It was the worst holiday I ever had

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: 1darkmind1
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 10.03.2008
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 318 slov
Počet zobrazení: 15 192
Tlačení: 721
Uložení: 1 061

It was the worst holiday I ever had

Last summer, during our summer holiday happened to me something I would like to describe. With my family and with family of my friend Zuza travelled I to spend few weeks in summer in wonderful French village called Le Rayol situated near famous Saint Tropez. 

When we got to our village and let our baggage at huge villa of dad´s friend, first thing we wanted to see was beach and, of course, sea. Me, my brother and friend were amazed. Such a beauty". Immediatly we jumped into the water and swam and swam and swam.

The water was cold, but it was very pleasant to get little colder in that hot weather. As we swam bech to the beach I noticed that no one else, but only us, is in water. It was quite strange . But in few seconds I was supposed to get to know why it was like that. At first I felt something soft is swimming near my legs, but then I felt such terrible pain, that you can´t imagine it. I thought my leg was burning, but in the water is it impossible. Due to horrible pain I couldn´t move, swim, I couldn´t anything. I could only call brother to help me to get on the beach.

When I felt little bit safer, I dared to look on my leg. There was big red burning from jellyfish. Jellyfish were reason why other people were only sunbathing and not swimming. How could we be so stupid and didn´t notice it? I shouldn´t pay for our stupidity.

After this bathing I suffered few day with temperature and couldn´t do anything. I was jealous with others, who could swim, go on trips, go shopping and thing which you usually do on your holidays.

So instead the best holiday spent in French paradise I had my worst holiday ever spent in bed suffering.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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