At the Doctor‘s Office, the Dentist

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: janka
Typ práce: Referát
Dátum: 18.09.2008
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 475 slov
Počet zobrazení: 9 935
Tlačení: 652
Uložení: 748

At the Doctor‘s Office, the Dentist

Soon after birth every child is vaccinated against such sicknesses as tuberculosis, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and later smallpox. Then later in the school age, a child is under medical supervision which means that he or she  has to undergo a series of preventive medical and dental check ups where his body is examined, his teeth checked and eyesight tested.

If we feel unwell, we decide to see a physician who is called a General Practitioner. It’s better to make an appointment with the doctor in his surgery time (during his office hours) if we want to avoid long waiting in the waiting room which may be often crowded. Then the nurse says „Next please“ and invites us into the consulting room. The nurse has to look for our medical record and wants to see our insurance card and then takes our temperature. Then we are ready to enter the surgery (consulting room).

The doctor usually asks what the trouble is and then asks us to strip to the waist because he or she must examine our chest and throat. The doctor wants to know if we have a temperature, a good appetite and where we feel pain. Then he or she listens to our lungs and heart and we have to take a deep breath or stop breathing according to his orders.

He also wants us to open our mouth and say „Ah“ to see if our tonsils are red. Sometimes he or she checks the blood pressure and feels the pulse, takes the blood count and throat culture or puts urine through lab tests. We have to say how we feel, if we have a headache, a sore throat, a cold, a cough, or if we are sick and hoarse.

We usually go to see a doctor when we are invited to yearly check-up. Doctor has to weight us that’s why he or she has a scale and then he measures us. Physician also examines our eyes (sight) and ears (hearing).

Finally the doctor diagnoses the case and therapy and prescribes a medicine. Most often we suffer from a common infection such as flu, tonsilitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. At the pharmacy we get antibiotics, vitamins, pain relievers and gargle.

Sometimes we may be taken to hospital by an ambulance. In the hospital the injured people are examined and X-rayed at an emergency room. Serious cases are immediately operated on in the operating room. Before the operation the patient must pass several tests and then just before the operation he is anaesthetized by means of an injection or inhalation of a narcotic. After the operation a scar often remains.

The patient is sometimes sent to a health resort or a spa for rehabilitation. There he undergoes water treatment, takes baths, massage, remedial exercises and drinks the waters.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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