Sport téma

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: verca123
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 18.03.2021
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 656 slov
Počet zobrazení: 2 610
Tlačení: 141
Uložení: 140

Sport téma

When we talk about we should distinguish between sport and games.

Sport includes all kinds of physical activities in which people or teams try to win. For example sport is swimming, horse racing, climbing and athletics.

Games are usually played between two people or two teams. The most popular games are football, basketball, baseball, ice hockey, tenis and golf.

I can do aerobics, karate, gymnastic, exercises, yoga....

I can play tenis, hockey, ice hockey...

I can go swimming, horse riding, jogging, diving....

Amateurs – are people who take part in a sport for their own enjoyment or interest. They love physical activity and play their sport because they want to be fit and healthy. For these people, doing sport is relaxing and they spend a great deal of their leisure time on it. Doing sport makes them happy and feel good.

On the other hand, sport is a job for many sportsmen. Most of these athletes will tell you how much pleasure doing sport has brought them, but at the same time how it has helped them to be more disciplined and rely on themselves.

They claim that doing their sport has made them self-confident and able to manage life better. They should train several times a day and have a healthy lifestyle and they should give up nihgts out with your friends. If they do all this, so they´ll a top footballer or hockey player and earn a lot of money.

The fans – is group of people, who go home or to the stadium to watch their favourite sportsman or their national team. At the stadium, they carry their national or team flag and sing songs tu support their team help them win the match. The most popular game in the world is football and its fans are really „emotional“people. English football fans, called „rowdies“, are a good example of such dangerous behaviour at football matches.

Gymnastic – training on horizontal bar and balance beam, there they used mats or rings.

Polo – is a game played on horseback on a large field. The object of the game is to drive a small ball down the field with a long hammer into the opponent´s goal. All strokes must by made while riding a horse.

Baseball – is a game played by two teams of nine players using a bat and ball. Baseball is popular in USA.

Basketball - is a game played by two teams of five players using a large ball which players try to throw into a high net hanging from a ring.

Ice hockey – is a game played on a rink by two teams of six players who use long sticks to hit a small flat rubber disc (called a puck) to score as many goals as possible into the opponent´s net.

Rugby – is a game played by two teams of thirteen or fifteen players. It is payed with an egg shaped ball that maybe carried, kicked or thrown and the players can use both their hands and feet. Teams try to put the ball over the other team´s line at the end of the field.

Volleyball – is a game in which two teams of six players use their hands to hit a large ball back and forth over high net. The aim of the game is not to let the ball touch the ground on their own side.

Squash – is a game for two players, played on a court enclosed by four walls using rackets and a small rubber ball.

Badminton – is a game played by two or four people who use rackets to hit a small light kind of „ball“ or a shuttlecock over a high net.


-track and field events -triple jump

-jumps -pole jump

-throws -javelin throwing

-sprinting events -hammer throwing

-cross country run -shot put

-relay race

-marathon race

-hurdle race


-swimming – breast stroke, crawl, back stroke, butterfly


-water skiing






-ice hockey

-figure skating

-speed skating

-skiing – ski jumping, giant, downhill race





-tennis(tennis court)


-golf(golf course)

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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