Towns and Places

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: dunky
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 29.05.2009
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 834 slov
Počet zobrazení: 14 915
Tlačení: 606
Uložení: 681

Towns and Places

Towns and places have always been important for us in all ways. Our lives and our tales are nearly related to some place. It is often our hometown, the place, we should know the best.

The place where we spend most of our time with our friends, family and relatives, in the course of time becomes our hometown. We usually find a job here and we are likely to get married her also. According to the statistics more than 60% people get married in their hometown.

Essential is that hometowns are related with our lives forever and we always tend to come back because this place is connected with our happiest memories. But In spite of that, in every of our life occur a moment you have to consider very carefully. Should I stay here forever or do something adventurous and walk away? Some of us leave hometown because of studies at university or the main purpose is new job opportunity or new family.

For students who leaved house because of studies is the university campus their second home, but only for a several years. Thousands of people are moving from one place to another, just to find work position or set up family. And if they find suitable place form them, they will settle down.

Some of them are leaving home only temporary for time of holiday or weekend. This time is very suitable for visiting places like mountain cottages, lakes, sea beaches or non-city facilities for leisure. So if you’re interested of spending free time in Slovak Republic, you have to visit Nitra.

Nitra is a city with rich political, cultural and agricultural traditions, it is also called the „Mother of Slovak towns“. It is located in the south-west of Slovakia under Zobor hill on river Nitra. It is (like Rome is) located on 7 hills (Kalvária, Čermáň, Borina, Vŕšok, Hradný kopec, Zobor and Martinský vrch). In 9th century Nitra was a residence of Nitra´s principality and later the Great Moravian Empire. In 863 came 2 brothers – Konstantin and Methodius, who brought the first Slavonic alphabet, orthography and Christianity.

Nitra was divided into the upper and lower town. The dominant feature is the Nitra Castle (one of the oldest and nicest castles in Slovakia, a residence of catholic bishop, the castle consists of 3 parts – the castle, seat and cathedral, which is divided into the Gothic upper church, Baroque church and the Romanesque church of Pribina from the 13th century.) At the foot of the castle stand the Plague Column and a group of bronze statues of Constantine and Methodius.

In the upper town there are also the Priestly Seminary, the diocesan library, Pribina statue, in the corner of the Kluch´s palace there is a figure of atlant called Corgoň. In the lower town the tourists can visit many historical buildings and churches (the Piaristic church, the Jewish Synagogue, St. Michal´s church over Drážovce, the Mission House and the Church of our Lady on Kalvaria hill…). Nitra is called also “the city of young people” – many primary, secondary schools, 2 universities – Slovak agricultural university and University of Constantine Philosopher. Important is also exhibition area Agrokomplex.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of living in crowded places such as towns, cities or places like the countryside. There are many advantages of living in the farmland including less crowded areas or the wonderful fresh air.

If you like animals too then it’s a perfect place to find out more about different kinds of animals living in the near wild. Of course there are some disadvantages too. Many countryside people are vicious and your farm may become the envy of all the people out there. There’s a lack of huge shopping malls what makes your life stressful and everything seems so far away. In my opinion life in a town is much easier and entertaining. I think you can find more free time here for your different kinds of activities.

There are many places and towns on earth which are wonderful and amazing. On the other hand there are many places and towns which are not so pleasant for visiting. The sad thing is that these places take up most of the parts of the world. But you have to agree with me that the best place for each of us is our own home.

My conclusion is that everyone should find their own place where they want to spend their lives with their closest ones, but it’s very important not to forget what place you were born in or raised by your family.

My dream town is undoubtedly Sydney. Sydney is capital of South Wales. It is the oldest town of Australia and it is home of 4 million people. Most tourists go to this place only for modern style and skyscraper. Some don’t know that Sydney has more recreational places and beaches. There is here acquaintance Opera-house with a very specific architecture and Sydney Harbour Bridge.

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Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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