
junior high school  stredná škola
satchel taška
wax crayon  voskovky
pen and pencil case peračník
register  zoznam
three-part blackboard  troj-krídlová tabuľa
sponge tray  podnos na špongiu
blackboard sponge  špongia
wall map  nástenná mapa
be called on byť vyvolaný
raise hands  zdvihnúť ruku
answer questions odopvedať na otázky
work independently  pracovať samostatne
practise sth under the teacher´s supervision  pracovať pod dozorom učiteľa
guess the meaning from the context odhadnúť význam z kontextu
chat in English  rozprávať/četovať v angličtine
regional or municipal scientific library  regionálna alebo komunálna vedecká
periodicals periodiká, časopisy
reference books príručky
handbooks príručky
encyclopaedias  encyklopédie
dictionaries  slovníky
borrower’s ticket (library ticket)/library card  čitateľský preukaz
achievement test test výkonnosti
progress test  test pokroku
oral testing  ústne skúšanie
listening comprehension  posluch s porozumením
reading comprehension čítanie s porozumením
writing písanie
speaking  hovorenie
play truant/miss lessons ulievať sa
be absent for several days chýbať niekoľko dní
skip school  ulievať sa
optional voliteľný
obligatory  povinný
elective  voliteľný
compulsory  povinný
pass an exam zložiť skúšku
do well  dobre urobiť
fail an exam neurobiť skúšku
with honours s vznamenaním
qualities of a pupil kvality žiaka
working morale pracovná morálka
ambitious ambiciózny
diligent  usilovný
conscientious svedomitý
perseverance  vytrvalý
lazy  lenivý
negligent nedbanlivý
undisciplined nedisciplinovaný
disobedient neposlušný
From book
assess hodnotiť
choir  spevácky zbor
deny  poprieť
enhance posilniť, zvýšiť hodnotu
enrol  zapísať do školy, kurzu
exclusion vylúčenie
rate  podiel, priemer
slap  plesnúť
truancy  záškoláctvo
authorisation súhlas, povolenie
corporal punishment  telesný trest
devote venovať čas, pozornosť
entrepreneurship  podnikanie
kindergarten  prípravka (na školskú dochádzku)
tackle riešiť problem, čeliť problému
trial  pokus, test

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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