
Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: sp-prace (16)
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 31.08.2013
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 031 slov
Počet zobrazení: 11 305
Tlačení: 513
Uložení: 533


Sport is very important for our health. Nowadays ones life is very unhealthy, stressful and hectic. Sport is one way how you can relax and feel full of energy. It helps you with your condition. Young girls and boys do sports to look better and to feel more attractive.

Some people do sports because they want to fight their overweight. American researches supported theory those 70 years old people live longer if they play tennis every day for one hour. Another advantage is that it helps to make you good mood because of hormone of happiness- endorphin. After doing some sport you feel relaxed and satisfied.

Sports help us to keep our body in a good physical condition. 

Everybody who wants to do sports or play games needs a bit talentand interest.When you want to practise sport just for fun or to be fit, you can do it anytime and every time, but when you want to be a professional and earn money by doing sport, you need talent, specialeducation and training, but first of all hard work every day.

The Olympic Games is a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Olympic Games have come to be regarded as the world’s foremost sports competition where more than 200 nations participate.

The Games are currently held every four years, with Summer and Winter Olympic Games alternating, although they occur every four years within their respective seasonal games. Since 2008, host cities are contracted to manage both the Olympic and the Paralympic Games, where athletes who have a physical disability compete. The Paralympics are held immediately following their respective Olympic Games.

Originally, the ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia, Greece, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894. The IOC has since become the governing body of the Olympic Movement, whose structure and actions are defined by the Olympic Charter.

The evolution of the Olympic Movement during the 20th and 21st centuries has resulted in several changes to the Olympic Games. Some of these adjustments include the creation of the Winter Games for ice and winter sports, the Paralympic Games for athletes with a physical disability, and the Youth Olympic Games for teenage athletes

NHL The National Hockey League (NHL; French: Ligue nationale de hockey—LNH) is an unincorporated not-for-profit association which operates a major professional ice hockey league of 30 franchised member clubs,(1) of which 7 are currently located in Canada and 23 in the United States. Headquartered in New York City, the NHL is widely considered to be the premier professional ice hockey league in the world,(2) and one of the major professional sports leagues of the United States and Canada.

The league was organized on November 26, 1917, in Montreal, Canada, during World War I after the suspension of operations of its predecessor organization, the National Hockey Association (NHA), which had been founded in 1909.(4) It started with four teams and, through a series of expansions, contractions, and relocations, the league is now composed of 30 active franchises. After a labour dispute that led to the cancellation of the entire 2004–05 season, the league resumed play under a new collective bargaining agreement that included a salary cap. In 2009, the NHL enjoyed record highs in terms of sponsorships, crowds and television audiences.

Negative effects

Negative Effects of Alcohol in Sport

Although widely used as well as being considered socially acceptable, alcohol is still a drug and so will affect your body and your behaviour. The behavioural problems associated with alcohol consumption include but are not limited to: disinhibition, aggression, intolerance and rowdiness. None of these behaviours are conducive to a successful performance in sports.

Doping in antiquity

Doping in sport is not a new phenomenon. Athletes face a difficult choice whether to use drugs to enhance their performance or to take the risk of suffering from severe side effects.

Doping not only contravenes the spirit of fair competition, it can be seriously detrimental to health.

In the early 1900s, the most popular doping agent was a cocktail of alcohol and strychnine. Methods of anti-doping control were first pioneered in the 1960s, by Arnold Beckett.

Steroids should be banned from sports because of the negative history in competitions, the health risks involved, and the disgrace it brings to many sports. 

Before trying to prove that steroids serve no positive role in sport, it would be beneficial to outline the history of the drug used in sports. In the early 1950's, athletes in eastern European were already using crude forms of testosterone injections to increase their power.

Positive Effects of Mass media

The media coverage of sport has good effects:
Money – Media companies pay for the rights to show a sporting event. Also, sports shown on the tv generate more sponsorship
Education – People learn the rules of the sport from watching it on tv
Role models – Seeing good sports people on tv and in newspapers makes them a role model for people to look up to
Inspiration – Media brings sport to people who may not normally get to experience it otherwise. This can encourage people to get involved
Coaching aid – Watching professionals on the tv can help you see how a technique should be performed which could help your performance

Negative Effects

The media can also have a negative effect on sport:

Bias – Only the really popular sports get much attention on the tv and in newspapers etc. This doesn't help encourage people into the less popular sports

Lack of Attendance – For matches that are shown on tv, ticket sales often drop

Overload – There is a lot of sport on tv nowadays, some say too much!

Attention – Sport stars often complain of too much attention being paid to their private lives

Demands – The media can put pressure on the organisers of sporting competitions to make the viewing experience better for TV audiences. For example, in a previous Olympics, the marathon was run at a time which suited TV companies, even though it was at the hottest time of day!

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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