People and nature (topic, essay, vocabulary)

Cudzie jazyky » Angličtina

Autor: wanna (18)
Typ práce: Ostatné
Dátum: 20.03.2023
Jazyk: Angličtina
Rozsah: 999 slov
Počet zobrazení: 1 528
Tlačení: 74
Uložení: 75

People and nature (topic, essay, vocabulary)

The environment- is surrounding in which people, animals and plants live and develop

Ecology- the branch of biology investigating the relations between living beings and their environment.
. It is the biggest problem in the world because waste is everywhere and we can’t destroy it. There can be solid, liquid and biological waste. Solid waste is for example paper, plastic, glass, metal or wood. 
- In everyday life many of papers and plastics are thrown away. Paper can be recycled so we should collect it. 
- The biggest problem is plastic because it can’t be recycled. 
- Glass bottles can be reused so we should buy bottles which can be reused (deposit bottles - zálohované fľaše). 
- Biological waste is from food, gardens and fields. But we can compost it. 

The most important thing for our life is air, and it is getting moreand more polluted. It is caused by gasses from factories, cars (exhaust fumes), planes, burning of fossils fuel (oil, gas, coal)-usually in power stations to produce electricity, burning of forests. 

Another very important thing for our life, but also for life of all animals and plants is water. There are many factors which can cause water pollution. First and the most important is that factories use clean water but the impure one (znečistená) is leaked into the rivers. Another factor is accidents when chemicals leak into water from an oil-tanker. The last but not the least problem is pollution from acid rains which are connected with air pollution and smog. Acid rains are caused when chemicals in the air (air pollutants - exhaláty) react with water vapours in air (vodné pary). It pollutes land and water, kill plants and animals and destroy buildings, historical monuments.

Another big problem in these days is greenhouse effect. Because of pollution there are more and more gases in the atmosphere and temperatures get higher. It causes that It will get hotter and then ice on the Poles will begin to melt, level of the sea will rise and there will be floods in flat costal areas. 
When the climate changes, there will be less food because soil will be too dry or too wet. The soil will not be rich enough and people will not be able to produce enough food.

Global warming causes /spôsobuje/ big changes on the Earth: 
- the temperature of the atmosphere rises – teplota atmosféry sa zvyšuje
- the level of the oceans rises – hladina oceánov stúpa 
- the glaciers melt /ľadovce sa roztopia/ which may cause floods /záplavy/
- the number of very hot days can increase /zvýšiť sa/

Describe various national disasters of our planet…
Catastrophes are for example earthquake, huricanes, or floods. 
Earthquake: vibrations produced inside the earth. This moving of earth plates can destroy all building and kill many people, not only in epicentre.
Hurricanes: The Greatest Storms on Earth. Its a hot air wchich move with unbelivable speed and destroy everything what is in his way. 
Flood: is a wild water which incepsts (vznikať) when are in country a lot of rains. The level of water rises and rises, then rivers get out of their way and this water can destroy houses, gardens and everything what is near the river

Name some animals which are in danger, give reasons and your opinion…
An endangered species is a population of organisms .
Many people hunt them. But many modern hunters don't just kill for food - they kill for profit. That's why so many rare and protected animals are still dying. 
The most endangered spieces are rhinos, tigers, pandas, whales, turtles, chimpanzees, gorillas, polar bears...

Explain the system of climate, weather
Climate- is the condition of the atmosphere (in SR is mild)
Weather- is a contemporary state of the atmosphere, it often changes
We can identify the following main types of climate: 
tropical, dry, warm temperate, cold temperate, cold. During a year exchanges four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. 

1.The seasons of the year:
 SPRINGspring is the most beautiful season of the year:
- the snow melts - sneh sa topí
- flowers and trees bloom – kvety a stromy kvitnú /snowdrops – snežienky, dundee-lions – púpavy, daffodils – narcisy/
- the birds return from the south – vtáci sa vracajú z juhu
- people start working in the garden
- we have Easter holidays
SUMMER – it is the warmest season of the year. Everything is green, birds sing, the sky is blue. We don’t have to go to school in summer. People travel for a holiday in summer and they visit foreign countries – they go to the sea /k moru/, to the mountains /na hory/.
AUTUMN(AmE: FALL) – it is the season when the leaves on the trees change their colours. At the beginning of autumn the weather is usually still nice and warm – we call this period Indian summer/babie leto/ - the fruit ripens /ovocie dozrieva/ and people pick /zbierať/ it from the trees. Later the weather gets colder, the trees shed their leaves /opadá lístie/ and it rains a lot. Birds fly to the south.
WINTER– the last season of the year. It starts snowing and freezing /mrzne/. People can do winter sports, such as skiing, snowboarding and ice-skating. In December the Christmas time comes and people buy presents to each other.

3. To protect our environment,we should:
- change travelling by car / bus to riding a bike or walking /ísť pešo/
- save electricity /šetriť elektrinou/ - turn off the lights, TV, computers when we don’t need them
- save water – we should stop the watertaps from dripping /zastaviť vodovodné kohútiky, aby nekvapkali/
- plant trees /sadiť stromy/ - a good way to reduce the greenhouse gases because they absorb the carbon dioxine and produce oxygen /kyslík/
- reduce /redukovať/ and recycle /recyklovať/ and separate /triediť/
o cans – plechovky
o bottles– fľaše
o plastic bags – plastové vrecká
o newspaper – noviny

I like spring because everything looks really nice and is starting to bloom. The weather is really nice. Warm days, leaves and grass are so green, I can see flowers with lots of colours everywhere. I can ride my bike. I wear shorts, skirts. Summer isn't so bad either! I don’t like Autumn because it's rain often, & winter because it's too cold!

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