Slovakia – My Homeland

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: sp-prace (16)
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 31.08.2013
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 508 slov
Počet zobrazení: 9 635
Tlačení: 454
Uložení: 467

Slovakia – My Homeland

Slovakia – stereotypes

Slovaks lived for almost a thousand year under Hungarian rule. For that entire period, the territory od modern-day Slovakia was an integral part of the Hungarian Kingdom, known simply as Upper Hungary, and apart from a few German – speaking mining towns, it remained overwhelmingly rural and resolutely feudal.

Other influence were seen: a Russian one after the Second WW, Czech since 1918 till 1993), English after 1989 in economic, cultural and business relations, tourism and thousands of Slovak university students working in GB and the USA as well as international globalization, etc. All these contact influence people, their manners, attitudes and it is sometimes very difficult to recognize which influence in which area cand be seen.

Slovaks live in central Europe and many times their behaviour is a mixture of those common for other European countries and nationalities. For examplde: business situations : shaking hands- In business situations, a handsake is a both the beginning and the end of a meeting.

When being introduced to a woman, a man should wait to see if she extends her hand. In business meetings, age takes precedence over youth. In a group setting, the eldest person enter first. Also the way Slovak businessmen and politicians dress up is influenced by Italian fashion. They wear fashionable, high quality suits, women wear business costumes. When invited to someone s home: people bring gift-wrapped chocolates, alcohol and flowers. + ostatné manners zo solution, atď.

Slovakia and the EU

The decision of the Helsinki summit to open negotiations with the SK and other candidate countries had a far-reaching and truly historic impact on the development of individual applicants for membership and the entire continent. It was an important step in the chain of events that shaped Europe in the last decade – it was another significant contribution towards building a continent on the basis of security, stability and prosperity.

Slovakia was given the chance to embark on the decisive stage of its road to becoming a member of the community of countries with whom the country shares history, civilisation and values. The European integration process is based primarily on the idea of co-existence of countries and nations which share and implement common values and principles of their political, economic and social life.

European integration is a complex process which involves a number of mutually inderlinked elements such as membership of NATO, the EU, The OECD. In SVK, the further deepening of co-operation within the Visegrad grouping is greatly significant. The objectives of the V-4 countries which include close mutual co-operation, strengthening the cohesion of the Central European regionand support for Euro-Atlantic integration have already become a firm pillar of the European stability and contribute to the successful development of the entire continent.

The consequences of membership to the EU:

1. advantage – opening the job market, allowing people to escape unemployment or low wages

2. the participation in European projects by pupils, teachers, students

3. funds of money to improve the infrastructure of the country

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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