Human Relationships + slovná zásoba

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: maturant
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 10.04.2008
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 236 slov
Počet zobrazení: 29 990
Tlačení: 1 447
Uložení: 1 172
Relation is a way of people´s behaving. The good relation means, that people are on good terms, they get on with another people.

Personal relationships are very changeable. It is enough to say something wrong and a good relationship can be changed to unfriendly. On the other hand it is enough to say a few of nice words and we can find our friends again. It seems to be very simple, but it isn´t so easy like it looks like. This type of relation is typical especially for children. At first they are friends and in few minutes they can be the biggest foes ever. If one child don´t want to lend toy to another child, this child is sad and they are friends no more. But in few minutes by another game they can be the best friends again.

Adult relationships are more different and more difficult. If somebody say or do something wrong, the another can be hurt. It isn´t so easy to be friends again. People don´t want to talk to each other, they don´t want to listen to each other. They are too obstinate, they don´t want to hear an excuse. The friendship is destroyed.

There are thousands of relationships. From marriage to friendship, through family relations, school and work relations, to relationship problems between people of differnet races, religions and social classes. We have positive relations because we don´t want to be alone. We allways need somebody, who support us, who stand by us and who is allways here for us. There are also negative relations. When people are intolerant or rude, because they know nothing about the other person or group of people, and are suspicious.

I think that I have any problems to get on with somebody. I am friendly ,I hate argueing and disagreements. I try to get on with my family and friends because I know, that these people are very important for me.


1. What´s your definition of a good relationship between classmates, parents,teachers and students, and parents and their children.?
I think that in every good relationship is respect the most important thing. In relation there are allways two or more people and they have to respect the another. They can´t be intolerant, because intolerance don´t belongs to friendship. They should support you when you need it, they should give you advice and they should allways stand by you.

2. How do realtionships change as people get older?
Relations get change with the age. Relations between small children are diffrent like relations between adults. The adults relations are more difficult.

3. Describe a true frindship.
True friendship is when two or more people have close relations. They can talk about everything, about their problems.... It is when they are every moment here for you and they want help you. They support you and allways can give you advice. They listen to you when you have problems and they make everything to help you. They allways try to make you happy again.
4. Do you know any disabled people?
I don´t know disabled people. In the place where I live are any disabled people.

5. Do you believe that any broken friendship can be fixed?
I think maybe. But it s only on the people. If they are too obstinate and they don´t want to listen the excuse, it isn´t possible. In every relation is two or more people and it´s only on them if they want to fix their broken friendship.

6. What kind of secrets do you tell your best friend?
I tell him everything about I can´t talk with my parents and family. But I don´t have to tell him everythink. Every man has his own secrets which he don´t want to talk about.

7. Are you a leader in your relationships?
I think I am not. Because in good friendship is nobody the leader. People should be equivalent.

8. Compare how living with your peers would be different to living with your parents?
I think it´s very different. When you live with parents you have to keep some rules. You can´t go home late, you have to do some chores. When you live with your friends there are no strict rules. You can do everything you want. and it is more funny.

9. Describe an ideal friendship.
Ideal friendship is, when two or more people are equivalent. Nobody is the leader. You can talk about everything, you can have fun. Your friends are allways here for you, they can give you advice or help you. Ideal friends are faithful, it doesn´t matter where they are, they are allways with you.

10. What values do you admire most in people?
I admire the sincerity most in people. I think it´s better if somebody can say what he feels or what he like or dislike. I hate when somebody can´t say what he feels or want, or when somebody say something and think something else.

11. What other qualities or character traits do you respect or admire?
I like nice, friendly people. People who are reliable(spoľahlivý), trustworthy(dôveryhodný), loyal and who can sacrifice for other people.

12. Who influenced your values, and how?
I think my parents have influenced my values most. They raised me up with their values and I have similar values like they have. Of course I have my own opinion, but my parents have spent so much time with me and they have influenced me most.

13. Try to characterize human relations in Slovakia.
I think relations in Slovakia are the same like everywhere around the world are. People are behaving good, bad, are tolerant, srict. It doesn´t matter where they are from.

14. A friend in need is a friend inded, do you agree?
Yes, I do. True friends are with you all your life. They support you in good or bad. In bad times you will find out who is your true friend.

15. List five things valued the most in your life and match specific actions, that you take that express those values.
The most important things for me are my family, friends, school, to have fun and freedom.

Human Relationships
relations vzťahy
race relations rasové vzťahy
diplomatic relations diplomatické vzťahy
industrial ralations priemyselné vzťahy
public relations verejné vzťahy
relationship vzťah, príbuzenstvo
have a good relationship mať dobrý vzťah
get along with vychádzať s niekým
get on with vychádzať s niekým
be on good terms with vychádzať s niekým
relate vychádzať
to fit in zapadnúť
with ties to so záväzkami
incompatible nezlúčiteľný
go out with chodiť s niekým
be dating randiť
be going steady upevniť, ustáliť
have an affair mať aféru
romance romanca
flirt flirt
fling vzplanutie
value hodnota
principle pravidlo
standard štandard, úroveň
quality kvalita, vlastnosť
worthwhile stojaci za to
desirable vhodný, žiadúci
ideals ideály
basic beliefs základná viera
challenge výzva
honesty/dishonesty poctivosť, úprimnosť/nečestnosť
reliability spoľahlivosť
generosity štedrosť
respect úcta
responsibility zodpovednosť
trust dôvera
truth pravda
reputation vážnosť, dobrá povesť
discipline disciplína
deceit klam, podvod
greed nenásytnosť
meanness lakomosť
envy závisť, závidieť
corruption úpadok, skazenosť, úplatnosť

From book
bait nasadiť návnadu
cast hodiť
chore práca, povinnosť
confidence dôvera
implement realizovať, uskutočniť
knot uzol
prejudice predsudok
secure bezpečný
shelter prístrešok
thread niť
trait vlastnosť, charakter
wink žmurknúť
brim okraj
charity charita
commit angažovať sa
illiteracy negramotnosť
interruption prerušenie
pregnant tehotná
resolve vyriešiť
share deliť sa o niečo, podieľať sa
suppress potláčať
torn roztrhnutý
treat zaobchádzať

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


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