People and society

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: wanna (18)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 23.11.2020
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 718 slov
Počet zobrazení: 3 494
Tlačení: 150
Uložení: 171

People and society

  1. a) morálka
  2. b) spoločenská etiketa
  3. c) porušenie noriem, problémy

Children can learn how to be behave well:

  1. a) at home– parents should give their children a good example at home. They must look after them and teach them what is good and what is bad. They shouldn’t let them do everything their children want to do. They should talk to them and explain if they have a problem. Sometimes parents punish their children but the punishment should always be adequate. At first they have to show us how to do it. They tell us, that we should greet older people, that man should greet woman, children should greet adults. They tell us, that we should greet loud, with clear voice, looking into the eyes. They tell us, that we should talking to people with respect, listening them and showing empathy. They prepare us for life. Because when we are polite, we can have good relations with another poeple.

(Sometimes parents don´t teach their children to good society. For example if parents speak rudely, children will imitate them. If parents have aonly TV dinners, children will not knoh hot to behave at the table.)

  1. b)At school– teachers must also give students a good example. At school students can have lectures organized by the school about how to behave on a bus/a train, in a restaurant, when we go to a party…

  2. c) At special institutions– some institutions organize courses where people can learn how to behave well in society – how to eat, drink, talk politely, how to ask woman for a dance..

At home and also in society people should/should not:

We shouldn’t talk when other people are talking – it is polite to wait until they say what they want to say and then we can give our opinion.
We should greet our guests when they come for a visit to our house – we should say “hello” we should offer them a cup of coffee or something to drink, offer a snack and so on.
We should answer if somebody greets us (when somebody says “Good morning”, “Hello”) – a man should greet a woman first, a younger person should greet the older person first.
We should say “please” and “thank you” often 
We shouldn’t make comments about disabled people, racial comments…
If we make a mess, we should tidy it up – we shouldn’t throw rubbish on the street…
We should apologize when we make a mistake => we should say: I´m sorry. I apologize. Excuse me, could you.. Pardon?

Dinning rules/table manners:

- we should use a knife and a fork for eating (you keep the knife in your right hand and eat with your fork in the left or vice versa if you left-handed)

 - on the table must be clean cloth

- you don’t gobble /pažravo hltať/, burp, fart..

 - you shouldn’t put your elbows on the table

- you shouldn’t eat with your fingers

- you shouldn’t talk when our mouth is full of food

- you shouldn’t put/lick your knife into your mouth,

- always use a napkin to wipe your mouth and don´t speak while eating

- when we are in a restaurant, we shouldn´t be noisy

Rules of greeting:

- younger people greet the older first

- man greets woman first

- children always greet adults first

When we meet in slovakia someone we know, we usually greet, official greetings are „Good morning, good afternoon“ and friends greets „Hi or Hello“. When we greet, we shake our hands and kiss on cheeks. For the goodbuy we wish only tbe best-health, happiness, love, money, succesfuls in job.

There is some people who do something against the norms or law and they are automatically out of society. Nobody wants to talk with them or have something in common with them.

There are many social problems:

Alcoholism- alkoholizmus
Drugs and drug addiction– drogy a drogová závislosť
Homelessness- bezdomovectvo
Criminality and violence– kriminalita a násilie
Poverty– chudoba

Homeless people- I am sorry for homeless people because they have nowhere to live – we can help homeless people, for example we can buy a magazine called Nota Bene. This magazine is sold by homeless people and it gives them a chance to earn some money for better life.
When we want to help homeless people, we can also give them some food, clothes or give money to organizations or to charity– these organizations can help them.

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Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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