
Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: primak
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 13.03.2023
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 609 slov
Počet zobrazení: 1 176
Tlačení: 52
Uložení: 61


The most populous region, urban zone and metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and at the same time, the capital of the England is the city of London. Thanks to the population of 9 million people, London is believed to be one of the most cosmopolitan, cultural and progressive metropolises of the Europe. It is obvious, that it is also an industrial and commercial centre of the country. The importance of the city is even greater because it is a very important seaport.

The view of the city hasn’t been like this in the previous centuries. It is originated as a Roman settlement around the bridge over the Thames. Its name has also Roman origin, its original name was Londinium, but as the time passed the city and its name as well have changed. London’s ancient core is the City of London, which is relatively small, but on the complete opposite, it has many medieval boundaries. Historic attractions such as the Tower of London or the Tower Bridge are very popular among people from abroad. On weekdays the small area of City of London, which, without its suburbs is said to be the smallest city of England, becomes crowded and very busy, as many administrative and financial centers are located in here.

The city with its suburbs overflows with dozens of historic treasures which are a valuable heritage for the modern world. Elizabeth Tower, St. Paul’s Cathedral or Westminster Abbey is buildings which are known by almost everyone who has ever heard of London. The treasures would rise on quantity if some of the places were not destroyed by the Great Fire of London, which is still considered to be the most tragic catastrophe the city has suffered from. On the other side, the renewed city was rebuilt in stone instead of wood which means that something similar should not happen again. In case of rebuilding the London’s glory our praises go to English architect Sir Christopher Wren who was the one to dig the shine out of the city’s ashes.

At the beginning I have pointed out that London is a cosmopolitan metropolis, more so it has an attribute of the world’s cultural capital. The prosperity of the cosmopolitan aspect, comes from the fact, that it is the most visited city in the Europe, with around one million people who daily travel to its core from the suburbs or surrounding towns. Thanks to all these previously mentioned information, there is no doubt that London has a diverse range of people and cultures. It is even more unbelievable that more than 1/3 of London’s population has been brought up beyond the borders of England. The last national migration happened shortly after the economical crisis, when thousands of Polish citizens moved to London.

The cultural variety also brings many negative aspects. The British recently started to express their strong disagreement with people from abroad who are taking jobs from the natives. This trend started in the USA where it has become a serious problem and has grown into racial hatred. Thankfully, the mentality of the British is different and Parliament is dealing with this setback by trying to create new working opportunities.

I am happy to say, that I have personally been to London. Whenever I think of it, I can still feel the atmosphere which is soaked in the city itself. I may exaggerate what I am about to say, but after I left the city, I was a bit different. I suppose the city leaves a mark on everyone who visits it, and as for myself I can’t wait to walk through the streets of London again.

Oboduj prácu: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

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