Mass media téma

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: verca123
Typ práce: Maturita
Dátum: 18.03.2021
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 697 slov
Počet zobrazení: 2 309
Tlačení: 159
Uložení: 164

Mass media téma

Through newspapers, radio and television we learn about the world, important inventions (vynález), new technologies and unique achievements (výdobytky).

People like to read newspapers, journals and magazines. We want to be informed and get the latest news (najnovšie správy) we have to buy a newspapers early in the morning. We can find different articles in a newspapers: on economics, politics or social life, sports, editorials (personal opinion of the editors (redactor) about something in the news), features (črty, special reports (správa, hlásenie) about an interesting subject, place or person). Newspapers are published every day, some are even (dokonca) published at weekends.

There are two types of newspapers:

1.Seriou papers (broadsheefs-veľká strana)- new is objective and serious.

2.Tabloids (bulvár)- usually smaller in size, articles are entertaining (zábavný)- stories and

gossip (klebety) about famous people.

Most popular British newspapers is The Times.

The Times, symbol of tradition and establishment (stálosť) is one of Britain´s oldest and most influential (vplyvný) newspapers. It began its life in 1785. It was started by John Walter. In those (tých) days it cost two and half old pennies. In the nineteenth century, The Times developed (vyvinúť) a reputation (povesť) for accurate (presný) reporting (informácie) and independent editorial (názor) views. Now it sells over 650 000 copies (výtlačok) a day. It is published in London along with (spolu) its sister newspaper, The Sunday Times, which has at least (najmenej) ten sections (časti novín) and takes all week to read! The Times has had an excellent reputation for over 200 years,´said its editor, who has been working for the paper since 1980,´and now we trying our best to (pokúšať sa ako najlepšie vieme) continue that tradition in order to (kôli čomu, aby) to produce a newspaper for the 21 century.

Magazines are published once a week/month and there are national news, articles and stories. Some target groups of people usually with special hobbies (photography, gardening) or different ages (teenagers, women, men...)

Journals are serious magazines written by expert in the field (oblasť)-for example scientists, doctors, teachers...(medical journals-for doctors).

People who don´t like reading newspapers of they think, that the newspapers are expensive to buy every day listen to the radio to be informed. The new is read by presenter (hlásateľ) and there is a lot of good music. There is usually a lot of programmes:

-news programmes (spravodajské programy)

-weather forecasts (predpoveď počasia)

-chat show(talk show)- programme in which famous people talk about themselves.

-educational programmes

-quiz shows (individuals or teams of people compete by answering questions)

-breakfast/morning shows (programme broadcast (vysielať) early in the morning news are

regularly tells you what time it is, usually songs, jokes and 

conversations with famous people).

-phone-in programmes (when people telephone in to give their opinion or get advice)

-finally documentaries

Radio is very popular and a lot of people like listening to radio every day, no matter what they are doing, like cooking dinner, painting a room and working in the garden.

Television is most popular source of information (zdroj informácií) for people. There are a lot of programmes for example news programmes, chat or quiz show, documentaries, educational programmes. But there are also programmes like soap operas (from South America, TV series about a group of people and their lives, soap is very long), lots of films and cartoons and sitcoms (situational of comedy). A lot of people like watching TV every day.


1.Commercial- are supported by companies witch advertise, have a advertisement in this

station. (Markíza, JOJ)

2.Non-commercial- are financed by state from state budget (štátny rozpočet).STV 1, STV2

The media play an important role in society and some experts say they are too powerful (mocný) and too influential (vplyvný) today. How they present information can decide (ovplyvniť) about people ´s lives and the development of our society.

Internet is very infinite.



Article-čláonk, druh tovaru, člen

According to-rozdeliť podľa


Background noise- stale zapnuté radio (hluk v pozadí)

Remote control-diaľkový ovládať

Donation- dary, dotácie, dobrovoľný




Source of information- zdroj, prameň informácií



Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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