Relationships between people

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: verca123
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 23.03.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 1 287 slov
Počet zobrazení: 3 330
Tlačení: 180
Uložení: 161

Relationships between people 

Interpersonal relationship is bond between two or more people. Attraction between individuals brings them close to each other and eventually results in a strong interpersonal relationship.

They can develop between for example: people in the same team, man and woman (love, marriage), immediate family members and relatives, child and parent, friends. Relationship can also develop in a group (Relationship of students with their teacher, relationship of a religious guru with his disciples and so on).

In schools there are three critical aspects of good interpersonal relationships:

  • Respect for Diversity

We need to have mutual respect for individual differences (e.g. gender, race, culture, etc.) at all levels of the school (student-student; adult-student; adult-adult) and overall standards for tolerance.

  • Social Support — Adults

There is need for supportive and caring adult relationships for students. This includes the nature of expectations for students’ success, willingness to listen to students and to get to know them as individuals, and personal concern for students’ problems.

  • Social Support — Students

Students need to have supportive peer relationships for other students (e.g. friendships for socializing, for problems, for academic help, and for new students).

Neighbour relationships

One of the pleasant things about having an apartment is having neighbours. Neighbours are people who you share your community with. You may develop personal friendships with some of your neighbours. Sometimes you will just appreciate exchanging hellos to one another. At times, you may call on your neighbours for help with small favours. There may also be times when you have conflict with your neighbours. There may be neighbours you just don’t get along with at all or care to say hello to. However, neighbours are very dependable. They are always close by and they usually appreciate you.

Cross-generational relationships

The environment that surrounded us as we grew up shaped our life in more ways than we may realize. World events, like wars, depression, or economic prosperity, shape generations. So does technology. Did you grow up with the radio, TV, computer, iPod—or all of the above? Music, politics of the time, ideas about what it means to be a family—these too shape how different generations view and appreciate the life around them. Common complaints you hear from older generations about younger generations are that they are speed-obsessed, too casual and informal, unappreciative of traditional ways of doing things, and technology dependent (as if they don't value face-to-face communication enough). On the flip side, you can hear younger generations complaining that older generations are out-of-date, stuck in their ways, too stiff, and completely computer unskilled. Many generations feel like they are not respected by other generations, and often that they are discriminated because of their age (age bias).

Friendship and love

What’s the difference? Friendship arises out of mere Companionship when two or more of the companions discover that they have in common some insight or interest or even taste which the others do not share and which, till that moment, each believed to be his own unique treasure (or burden). The typical expression of opening Friendship would be something like, "What? You too? I thought I was the only one." Lovers are always talking to one another about their love; Friends hardly ever about their Friendship. Lovers are normally face to face, absorbed in each other; Friends, side by side, absorbed in some common interest.

People with disabilities.

Historically, people with disabilities have been denied fundamental human and civil rights and usually people had prejudices or they were ignorant towards them. The twentieth century showed a turning point for the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Despite the great steps toward expanding the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, many obstacles still stand in the way of their living fully inclusive lives. Some disabled people are very intelligent – for example Dr. Stephen Hawking – he is a scientist, he writes books and lectures at the Oxford University – he cannot move and is in his wheelchair. Many disabled people are artists, actors, sportsmen – they can participate at the Paralympic Games.

People with drug addiction

Drug addiction is a complex problem. It is a condition that deeply affects the individual’s mind and body. Addiction also has large influence on person’s social connections and functioning. Unfortunately, many addicts don’t realize the social impact of their addiction until much of their functioning has greatly deteriorated. A drug addict’s social functioning may get so bad that the only choice is drug rehab, if not jail. If a person gets to drug rehab before they begin getting into legal trouble, they can save themselves a great deal of time, money, and suffering. They can learn healthy living habits and ways to live without the influence of drugs and alcohol. They can replace social problems with social health.

Homeless people

Homelessness is considered a social problem because it not only affects a few people but instead accounts for a significant percentage of a population. Although it may vary from one country to another, homelessness continues to be a big, social problem in many parts of the world.

Having a home is considered a basic need of life, but there are actually many people who have no shelter. Because of homelessness, people are usually forced to live on the streets and thereby are exposing themselves to other concerns that may harm them further in their lives. In many countries, living on the streets also exposes people to various illegal activities like drug and alcohol use. Since many people without homes feel desperate about their situation, a significant percentage of them are more likely to engage in other illegal activities during their lifetime.

Various governments in many countries are in a constant battle to help citizens with housing programs, but usually their efforts are not good enough for everybody. Not all homeless people and families will be reached by these government projects. Some will be unable to get help from the government because of a limited budget for shelter projects. Others, meanwhile, become victims of government corruption. As many people say, homeless people deserve to claim their right to social security someday.

Negative effects

Aggressivity: Small children become aggressive because of games, watching TV or family problems. Addict can be also the reason if they don’t have enough money or when they are drunk. Poor people can be aggressive because they want more money but also rich people can be aggressive because they think that they can do everything. Results of aggressivity are vandalism, hurt people, destroyed houses because they want just to show off. Bullying is usually among young people at school or in army. Victims have to do things against their will. They are humiliated. Bullies want to show their power. Bullied people have to talk about their problems with parents or teachers. Egoism and indifference= nor caring about other people. Sometimes it isn’t indifference but self-protection when somebody is fighting or doing dangerous things.

Solving conflicts

When someone is aggressive, the worst thing to do is to be aggressive back. Mediation is a good strategy when the conflict is very serious and you have a good mediator. When you are negotiating you should find out what the other person wants. You should propose solutions which do not threaten the other person.

People should be more tolerant to each other if we want to live in better society. They should try to speak to each other with politeness and they should not be rude to people that they do not know. When we behave better to each other, the life would be easier and we would be happier.

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